Wednesday, 31 October 2018

New clothes, looking ahead to summer

My very good friend had a clear out of her wardrobe and cupboards. She brought two bags of clothes destined for the charity shop and let me take my pick before she went to town. Wasn't that nice of her. After I had chosen she went through my clothes and said I ought to add more colour, she's like that, I am not offended at all. I prefer people to say what they think. I can look a bit dull sometimes. 
So here is my colour, 17 tops. Some of them will need alterations as she is a bigger size than me. Some of them fit me without alterations and I am wearing the vesty type tops now. 
I used to make a lot of my clothes but I don't do that any longer because they are so cheap to buy in charity shops. Everything £1 in Age UK. But these are better than £1, they are free, so I will make the effort and take them in at the sides. This is a size 16, I am a 12, sometimes a 10, sometimes a 14, depending on whether I am in a sloppy baggy mood, or a dressy tighter fitting mood.

The plan is to use one of my tops as a pattern, trim off the excess from the sides and sew it back together again. Methinks that is going to be easy.

That's my wardrobe sorted out for next spring and summer, no need to buy any more. Thank you my dear friend, let me know if I can help you in any way, I have time and two willing hands. Do you need any more shopping bags, the production line is in full swing again. It's nearly Newsletter time again, I can help you deliver those.  xxx  ilona



  1. It never hurts to add colour to your wardrobe, I love colour and it make you feel better.

  2. What a lovely friend to have Ilona, the tops look very pretty.
    It was a cold night but it is lovely now, just had a coffee so no going to cut a bush down and put the fushias into the greenhouse.
    Have a nice day, Hazel c uk

  3. How wonderful to have your wardrobe sorted for next summer! Better yet it's free.

  4. Oh its so nice when people bring you free things for you to look through.My daughter always does this.My mam,my sister and me always have a look through her things before they go to the charity shop.We have had bags,shoes and in the last lot I had a couple of dresses for next Summer and its handy that my grown up grandaughters put their stuff in too.You have got some lovely tops there Ilona and its nice that you offer to help her in some way.Win win situation!!xx

  5. What a nice splash of colour to counter the darker days of winter. I'm sure we'll all enjoy seeing what you're going to do to these tops as you make them fit you. Lovely to see things recycled like this.

  6. Awesome. Love this type of deal. Grin.

    re the taking in....not something I can do, but you are handy and it might work for you....I have seen a lot of folks do this....maybe it is called a French pleat? not sure..but to take in they sew a sort of topside seam/pleat in pairs on each side/bottom. sometimes on the shoulders or sleeves. works a treat for them.

    ----------okay, I just looked up sewing French pleat, and that wasn't what I meant. Maybe sewing French seam, with the sticking out seem on the outside?

    -------------Please show us when you're done. It always give me a smile when I see your handi work.

  7. Thank you for showing your new tops. Please do a video on how you alter them as I have loads of tops too big for me now and don't want to give them to the charity shop as they are still in good condition.
    Recycling at its best!

  8. Yes, I'd like to see how you tackle the alterations too, Ilona. So nice that you pay your friend back in kind :)

  9. How lovely of your friend to think of you first. Laying the top on first is exactly how I size things down it never fails.

  10. A lovely rainbow there. I like a lot of colour, we see enough grey around. I always feel uplifted by colours.

  11. Lovely free clothes, sometimes when I'm doing alterations, I do a seam up the front and over the shoulders and down the back, as the the shoulders can be a little too wide xx

  12. I went to a fall clothing exchange at our church on Sat. I took a suitcase full of clothes that I didn't want or need any more. I found a dress and a top for myself. Went through the childrens clothing and found a few peices of clothes for my grandchildren. All was free. Leftovers given to charity here in town. Got rid of two suitcases I didn't want any more either. Good way to clear closets and clean bedroom! Enjoy your new to you clothes!


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