Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Seasonal Beautification

I am enjoying the autumn colours at the moment. Everywhere I go there are beautiful shades of yellow, gold, brown, red, and every shade in between. Isn't mother nature wonderful. 

This cottage is adorned like this every year. Never get tired of seeing it.

 The front gate of someone's house.

Inside the front gate. It's a good job they never use it, they have a back gate.

In a few weeks it will all be gone and the leaves will be cleared up or left to blow away. Winter is on it's way.  ilona


  1. I agree. Theres nothing to beat nature's beauty.

  2. So beautiful. This is my favorite time of year!

  3. Absolutely beautiful colours, far superior to any man-made concoctions! I am lucky because one side of the shared garden behind my flat is a small patch of trees, bushes and a couple of pots that I have planted; from my kitchen window I can see the myriad of changing colours as well as our squirrels who have their home in one of the trees, and this year, nesting magpies. Easy to forget that i live in a city!!

  4. Lincolnshire is particularly beautiful this year. The trees are the most beautiful colours. Here in Nottinghamshire we are still green so having spent last week looking at beautiful colours I've got more to come...... lovely!

  5. I love the autumn - it's my favourite season.I feel renewed and young & excited by it each year x


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