Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Get out while you can.

You've got to make the most of it while you can, the sunshine I mean. Yesterday was lovely, so a walk to the park was on the cards. The crunchy leaves under the boots, the sun lighting up the many shades of green, the shadows across the grass, and the ducks playing in the pond, all is beautiful. 

The wicker man reading a book inside the walled garden.

Huge pumpkins ready for carving. I do think this tradition is a massive waste of food.

The hall set in acres of beautiful parkland. The summer season has ended, now it is free to walk around the grounds.

The sun is out today so it looks like another walk. Too nice to stay indoors.  ilona


  1. This sunshine is wonderful, loving the warm temperatures too. The colours of autumn are stupendous at the moment.

  2. Yes we do have to make the most of it, and make the most of life!

  3. you only use the rind for pumpkin carving so theres no waste here , but there are tons of people dont even realise the insides are edible , which is a bit worrying

  4. The inside of the pumpkins can be used for pumpkin pies, soups, etc. At least it should be, and not wasted. Loving this weather as well. Hope it lasts a bit longer.

  5. What a beautiful day!
    I agree with the you that the pumpkins used as decorations to be discarded is a massive waste of food. I always process my Halloween Pumpkin, cutting away the bits affected by the briefly lit candle from Halloween Eve. Our neighbour has a dozen or so pumpkins decorting her yard, all will to go to the landfill (trash), such a shame, those pumpkins could easily provide a vegetable for a person for a whole winter. But by the time she has carved them up and left them out in the elements for several days, they will be unfit for food. Well there is a bit of a rant, lol. I've not known anyone before you to have mentioned the incredible waste of the decorative pumpkin.

  6. Isn't this weather wonderful? I got a walk in yesterday, but today is gardening, apple picking and then my patchwork class later. Do you make the most of the pumpkin season then? Even a small one goes a long way!!

    1. I don't personally like eating pumpkins myself, but if I was to carve one I would make soup with the flesh.

  7. That looks like a lovely place to walk. Only the other day I said what a waste of food it is to use pumpkins like that. It makes lovely soup

  8. There is nothing like a walk in beautiful surroundings to lift the spirits.... of course the sun is an added bonus. Today the weather is beautiful here in the north east.
    I love pumpkin and use the flesh in soups.
    Best Wishes

  9. I don't know about where you are, but here in the PNW of the U.S., the pumpkins I've grown for carving and decoration are what are known as "cattle feed varieties," and not really suitable for cooking. I've tried--they are tough, mealy, and have a taste like soap. I've roasted the seeds with success, though.

  10. Yes, a beautiful day. Vince and I went to our local park this afternoon. The trees look gorgeous. Plus there are some buzzards to watch at the moment.So graceful. They've been here a while. Wonder if they will move on.

  11. It is another beautiful day here as well - we should set a record this afternoon if it hits 27C as predicted. I made sure to get out for a lovely walk this morning and enjoy it as the temperatures are set to plummet tonight with some rain coming in as well - we'll be lucky to hit 15C tomorrow and even colder for the weekend. Fall may have finally arrived!

  12. Cute wicker man:)) beautiful scenery!!!!

  13. What lovely photographs and a lovely park.
    What/where is that lovely house, is it one that's open to the public to look round?
    I did make the most of the glorious day, but I needed to take advantage of the weather to do much needed work in the garden. It was still lovely though, and I finished the evening off with a sit in the summerhouse.

  14. I think I've just answered my own question.
    It's Normanby Hall isn't it?

  15. Fantastic photos, thank you! How lovely to see trees and the feeling of the end of summer shines through,

  16. What a beautiful park. I am just off to walk the dogs in a field and some woods nearby. Not so nice as your park, but there is a good view across the valley at one point. Dull and grey at the moment, but hope the sun might reappear by the time I get out!.

    1. Dull and grey here as well today. I might do a short walk later if it brightens up.

  17. I've carved pumpkins for years and the insides are revolting...all gooey string and seeds urggh


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