Saturday, 20 October 2018

Fallen in love with Carlton Towers.

It was a nice day yesterday so I went a walk. Drove to Snaith, parked and did a nine mile circular walk taking in Carlton and Camblesforth. I had often seen signs for Carlton Towers, but never had time to stop and take a look. Walking through the big iron gates and down the long drive with sheep grazing nearby, this stunning building put a big smile on my face. WOW, oh chuffin WOW.  
It's a Grade 1 listed Victorian Gothic house, and stands in a 250 acre estate. I took lots of photo's and always reject the worst of them, but there was hardly a bad one among these, that's why there are a lot of them. 

A quick peek inside, wow, what an entrance hall.

Trying to look a bit dressy when I'm walking, instead of the scruff bag I usually am  :o)

This reminds me of the poppy cascades that are draped over prominent buildings. They are not a patch on this beautiful adornment courtesy of Mother Nature.

Time to leave, just one last look over my shoulder. Wonder if I could afford to stay here for a night. More information on the Carlton Towers web site. 

Off I went along tracks and quiet country roads. Passing Drax Power Station.

I entered a gate which led to a track alongside a field, and noticed that a farmer on his tractor came in behind me a few seconds later. A whole herd of cows came charging down the track towards me which stopped me dead. I was relieved when they turned to their left and entered the field through a gap in the hedge. They were after the food that the farmer had brought for them. Blimey, they can't half run.

I waited a few minutes until they were all behind the hedge and off I went, picking my way between muddy puddles. A few minutes later the farmer caught me up and stopped at the gate of the next field where there was another gang of hungry cows waiting for their nosh. I was all set to go in when the friendly farmer chappie decided to escort me across the field. The cows followed us to the other side. I have come across this situation many times before, nine times out of ten there is nothing to worry about. Each situation needs to be assessed for safety. Mostly cows are just curious, they follow you because they are interested. If you turn around to face them they stop dead in their tracks. Keep calm, walk away from them, do not run or you might stumble and fall over. I love cows. Thank you Mr Farmer.

I got back to my car just as the sun was going down. I had to get a photo so drove in the wrong direction for half a mile to take this. The icing on the cake after a fab afternoon out.

I timed it just right to call in at Tesco on the way in, my fridge is now stocked up with yellow stickers. I'll post a pic next time.  ilona


  1. What a gentleman that farmer was !

  2. Well that was a treat to read on a Saturday morning! What a lovely place, Carlton towers, and a beautiful countryside to walk. Thank you for sharing.

  3. A lovely walk and a chance to look around Carlton Towers, a walk with the cows and the farmer then a beautiful sunset sky. Plus ys shopping...... Sounds like a perfect day x

  4. Amazing photos , must try and get a visit to Carlton Towers , thank you x

  5. What an enjoyable walk. Carlton Towers is a beautiful house, sorry hotel. I bet it's an arm and a leg to stay there though!

    1. It is a family home that hosts events, corporate, conferences, weddings and special occasions. They also have bedrooms.

  6. Have you always been a walker? I'm a little younger than you at 60, but couldn't do 9 miles! I'm inspired by your posts as after losing my husband almost a year ago, I'm looking to find new ways of enjoying life on a smaller budget. Just rescued a blind Jack Russell who loves to walk, would like to go about further than the couple of miles I can do at the mo!

    1. I have always walked a lot, but since I retired I have been able to walk longer distances. Driving a lorry for 60 hours a week and away from home a lot limited the time I had for walking.

      Two miles is great for a little dog who is blind. Increase it slowly, maybe explore places you haven't been to before. Do you drive? Take him/her in the car to new places. Or go on the bus if you don't drive. Get a small backpack so you can take water and a bowl for your dog, and a drink and snack for yourself. ,

    2. Great advice Ilona.Linda,its amazing just what you can do when you put a frugal mind to it!Love and best wishes to you and your little rescue dog!,xx

  7. My apologies Hazel, I accidentally deleted your comment along with several Anonymous ones.

  8. That looks a beautiful place!Lovely photos.The only thing my house has the same as Carlton Towers,is some ivy crawling up the side of my house next to the drainpipe,lol.Cows would worry me if I had to go into a field of them so it was very nice of that guy to walk you through.Its lovely when others will do something to help,...Oh and you dont look a scruff bag when you are out always dress for the weather on your photos and very sensible too!!,xx

  9. The farming wife20 October 2018 at 20:09

    We farm and you need to know that not all cattle are friendly, you're risking your life if you go into a field where there are heifers with calves at foot. They're very protective of their young, that coupled with their herd instinct makes them dangerous, especially to strangers. Please be very careful, if you go into a field with heifers and calves you could be trampled.

    1. Thank you. I am always wary of cows with their young and would not go near them.

    2. When my mother was a young girl, she was chased by a cow at the farm near her grandparents' home. Mom never got over her fear of cows after that incident.

  10. No problem Ilona. I hope you had a good day it's been a beautiful day here and we had a wonderful beautiful sumset.

    Hazel c uk

  11. What a wonderful day and beautiful photos. I took a look at the Caarleton Towers website - what a lovely home - I would love to stay there!

  12. What a beautiful place and a lovely day out. Gorgeous sunset, too.

  13. Thank you for the photo tour of Carlton Towers Ilona have really enjoyed them. Chuckled at your comment about looking a bit dressy when out and about. I'm the same as I always seem to be doing something messy at home no good dressing up for that! Although my Grandmothers words do ring in my head " Clothes maketh man" (she came from the smart coat and hat brigade of the 40s & 50s, whatever happened to them I wonder) but I do think she was right, make an effort and it makes you feel better about yourself.

  14. Carlton towers is a lovely place . Did you see the swans on the lake and their huge nest nearby the roadside? The Duke of Norfolk who owns it is the Queens cousin. When she used to come and visit him she would come in the Royal train and it would be parked in the sidings nearby.

  15. Oh, Ilona! Thank you for the description of what, since retired, I tend to look like, a scruff bag!! I tell people I have two looks now, nice or homeless! I am, like Rae, typically busy doing something messy in or out, and dress for that, and when I run out for something, I don't think about how I look, at all!

    I love the pictures of Carlton Towers - my goodness, nothing like that here in the states. And 9 miles! That is awesome! I look to you as my inspiration to keep walking! Thank you for it, and for your lovely blog.


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