Sunday, 14 October 2018

Something to hang on the wall

I fancied doing some weaving. I drilled some holes one inch apart through a piece of driftwood then threaded some twine through them. The idea was to leave the ends loose and finish off the bottom with wooden beads. But then I wondered how I was going to weave if all the warps were loose. 
I came up with this idea. Luckily the piece of wood was was just the right length to wedge it between the legs of an upturned small table. 

At the other end I wrapped the twine around the bar, and fastened them tight with plastic clips. Perfect, now I can weave.

I've just finished it today. I used up some scraps of fabric left over from other projects. I decided that the beads at the bottom was not going to work, so I tied another piece of driftwood to it.

The extra large buttons I got from Aldi. They were selling big bags of mixed sizes for around 70p. Each bag had two main colours. Blue and green, orange and yellow, and red and pink.

Hanging on the wall, the sides have pulled in a bit, but not too bad.

I didn't drill holes in the bottom piece of wood, just tied the twine round it and let the ends dangle.

I made it up as I went along. I have used plain grey fabric to cover up the untidy back.  It's 12 inches wide and 17 inches long. Looks quite nice.  ilona


  1. Another brilliant project. I would love to be able to have ideas like you. I'm still knitting my squares. Maybe a video on how to weave would be good. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love your weaving and the buttons are brilliant. I guess you had had a wet day as well. I worked on my crochet blanket.
    Have a good week Ilona.

    Hazel c uk

  3. Another amazing piece Ilona! For some reason it makes me think of the seaside.I like unusual buttons,stitched randomly on things and I think that blue button at the top of your work is lovely.It rained all day here in Leicester yesterday and looks like its going to be the same today,so im going to clear some stuff out around the house and take it to the animal charity shop.xx

  4. Lovely, yes another wet day for me too a few jobs to do then crafting for me.

  5. I absolutely love this! The colours work really well together. One of your best pieces I think!

  6. Part of the charm of the piece is that it is uneven along the sides. Otherwise, straight sides would make it appear it was a commercial piece. I think this is my favorite thing you have ever done.

    1. I think one can see that it isn't a commercial piece - it's obviously handmade, and very nice, but having straight sides would just finish it off nicely I think. I guess it's a matter of taste.

    2. It doesn't matter now, it's sold.

  7. I love the way you problem solve. Nice weave.

  8. You can avoid that 'pulled in' look by drilling an extra couple of holes each side of top and bottom pieces of wood, and inserting narrow dowelling or even long knitting needles and taking your weaving threads around these - it will stay straight. Make sure the 'uprights' are positioned right next to the weaving, then just pull them out when you have finished and you will have a neat, straight edge. Tie off the bottom edge pieces and job done !!

  9. I have been looking again at your latest crafting and thought...Im going to try and have a go at that!.I love the way it curves in and doesnt bought!It looks so individual!.I love homemade crafts and I think this one is great!,xx

    1. Hope you had a go at the weaving Debi.
      Hazel c uk


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