Monday, 28 May 2018

Stuff to sort out.

Hello. I've just eaten a gut busting lunch so I'm taking a few minutes to relax before I get busy. Crafty Club was a hoot this morning, didn't get much crafting done because the Village Hall committee members were sorting out a load of stuff that had been stored for years which they want to get rid of. 
They had already done trips to charity shops and were feeling a bit overwhelmed with it all, such a lot of clutter to move on. I offered to take these boxes of mostly table ware off their hands, sort it, wash it, pick out a few bits for our cat stall, and take the rest to a charity shop. 
So this is my job for the afternoon. If I get on with it I can get it finished in a couple of hours. My house is quickly becoming the village re cycling centre, ha ha.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Looks enough stuff there to throw a big party before it all goes to the charity shop!

  2. and meant to say............any blue and white jugs??

  3. Is that a box of teapots I spy? It’s a shame you don’t live closer as I would’ve bought one those- I recently knocked one of those off the kitchen top at work and the the lid fell off! One of my colleagues was most put out- she had brought it in apparently. I’ve replaced it but it isn’t as mega as her original was- obviously! I could’ve given her one from your box as a gift, I’m certain she would love it- hehehehe!
    You are good to sort it all out, let us see the after sorting photos of the piles too please,xxxx

    1. Hi. Yes steel teapots. All done, washed and sorted. Sorry I haven't taken an after photo, wanted to get them boxed up, they are now in the car ready for delivery. Phew, what a job, all afternoon washing mostly glasses. At least I did it outside in the sunshine.

  4. It looks like there are some goodies in there, like the blue and white cups and saucers. How nice you are cleaning them up and passing them along.

  5. Looks like there's plenty to get your teeth into there, Ilona! I haven't eaten much at all today as it's very hot here, not that I mind as I love the summer.

  6. Some of the stuff should have been got rid of ages ago. It was wrapped in 20 year old newspapers, and hasn't been touched since.

  7. I had one of those silver T pot sets for a wedding present 43 years ago,...but it used to drip all over the side and burn my hands,lol..maybe I filled it too much trying to make the most out of one T bag!, I got married,I didnt know how to make a cup of tea!,xx

  8. I have a daughter who is a 'hipster' - she would be your best friend if you met her. She loves old fashioned things that most people would turn their nose up at. She is moving into her first house and is filling it full of the things you have photographed - apparently it is kitch and cool. SueRider is very good for vintage and retro stuff (that many of us of a certain age may see as old fashioned). xxx

  9. Wish I was there to take that Blue Willow china off your hands!!

  10. Is there anyone who could put them on Facebook or eBay? There is a lot of interest in older tea sets and teapots. Afternoon teas being very popular and served on retro crockery. Might be able to add to the cat funds?

    1. Hi Gill. Thanks for your suggestion. I am only helping to get the stuff out of the Village Hall and move it on, and the easiest way to do that is sell a few pieces on our cat stall, and the rest take to the charity shop. I am not willing to give up any more time to the job. I don't sell online, and don't know anyone who does.

  11. Hi, just sent you a photo :). Arizona will be 110 here in the next week perhaps I can send a photo of an egg frying on the sidewalk. Sigh.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.