Sunday, 7 October 2018

No Hedgehogs ;o(

Well that was a disappointment, no hedgehogs to be seen. You'd have thought one of the runners could have dressed up as a hedgehog. 450, I cheered them on. 
I've been feeding Angela's guinea pigs while she has been away. She has three, hard to get a good photo, they dart about a lot. So so cute. This is mum and baby, dad is in the next pen, he is a ball of long floppy hair. They sometimes go out into the garden and have a wander about, and come back in when they have had enough. Amazing.

It's been raining the last couple of days, now it's sunny. Jobs in the garden I think. I took four branches down of a too tall conifer the other day, still got some more to lop off. Balancing on the top of my step ladder, hanging on with the left hand and sawing with the right, ain't easy. A bit at a time I think. ilona


  1. Well done to all the runners and I hope they raised lots of money for the worthy cause!!My Daughter has 2 guinea pigs.Both girls.I always keep bits of broccoli stalks for them and they squeak with delight while they are eating them!.Well we are off to sunny Mablethorpe tomorrow,with my Mam,Daughter,2 Grandaughters and the 2 one caravan!Should be fun,lol.Its a beautiful day here in Leicester,so I hope the weather stays kind to us this week.xx

  2. Until a few years ago I had guinea pigs since being a child. My granddaughter has some now so I can see them, I won't have anymore now. The ones you're looking after look to be in a very small cage though. They do like lots of room and keep healthier.

    1. Angela lets them out on the garden every day. They have the freedom of the lawn, and they have a big wooden pen outside as well when the weather is fine.

  3. Guinea pigs are the best pets! My daughter had several and one lived to be 12! He was completely bald by then, poor thing. Their best treat was fresh grass so they were let out a lot.


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