Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Very clever art.

There's a smashing exhibition on at 20 21 Arts Centre in Scunthorpe at the moment. Maia Weerdmeester is a previous winner of the Open exhibition, and was invited back for her own solo exhibition. Her art is stunning, who would think that thousands of fine straight lines of many colours could be turned into something quite amazing.  
From a distance it looks like threads.

Close up it is tempting to touch, just to make sure that what you are seeing are painted lines.

These are practice pieces, wrapped threads.

Small practice pieces.

Sketchbook practice.

The day by day plan of making the big piece.

 A journal of how the art is made, from start to finish.

I wouldn't have the patience for this, it's all very clever. Not a smudge or a blob anywhere, just perfect straight lines. Now I must get on with my own art.  ilona


  1. Fantastic art work. Wish I was artistic like that - sadly I'm not but have huge admiration for those who are so creative.

  2. That is incredible. Definitely art that I would like to see. Unfortunately we are blessed with MIMA.... a visit there is complete waste of time... coffee stains and a red wine drip on a piece of canvas?????? not my idea of art.

  3. Beautiful works of art from a lot of thought and patience. The small practice pictures remind me of a craze in the 70s which involved silver/gold thread wound around nails that had been hammered into a board resulting in an abstract picture. Do you remember that?

    1. I remember them pictures Joan.I had one that was done in a butterfly shape on a black background.I thought about it as soon as I looked at Ilonas post!.Now Im sat here wondering what I ever did with it all those years ago.43 years ago infact!xx

  4. This reminds me of the Spirograph game in the 70s. The plastic wheels would go around with a pen in. One slip and the whole lot was ruined.
    This artist has patience beyond imagination.
    They must be worth a lot of money, just for time and effort.

  5. Just imagine them as jigsaw puzzles, especially that practice piece of balls & frames!!

    1. Now that would be a challenge. I think you would get a headache trying to piece it together.

  6. I can appreciate the work that goes into something like this - but definately not my cup of tea. I prefer fabric/yarn/textile art.


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