Friday, 5 October 2018

A very good money saving idea

I've been looking around for some new pants, some of my old ones need chucking, they are very old. You may already know this, I have mentioned it before, but I wear boys pants, not women's knickers, because they are more robust and last a lot longer. From my past experiences, many years ago, I found that knickers stretch and go baggy after a while, and they are too flimsy, and the lace falls off. I like to know that my bottom is adequately covered, and boys pants fit the bill just right. 
My waist is 30 inches and my hips are 38 inches, so pants for boys age 13 - 14 are perfect. A lot of the pants now have a strip of wide elastic for a waistband, usually with the latest trendy name on them. I don't like those, and I don't need to tell the world that I am wearing the latest Kalvin Klines, or whatever that bloke is called. I want a soft waistband where the elastic isn't so wide, and covered with the fabric. 
I found them in Tesco. Ten pairs of pants for £5.50, and they had 25% off so they cost me £4.12, an absolute bargain. Sadly they only had one pack left, or I would have bought more. I will look again next time I am in there, because I like to have a drawer full of them, then when it's wash time I can do them all in one load.  

I suppose you want me to model a pair. Oh go on then, just to prove they fit me.

Does my bum look big in this? Eat your heart out Kim, ha ha.

Blimey, it was nine years ago when Hunt for Britains Tightest Person was on the telly, and I told the whole world I wear boys pants. I stand by my claim, boys pants last longer than girls knickers, and I am still saving money, because I don't need to buy them very often.
Toodle pip. 


  1. You go girl. You look amazing!

  2. This is one of the areas I have learnt from you and I too wear boys pants. I am the same size as you and I find this is the size that is normally reduced so always get them at bargain prices. Thanks for the idea Ilona.

  3. Nutcase xxxx Lovely pants x

  4. Golly they do fit perfect. Good job. Maybe another Tesco would have some in stock? Sometimes one location will even bring some over from another, if asked?

    But seriously, if there is not a label saying "boys"< I don't know how anyone could tell? They do look like many women's / girls underpants I have seen lately.

  5. They look really good on you! Somehow, when you first mentioned boys pants, I had envisaged ones with a fly. I agree with Suzy, without the label, nobody would guess. Could also be a bikini bottom too.
    I had to smile at you being brave enough to model them! JanF

  6. They look a comfortable fit. 100% cotton too. Every girl deserves new underwear once in a while. :)

  7. Looking good! They look thicker than women's briefs too.

  8. Thanks for modelling them Ilona.
    I'm also tempted now I see how well they fit.
    Tesco’s will be seeing a rapid rise in sales of boys'pants I think especially as they are plain.
    I don't really fancy having a Superman logo on mine!! Sue

  9. Oh, I would love to have your waist and hip size! 😀You look great!

  10. Good for you ilona. I really like how you never follow the herd. You have a fantastic figure too so all the walking is clearly paying off.

  11. My knickers are very tatty but luckily I found a lot stashed away last week when I ventured into my spare bedroom.I've worn boys pants before but I've only seen ones with fly on.I can't wear the skimpy ones now.The same is true with bras also-but I don't really need those now as mine have shriveled. Nice perky bum you have there Ilona x

    1. Hi Flis...Ilona,I hope its ok just to send a quick message to Flis...Flis,my phone got smashed and broke so Ive now got a new number.Hubbys got my old number but new sim card so we lost your number!..If you could send a quick message to my usual number,hubby will be able to txt you my new number!.Hope you get my drift,lol,xx Thank you Ilona,xx

  12. Boys pants fit a charm and are much more substantial than the ladies thinner briefs.

  13. Can I ask a bizarre question. Do they have a flap or anything like a year front or an easy access for men slot if you know what I mean. If not I'm going hunting for some cos they look fabulous xx

    1. There is no opening at the front. These are boys pants, they don't come high up on the waist, they probably pull their pinkle out of the top.

  14. I was going to ask the same question. The only male underwear I have seen have a place in the front for easy I can see how you prefer the boys underwear. I am in the US and don't think we have boy or men underwear without the place in the front.

  15. I've never tried boys pants because here they tend to have a flap in front. Mine look like yours except they are white and probably a bit thinner. Of course I paid more.

  16. My hubby can now truthfully say he has seen you in your knickers...… and he reckons those knickers look great. If I get some in my Christmas stocking I know who to blame

  17. Very fabulous Ilona good for you They look great !!

  18. It's the " pink tax"... anything made for WOMEN costs more. I see no difference in them and cotton woman's pants!!! Great idea!

  19. Hello Ilona, just popped over to see you from Tom's blog as you mentioned Leicester......did you live there? I was " born and bred" there, only leaving when I was 29 to get married and move to Northumberland for 4 yrs. ( now in Herts). Great pants.....who would know they are for boys!

    1. Hello, nice to hear from you, welcome to my world of frugal living. Leicester Heavy Haulage was based at Ellistown near Coalville, I believe they are still there. I lived in Burton upon Trent, my home town. My commute was 16 miles which I didn't have to do very often because I was out most nights in the cab.

  20. My Grandson had a pack of 3 boxer shorts bought him about 3 years ago and he knew that they were too small without even trying them on.So Ive used them for sleeping in,with a vest top during the Summer months since then.They have been washed so many times over the last 3 years and they have never gone baggy or lost there shape!.Love the photos Ilona!!,xx

  21. Looking good Ilona x I prefer my pants a little higher up on the hip but I shall have look next time I go shopping. By the way I've found Sainsbury's to have the best value and quality ladies underwear perhaps the boys pants are the same.

    1. I will try Sainsbury's and see what they have. Thanks.

  22. I have to say that I really didn't like the idea of wearing boys'pants but, on reflection and your modelling them, I am having a serious re-think. This topic was good timing as yesterday I cleared out my underwear drawer and was astounded at how many pairs of knickers really aren't wearable anymore (ladies cottons ones as I do not buy the frilly/lacy type). Most of them are only a year or perhaps 2 years old so that to me is not a bargain.

    1. You are not alone. I wonder why people do feel uncomfortable about wearing the underwear of the opposite gender. The genders are so diverse these days, it doesn't really matter. Men in frilly satin knicks? Yeah, bring it on.

  23. I've been to Tesco today & bought the same knickers I think as yours Ilona but paid £5.50 for mine.I luv them though-thanks x

    1. Still a good price. They happened to have a 25% off sale on all clothing when I was there, lucky me.

  24. hi. love reading your blog. please dont get offended but those pants look fierce tight on ya i get what you mean about them though.
    best wishes

    1. There's nothing worse than a baggy pair of drawers at times elena-some of my old ones got quite droopy x

    2. Nothing worse than droopy drawers. They ride up and you have to keep pulling them out of your arse, most annoying. These are not tight, they are snug, and comfortable.

  25. These undies are just like the ladies cotton undies I have been buying for years. They are very durable and comfortable to wear. Good on you Ilona for posting the photos.

    1. Hi Cheryl, where do you get them? I can never find comfy ones.

    2. I'm in Melbourne, Australia. Best & Less stores supply my underwear at $2 a piece (sale price).

    3. Ahh! Sadly we don't have them here in Scotland :)

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Sainsbury’s often have 25% off clothing, especially at bank holiday weekends or school holidays. I like their Ladies’ Full Briefs at £6 for 5, reduced to £4.50.
    Elastic goes saggy with fabric conditioner. I use Aldi cheap white vinegar instead, it leaves no smell, and bras and pants last much longer.

  28. This is a fantastic tip! I came here after a post on my forum,
    We have a Frugal Living section there. Come over and have a look! You need to sign up to see Frugal Living though. It's FREE and I am not after anybody's money!

  29. I've put up a link for this blog on my forum :)

  30. Your derriere looks quite fit in the underwear. All that walking keeps it where it should be.

  31. Am I alone in saying I haven't bought pants for years. Mine still fit me well & most of them look almost new. I guess they were bought in the time when things were made to last.

  32. I thought wearing boys’ pants was odd until I saw them and then I was laughing my head off. In the US boys’ underwear have a fly in front. No American boy would wear pants like that! I also have never seen bikini bottoms like that for boys and I have a 16 year old boy so I’ve done my share of shopping for boys’ underwear. That style would be strictly for girls. Lol. Who knew?

    Thanks for sharing this, though. I am the same size as you but I’m not in nearly as good shape even though I’m 10 years younger. You look great and I’d totally buy those pants if I could find some here.


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