Sunday, 21 October 2018

Thank goodness for yellow stickers

I've just found out that there are going to be some changes with my utilities supplier, Ebico. They are re jigging the tariffs and I have to decide which way I am going to have to go. I will look into the options available. This is a bluddy pain in the backside. It's been running very smoothly for the time I have been with them, now there is a hiccup. Makes me want to say stuff 'em and go off grid. 
Thank goodness for yellows stickers. This is my haul from Friday night. 
Mini carrots, lemon houmous, onion houmous, organic houmous, grapes, broccoli sugarsnap peas, iceberg lettuce, baby Brussels sprouts, mixed veg, gem lettuce, scones, spring onions, prepared fruit, raspberries. This will keep me going for a while. 
Back on the fruity breakfasts.



  1. Hi Ilona. I'm with Ebico too but not had a letter or email so as soon as I read your post I went straight to their website. It says it is something to do with Ofgem introducing price caps on variable energy plans. As you can imagine I'm not impressed either. The whole reason I went with them is because my gas usage is next to nothing. As you say, just when you think everything is working ok they have to mess with it.

  2. Well done on getting some lovely ys food, I'm able to do Tesco and Asda together so I do very well. I'm with BG for our bills and they've just done a price hike. I'm 3 years retired but still 3 years off state pension at 66. I'm trimming off every extra pennies I can off bills to make our private pensions stretch until the DWP ones do x

  3. Hi ilona,
    I've been looking to change suppliers to. Reading one of your previous posts i was all excited about going with Ebico but now reading your latest post going have to review whats changed.
    Please post what you decide....

    1. I am monitoring the conversation about it on MSE forum. Seems you can't change to the one year fix no standing charge tariff online. I'm going to ring them tomorrow.

  4. Good luck with dealing with the $#@& energy company.
    That is a fantastic haul of bargains ....just check the label on the pre prep fruit, some use a spray ? To enhance shelf life, I'm was appalled, you think you choose the healthy option for food on the go, then find out it's sprayed with something !

    1. Most food grown has been sprayed with something or another at some point. The yellow sticker covers the label on the back.

  5. Love your line: "Makes me want to say stuff 'em and go off grid". Its the same here. You think you are on a good thing and then they change the goal posts. Can't win. We could go off grid if we had the batteries fitted. Now its just panels and we are always in credit because of the tariff available at time of purchase. The tariff will end in 6 years time when we will seriously think about saying 'stuff em'.

  6. I too get fed up of different companies luring you in with one offer and then changing the goal post for their profit and gain.I live as simple and frugal as possible and yet they still try and rip you off.And good luck with the phone call to them...xx

  7. Are you the only one that gets the yellow stickers in your shop ? where I live there are virtually punch-ups to get stuff !! the women send the men up to the reduced sections, who then block it with their trolleys and just scoop everything and anything in, whether they want it or not ! no one gets a look in.
    I've always fancied going off grid, but I think it's illegal now - or will be soon, because the government won't get their cut of what you pay now.

    1. There are a few other people after the yellow stickers, but it's all civilized, no punch ups.

  8. I would love to go offgrid, but I think it's illegal now, or will be soon because the governments/big boys won't get a cut of your money !
    Abbeysmum - I think you will find that most supermarket produce has been treated with something or other these days, to 'enhance shelf life' to give it more colour, to improve flavour.
    I've done a lot of research on this and it is alarming just what chemicals we put into our bodies without checking first, and not everything is listed on packs either.
    Unless you can afford to buy organic (who can) the choice is 'take it or leave it' or grow your own of course.

    1. Give me a link to where it says living off grid is illegal. Millions of people do it.

  9. hi ilona mayze and heidi - lovely benny has been an indoor cat and lies next to the radiator enjoying himself but today decided to go out in the sunshine after his lunch. amy out with her pal doing what cats do and eating me out of house and home. i adore them both. hope mayze and heidi are fine. you have done very well ilona with yellow stickers they can save so much and us being frugal which you have to be these days with the prices rising thank you for letting us know about yellow stickers. like yourself i am very frugal due to being brought up early 50s when food was on ration. as for energy costs it is really very expensive i have taken your tip to put on an extra jumper it really works. thank you so much for your help. love liz amy and bennyxxxx

  10. I get annoyed that I cannot turn my gas central heating boiler off during summertime. I would also like to go off grid if I could. Did not know it was going to be illegal

    1. I doubt very much that it can be made illegal. Off grid means you live without mains electricity and piped in gas, and have no clean water supply. People live in all kinds of makeshift houses, tents, caravans, caves, sheds, motorhomes, vans, etc, they are off grid.

  11. Ilona: Did you read about this program selling odd shapes veg and fruit at Lidl markets? They mention Scunthorpe, so I thought of you. Here's some details from Skint Dad's blog:

    1. Thank you for that. No I didn't know about this offer from Lidl. I don't shop at Lidl, it's similar to Aldi and Aldi is nearest for me. The veg boxes are on sale for the first two hours in the morning and I never go shopping that early. I also don't read Skint Dad's blog, it takes ages to load because it's full of adverts, drives me nuts.

      A good deal at £1.50 a box, if someone is interested.

  12. Just to confirm that I delete ALL Anonymous comments. I am getting 60 - 80 a day, and if readers don't put their name (real or made up) into the Name box, they will go down the pan with the rest of them. Sorry, but that's how it has to be.

  13. I used to own a holiday chalet,about 8 miles from where i Mam had owned a caravan holiday home there since i was a kid.It was all off grid living.Although I had 2 bedrooms,living room,kitchen...there was no running water in them,our heating was a Calor gas burner,which used to freeze up in the Winter.Which was a pain because I paid to have gas wall lights put in.The toilets were down the road in a block...alright when your younger..not so good when you are older!Even so,Ive got great memories of our time there,I had an Old English sheep dog at the time n he loved it there!.Before the internet days,I used to read by candle light,go to bed early then be up early to get to work for 6am.Sadly,I got rid of it about 20 years ago,because as the grandkids grew,it was much harder work there,when they stayed as no internet,no television,no loo in the next room!,lol.If I was on my own now...with no Family commitments and no cats...,just on my own...Im sure that I could do it!.I would love to give it a try anyway!!.xx

  14. Wow what a haul, fantastic savings.


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