Friday, 25 May 2018

A dip into the archives.

Hello. A new comment has just come in, it's on an old post from December 2009. Thank you Helle for that. Every time I add a new post the older ones get pushed further into the archives. They can all be found by using the list on the sidebar, there are 3425 published posts at the moment.

It's a shame that some of them are buried. There is a lot of waffle in there, I know, but I am chuffed that some of it is still giving food for thought even years later. I like to think my blog is a magazine, you pick bits out here and there, have a read of this and that, ignore what you are not interested in.

The title of the post which Helle commented on is 'Beauty is only . . . . '. There was a gap between the first comments in 2009, one added in 2010, more in 2014 and 2015, and now again in 2018. You can read what Helle has said by clicking on the link, and feel free to add more comments if you haven't seen it before.

I'm wanting to get on with my arty heart thingy, it's not far off completion, so I'll leave it with you. It's raining so I'm indoors today. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I love reading your old stuff as well Ilona.I didnt know how to look for it when i first found you cause Im not great on these mod con lap toppy things,lol.But I soon worked it out!.Every now and then I randomly look at some of them again and your older videos.There is always some little tip or a piece of advice that I missed first time round.Its always very interesting!!.Well,its been rain,rain,rain all day here in Leicester.So Ive been batch cooking meals for the freezer and planting some more kitchen scraps.Its been very cold in the house aswell,so i have put a few more layers on!Had a brand new container given me last night from Hubbys mate whos moving house...its a posh one aswell...Whittards of Chelsea.All I need now is a posh kitchen to match it,lol.xx

  2. I enjoy the old posts too. I actually read your blog through from the start last year as I find it really enjoyable and very helpful.

  3. i also enjoy reading the old posts they are so informative and enjoyable to read. adore the posts on your gorgeous pets and their photos in the garden which is very pretty. since i have been reading your posts i am improving on frugality and recycling. thank you ilona. lizxx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.