Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Pulling in some extra miles

I'm still making the most of the dry sunny days we are having. Today I was out for a walk with Ken, we did the same walk as I did two weeks ago, a nine mile circular passing through three villages. Boy was it windy though. Not many photo's. The Humber Bridge can be seen here in the distance. 
A cute little church, all decked out inside with produce, ready for the Harvest Festival.

Man ploughing field, he gets out of tractor to inspect something he has spotted on the ground.

Ken striding ahead towards the church. He was well wrapped up with a hooded jacket and trousers. I had on a skirt, long socks, and sweatshirt. It was a bit chilly but I can hack it :o)

Back home for 4.45pm. Another beautiful sunset. The view from my bedroom window.

I think I might have a wonderful nights sleep tonight.  ilona


  1. It looks a lovely walk Ilona,but get those tracky bottoms out n wear them!The wind blowing around your legs makes you cold all over!Your view from your window is amazing,I get the same sort of view from my kitchen window and even better when I go out on the decking.Sweet Dreams!,xx

  2. Glad you had a good walk mine was only 1 1/2 mikes but it done me good well. The sun set was magical to look at to night it always makes me wish I could paint.
    Hazel c uk

  3. Isn't it funny - I wouldn't dream of walking in a skirt apart from perhaps high summer (I live in trousers apart from incredibly hot summers like this last one). Hope it wasn't too breezy! Lovely views along your walk - we live in a largely pasture area and very few grains are grown (mainly due to the dampness of the Welsh weather).

  4. I've been walking a lot in the Dorset hills lately Ilona.I saw yellow butterflies on Sunday and today.Also a buzzard twice.Only this evening I took a photo of the red sky above too.It really is a beautiful Autumn x

  5. What a lovely relaxing day x


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