Saturday, 13 October 2018

Free flowers

It's very windy here again today, luckily hardly any rain though. Outside is warmer than inside.
Someone in the village has given me a load of stuff she doesn't want, after a clear out of her loft and garage. The gazebo roof has gone to my friend, hers is falling apart so she is glad of this free replacement. She also had some curtain linings which will fit her patio doors. Soft toys, a quilted baby playmat and cot blanket, and a sewing box will be sold on the cat rescue stall. I had two pillow cases, curtain linings, and a bunch of artificial flowers.
This is my display which has been on the window sill for a lot of years and is now falling apart. Some of it I picked from around the fishing pond down the hill. 
These are the 'new to me', flowers, they are also a bit old but in better condition than those I already have, and they are more colourful.

Merge the two bunches together, picking out the better ones and binning the rest, put them in a different glass vase, and bingo, a new display.

My Saturday morning breakfast. Every so often I fancy a change from cereals, nuts and fruit, and porridge. Today was the crust from a seeded loaf, mushrooms, egg, and spaghetti hoops.

Its a bit too windy to do any gardening and the brown garden waste bin is full awaiting collection on Wednesday. Don't need any shopping, I did it yesterday. I'll go a walk at some point, and fill in the gaps with some sewing. Hair needs a cut but as I do it outside I'll have to wait till the wind drops. 


  1. Its nice when someone asks around to see if anyone can make use of things that they are getting rid of!.Too many people these days just throw things in the dustbin to go to landfill.And those flowers look lovely Ilona.Its a lovely day here in Leicester.Windy but the wind is very warm,which feels strange.We got back from 5 days in Mablethorpe last night and we were so lucky with the sun shining every day.You have made me hungry with your last photo Ilona,so I think I will have that for my lunch as well!xx

    1. I think it was at Cramer when we saw the ladybirds.
      Hazel c uk

  2. hi ilona mayze and heidi love your flower arrangement i made one out of seagull feathers as we have a daily visitor doug here and he always leaves a feather or two. amy and benny are indoor cats today as south wales has had a gale and heavy rain. benny is on the back of a comfy chair hes getting older but very content he was abandoned so we adopted him. like your meal since i have been following your blog you have given me inspiration with food menus, enjoy your weekend. love liz amy and bennyxxx

  3. It's a lovely day here in Stewkley and I have done I little garden but it has been very windy.but I did get a little bit more done.
    Your breakfast look very appetizing and I am going to have the same for my dinner tonight plus some tomatoes, thank you Ilona.
    Hazel c uk
    Hazel c uk

  4. It's been warmer here and windy too in my corner of the world in Oregon. Always take a sweater with me when shopping for groceries as it gets cool in some spots. Then warm in the car! Bought items on sale today and thankful hubby helped me get the bags out of the car. He'd just got back into house 10 min prior to my arrival. He'd been raking and grinding up the leaves and now on top of a flower bed. Guess I should wet them down as it's dry for awhile. Had rain the other week which was so needed here. Glad you have some items you can is good! have a good weekend!

  5. I really like your new arrangement!

  6. The flowers look really pretty. Your breakfast also looks delicious - I am waiting for my tea to cook and that has made me really hungry!

    We have got away with the bad with in Essex up until now. It is absolutely pouring!

  7. I found a cooking apple by the car yesterday in Lidl's car park.Earlier this week I saw 2 large potatoes outside a market on the ground-didn't pick those up but I may in future x

    1. I always pick up dropped veg and not embarrassed to admit to it! it's usually the odd spud; have seen apples but i leave them for the birds to enjoy.

    2. your breakfast? no no no! I always have to have my spag hoops and baked beans on a separate plate; been like that since childhood, mad I realise!


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