Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Looking back.

 For those who would like to look back at some of Pat's blog. 

You will find a lot of posts on the Wayback Machine.  in the archives. 

RIP Pat. 

ilona. 8.10.2024


  1. Thank you so much for this. I always read your blog but have never managed to leave a comment before. I don't always agree with you but I absolutely support your right to say it. Alison P

    1. Hello Alison. I try not to swamp this blog with controversial issues because it causes so much angst among those who think differently to me. I am called awful names so I choose to close comments when it gets too much. I opened a second blog to filter the information I glean from various places, onto that. The Rabbit Hole is getting quite a few views now, but the comments there will always be closed because I do not wish to get into any long winded conversations about the subjects I post about.

  2. Thank you so much for the link to this Ilona. I’d discovered Pat’s blog several months ago and had enjoyed spending time dipping in and out. I was saddened to read of her recent death on another blog and even sadder to find her family had removed her blog so soon. Obviously they had their reasons but I’d hoped it would be left for others to discover and enjoy. Pat was an incredible woman and a superb writer. I’m sure she’ll be missed by many.

    1. Glad to be of service. I dipped into Pat's blog now and again over the years, but only when I am blog hopping. I can only guess that her family may need a breathing space as the funeral arrangements become priority. Decisions about what to do with her blog can be made later. They may re instate it, and find comfort from knowing that she was loved by so many.

  3. Thank you for posting this. I was sad when the blog was not there.

    1. There are mechanisms in place when just about everything posted on the internet can be retrieved.

  4. I used to see Pat's comments on John's blog - She seemed to me to be a lady who always looked on the positive side of life - Also she lived a happy and good life I believe x

    1. She always found something interesting to write about.

  5. I've not been around Blogland for a few days, so had missed the sad news of Pat's passing. She'll be missed by many who followed her writing over the years. Arilx

    1. I sometimes skip through blogs. One needs to get on with real life from time to time.


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