Monday, 29 October 2018

Character and style

Some people have all the luck. Look at this for a free find, I don't know how my friend does it. I thought I was good at finding free stuff, but she beats me by miles. Most of the furniture in her house is second hand, either free or very cheap. This chair is beautiful, found on a Facebook group page where people give things away, or swap, or sell for a small fee.

Quite comfortable as well. I feel like a Queen sat on the throne, forgot to put my crown on. 
Don't you think that second hand furniture has that pre-loved homely look. It has character, it has style, there is history, and a uniqueness about it. If it could speak it would have a few tales to tell. Unlike the bland and boring stuff which comes off a factory production line.

I can count the amount of new furniture I have bought in my lifetime on one hand. I bought a double bed, then years later I bought another double bed. I bought a pine dining table and four chairs, the cheapest I could find. I bought an office chair after many years of sitting on a broken second hand one. I have never bought a new three piece suit. Second hand furniture has always been fine for me. As long as it is functional, and not too bashed about, it doesn't have to match anything. I've never been in a furniture shop and thought oooh isn't that lovely I must have one. I can't see me ever living in a brand new house with brand new furniture, it wouldn't be like a real home, it just doesn't appeal. I wouldn't like it.


  1. Yes some people do seem to have all the luck at finding things. Even if I find something big and nice I can't bring it home. I do give a lot away myself but nothing quite as nice as this lovely chair.

  2. I agree - the best thing that I love is a very old chest of drawers we got on freecycle. Battered bits of trim missing but sooooooooooooo beautiful. Funnily enough I have had so many people who visit my art shedudio want to buy it I could be quids in. But no its mine and I love it. But I do love that chair you are sitting in.

    1. If you mean the large chest of drawers in your shedudio Jill, I must admit I've been admiring it for ages. Not only is it big and useful, but it has great character. A grand piece.

  3. That really was an excellent find, Ilona, and it looks just the right fit for you. Another beautiful item saved from landfill.

  4. I think I have its twin. My friend was given it and had fun 'doing it up'. When she no longer wanted it she discovered that charity shops wouldn't take it as it didn't have fire safety stickers on... she didn't want to just throw it out so offered it to me... dead comfy it is too.

    1. Cherie K--- "charity shops wouldn't take it because it didn't have fire stickers"....Sounds totally bonkers to me. Just out of curiosity, if you should ever go around (or your friend) to said charity shop, have a look and see if you can find "fire stickers" on their current stock. …..Bonkers.

      One time, years back, I phoned a charity shop to see if they would like our couch, as we were purchasing a new one. I got such a rude line of questions as to "how good was it"/"did I realise they didn't take junk"/"did it have any wear spots AT ALL on it?"/and worse. Seriously...? We had been using it, of course it had wear spots.

  5. That is a very regal chair. I like free furniture. I have just acquired two chairs. They are perfect for my room. No need to buy new.

  6. The only thing bought brand new in my living room,is my leather recliner settee and chair,bought just over 2 years ago.The one I got rid of was given to a girl and her kids,who had just moved and got very little.Every thing else is either given to me,found or I bought second hand.My bedroom is the same,even the bedstead was my daughters and we just bought a new mattress.My kitchen units are ones i had fitted about 25 years ago but everything else is stuff that has been free and Ive upcycled it.I can afford brand new..but I just dont like it!.I like well loved old stuff.A trip to Ikea would be my worst nightmare,lol,xx

  7. Love the chair. You're right, it is very sturdy, and beautiful, and comfortable. It will last long past her and anyone she passes it on to. Odd what some folks chuck.

  8. That is a lovely chair, I love freebies.

  9. What a great find, it has lots of character.

  10. Hi Ilona. Last week neighbours of mine moved. They hired a very large skip and proceeded to empty the house into it. Sofas washing machines tumble drier fridge freezer kettle toaster lawn mower etc. What a waste! They wanted all new things in their new house. They are a lovely family.
    Well to cut a long story short when they came to take the skip away there wasn't much in it only rubbish.
    Needless to say I have some lovely things. New curtains a lovely waste bin that you just press the lid and it pops up. A toaster I took to the charity shop. My neighbour had the lawn mower.
    In the old days we had to manage with what we could get. Second hand or given and we were content. My stuff is old and much loved. You look good in the chair queen Ilona 👑 x

  11. A great find! Am shocked at how much new furniture costs. One of my few(and most expensive) purchases was my huge sofa - £900 from John Lewis, 18 years ago.But it's still going strong and i've recently managed to find a free roll of co-ord upholstery fabric that was heading for the bin in a charity shop - so am going to try to cover the arms that have been torn by cats over the years.
    For breakfast today I am going to have yellow sticker toast from my snazzy toaster - found discarded in a skip a year ago! Joy!!!

  12. The more I think about it...just about every thing I own is second hand..or 3rd or even 4th!.My coats,dresses,scarves even my boots...much better when someone has worn them in for you first!.Most of the clothes are Vintage,so alot of them have been kicking around different places since the sixties!xx

  13. I have a little coffee table that was handmade for a relationive that was given for a wedding present for my husband and I (in 1958). I would not part with it for anything, I have lots of memories when the children use to sit and colour at this little table or have tea parties. The old furniture is much nice I still have a chest of drawers that was my grandmothers.
    Hazel c uk

  14. What a find, Ilona! Oh, I love 2nd (many-hand) items like this! And that's such a lovely chair, too, free or not! And you look great sitting in it!
    Seeing you seated there brings to mind when I was singing in The Goldoliers decades ago:
    "Then one of us shall be a queen and sit on a golden throne,
    With a crown instead of a hat on her head, and diamonds all her own ..."
    Margaret P

  15. All our furniture, without exception, is 2nd hand. That said, they have all come from auction - some pieces needed TLC, but I have a skilful husband who has put them right again. We have regularly upgraded when nicer things came along at the right price. A few things (our kitchen table) were made by him. Mind you, we are in the antiques trade so know what we are looking for in the first place and can tell the difference between solid oak and chipboard!

    Your friend got lucky with her free chair didn't she? I hope one comes your way soon.

  16. Nearly everything is second hand in my home bar my suite and table and chairs which we bought new with money from my parents as a wedding present...a mere 25 years ago!

  17. Love the chair, what a find. We just missed on a lovely 'shabby chic' cupboard on our local Facebook recycle page recently, drat. But we keep looking for anything we need. Like you say something that's been loved and with a bit of history is so much better than the new almost cardboard like but expensive furniture in the shops.

  18. That's a gorgeous chair. I have a few that I bought for twenty dollars each. Two were from The Salvation Army, and one I bought from my neighbor. I love the charm and character of the older pieces. They are so well made, too.

  19. Hi Ilona
    Could you please make your blog secure as I love to read but am afraid of being on an insecure sight. Please google the dangers of surfing insecure sights and please change it if possible to a secure sight[ locked padlock on bar at top left are secure]
    Thank you

    1. My blog does have a locked padlock on the address bar, and so do the other blogs I have checked. They are all secure. Click on the padlock and a drop down box appears saying secure connection and certificate valid.


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