Wednesday, 17 October 2018

All good stuff

Mediterranean diet? Nope, Scunthorpe diet. Salad leaves, cucumber, tomato, avocado, rice, and mushrooms. Luverly lunch today. Home food is a million times better than eating out, and a lot cheaper.  
Helen came this morning for a coffee and chat, now I'm going outside.  ilona


  1. Looks nice, especially the avocado. Are they grown locally?

    1. Hi, they are bought in Aldi, four in a pack, and shipped from South Africa.

  2. I agree I prefer to cook or assemble my own food. I know it's been bought cheaply and prepared in a nice clean kitchen. I think restaurant's and cafe's don't know what to charge these days so expensive. If we go out its homemade food and a flask, plus a bottle of cold drink with a snack. Yummy food by the way, I'm a ys shopper too and I love to see your bargains xx

  3. Lovely clean healthy food.I love this sort of food and while the weather is still pleasant its a joy to be able to still sit out in the garden to eat it.I havent been shopping for 2 weeks so tomorrow,Im topping up on salad,a few veg and cat food.Hopefully,that will see us through till about next Tues.We feel so much healthier living like this and saving more than I have ever done!xx

  4. That looks like the food I enjoy Ilona.I'm nervous of food in resturants as I don't know what going on in the kitchens behind closed doors.I prefer something I've prepared myself even though it isn't fancy x

  5. The avocados are really tasty just lately aren't they. I have been eating them on toast for breakfast.

  6. oh nice rice n mushroom another choice for dinner tonight was going to have stirfry so many choices:) its still cold here so have been eating homemade soup last 3 days. im addicted to wholesome homemade food lol
    your blog is the only one i really follow now after downtoearth one retired n frugal queen but did find another one on ur list you follow that i really enjoyed yesterday :)

  7. Your lunch looked at delicious. I like simple food.
    Hazel c uk

  8. I absolutely love that kind of a dinner. Avocados are delicious. I may do something similar for my lunch today as I am off work with a trapped nerve in my shoulder. It needs to be easy!


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