Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Wot i did yesterday

Hello. I had a trip across town yesterday to pick up flea treatment at the vet. On the way back I called in at Morrisons, a place I don't shop very often. I have noticed that some of the regular things I buy are a bit more expensive there. However, as I was passing the door I thought it might be worth a look for some yellow stickers as it was about 5pm. 
I found a few. Would anybody pay £1.92 for 20 blackberries? Not me, but I would pay 20p. Ten on my porridge this morning, and the rest for tomorrow.  
Lucky find, asparagus 20p, mushrooms 10p.

A sweet treat, 25p and 10p, perfect.

Other items I found were milk 13p, courgettes 12p, teacakes 25p, cheesey sandwich filler 35p, pancakes filled with cottage cheese 39p, wholemeal loaf 25p. That will save a few bob, don't need to go to Aldi now.

I took my scrap wood to the tip, there was a man on duty who I haven't seen before so I had a chat. I put some plastics in the general waste skip and said oooh, look at this, and held up a pink piece of fabric, it looks like a childs clothes rail cover. I said what a shame to throw this away. He said I could have it. I said what about the cameras, I don't want to get into trouble. He said, they won't be bothered about that, take it, so I did. Isn't it pretty.

I called in at a little garden centre yesterday as well, not a big fancy one, but a small family business. I have bought a few plants that now need re potting or putting into the beds. So that's the next job to do.

Carol at Crafty Club was asking about the vinyl I sometimes use, have I got any more, and can I get some. I paid a visit to the man who makes covers for market stalls to see if there were any offcuts. He dived in the bin for me and got some out. Not a lot, mainly orange and black, but he said I could go back again for more.

I've been to town this morning a few things I wanted to do. I had a look at the new refurbished library and I must say I didn't like it much. Had to ask where the arts and crafts books were because there are no labels above the shelves. The building has also been taken over by other organisations, community groups and suchlike. The books are now all on one floor where as before it was fiction downstairs and non fiction upstairs. There are lots of small interview rooms on the ground floor, and big open spaces in the library. Not impressed, I filled out the comment form.

Anyway, I'm off outside now to re pot the plants and mow the lawns. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Youve got a good haul again there Ilona.Ive not been yellow sticker hunting for a while because it means that I have to make a special trip to the shop.Instead I keep my eyes open for the 50% off red strips that Aldi put on things.I got 3 loafs yesterday for 20p each and put them straight in the freezer.I did notice though that Aldis scented 3 ply loo roll has gone up 20p more!.Ive been visiting relatives to day,but now that Im home Im going outside to make the most of the sun...Hubby says that the temp drops and rain forcast for tomorrow here.I might visit our library and pull it in with my walk.xx

    1. Debi, thanks for the tip about red strips at Aldi. I shall certainly keep my eyes peeled for that one. By the way, I stopped buying loo roll in any supermarket - last year I went online and bought 144 rolls for £23 including delivery, they are 2-ply and will last for ages, I will not pay the supermarket prices. Enjoy the sun. x

  2. So much good stuff ends up in landfill these days. Recycling should be compulsory for lots of things.

  3. Hello ilona, life after moneyyy, i like it when you go shopping, i,m waching youre blog and youtube videos about 9 months now. I like the food you eat and now i eat more veggies and fruit, i have lost about 20 pounds.so thanksss, have a good day on youre birthday hieperdepiepp hoeraaaaa!! Greetings from the nederlands

  4. I'm not keen on Morrison's either. They had an overhaul of the staff at my nearest store and service has gone down hill big time plus there's not so many bargains to be had. The two local German stores have given our all supermarkets a real wake up call price wise. Our library is much the same as you described and also has those interview rooms which I think are used by the local DWP etc as the main office we did have no longer exists.

    1. It seems to me that re designing the library and moving in other agencies is a way of shrinking it. Rather than closing it altogether they have confined it to one floor instead of two. The woman said they have more books than they did before, but I don't believe that. It's councils cutting costs again.

  5. only get very few things at Morrisons these days and tend to use the German supermarkets too. Our Morrisons went very upmarket and so did the prices - shoppers left in droves , so prices have come down to compete. They also took away the need to out in a token or pound in the trollies and today they are on the being eco-friendly tack having now stopped all single use plastic bags.

  6. Our library has no signs either but has taken to putting laminated cards sticking out with popular author names on them. Being contrary they are usually the books I ignore! Every day there is some group or other in the big spaces - children singing wheels on bus; oldies knitting and nattering; scrabble; chess; job club; crime group; mindful colouring... Its hard to find a quiet space in this library!!!

  7. I'm a ys shopper too I usually go when I need milk and bread, I will leave it until 6.30pm and go then we have all the main supermarkets. I do the rounds about every 10 days. Our nearest library has turned into one of these multi purpose ones too x

  8. The problem is that library services are shrinking all over the country due to cost cutting. I think it's so short sighted and it hits the poorest the hardest. Our local library has become a community run library and so lost the services of a paid and trained librarian. The volunteers do a fantastic job but still? I asked how stock selection was made and got a bit of a blank look. And yet we need to support these services or we will lose them.

  9. Ilona - I get my flea and worm treatments for the dog online, it does work out cheaper.

    1. Thank you. Your information will be helpful to most people. Unfortunately I don't do internet shopping.

  10. They want to put a coffee shop in the library where I am, and one councillor wanted all the "less popular" books removed from the shelves and put into storage - saying that if people wanted a book they could look it up online and then order it! It's all down to cutbacks and it's so sad.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again.

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