Tuesday 9 April 2013

These will come in handy for something

You know I like a bit of skip diving, well I found these tiles yesterday. Someone is refurbishing a house and have stripped out the bathroom, I was walking by and saw them dumped inside the bath inside the skip. The people said I could take them, you always have to ask permission. There was lots more, but I could only carry a few, and today the skip has gone. Ah well, never mind, they might come in handy for a small job, I have sixteen of them. They said if I soaked them I would be able to get the cement stuff off the backs.
So now they are under water in the baby's bath, in the garden. The bath? I got it at a car boot sale for 50p, thought it might come in handy for something, and it does, it catches rain water. Don't know how long I have to soak them for, I'll see if any of it has loosened tomorrow. Maybe I can chip it off with a screwdriver, or a paint scraper. They are quite pretty, aren't they.
Today my attachment fell apart, it broke in two pieces. I suppose it's possible to buy a new one, but I'm not giving in without a fight. Several layers of heavy duty sticky tape, and it's as good as new, well almost, it won't swivel any more. I can't put it back in the holder on the machine to store it, as it needs a bit of a tug to get it out, so it's new home is in the kitchen drawer, to be collected whenever I need it. Looks like a neat job, if I am not too rough with it, it might last a while, until I can find a replacement at a car boot sale. Things have to last a bit longer round here, there's no rushing out to buy a new one.
Today was a jobs around the house day, and a trip to town to pay the Severn Trent Water bill. I needed a few things as well. I also took the latest arty piece to the Arts Centre, the woman in there was dead impressed. She said I should do a whole car, apply for funding to pay for it. Sounds a bit ambitious to me.

I had a look at some saucepans but the prices vary so much. Some of them are dead expensive, I think £30 - £40 for a pan is a bit much, but then it's no good buying cheap, because they won't last. I want a sort of middle of the range set of pans. Don't know whether to buy them individually, or as a set. Most sets have three saucepans, and I want four. I'll keep looking on the internet. I was hoping my pans would last a bit longer, but they are in a terrible state, all the non stick coating is chipped, I need new ones, before I poison myself.
Toodle pip.


  1. I love those tiles, I would have rescued them too!

  2. I wish we lived closer, I have several lightly used pans...some only used for a couple of months.They won't work on our stove since we've got an induction stove.They'd be too ridiculously expensive to send.
    Jane x

  3. The tiles are lovely. Can you not look for some saucepans at the charity shops or car boot sales? You probably won't be able to buy them at the same time and won't match, but I don't imagine that will bother you!! (Mine do not match)

  4. Those tiles really are beautiful!

  5. Funnily enough, Waitrose (usually an expensive place to shop) have some excellent saucepans with a hard-wearing, black, non-stick and easy clean coating; they are 'Jamie Oliver' brand and I have made very good use of mine for ages - no signs of wear or damage. I think there are sets available but you can also buy them separately - I got 3 different size pans plus a frying pan and an omelette pan, all for reasonable prices. I guess it might be possible to get them even cheaper online.
    Also (and I feel as though I'm preaching to someone much cannier than myself here) if you pay your water bill by Direct Debit, you get a discount.
    Hope I haven't offended, Ilona xx

    1. No Rambler, you haven't offended me at all. I only get offended when people lecture me. Useful tips are welcome. I will look at the Waitrose web site, we don't have a store here, but I can get some prices from the site.

      The Severn Trent bill is only £29.83 for half a year, so no big deal. I can't see anything on the bill which offers a discount for DD. I don't like too many DD's, keep them to a minimum, I much prefer to pay by cheque into the bank, all my utility bills are very low, so I don't mind. Besides, I like a trip to town.

  6. Love those tiles...great find :o)
    Have you had a look on freecycle for saucepans?...might be worth placing a "wanted"
    I got my Le Creuset saucepans (that were in FAR better nick than the ones I had already) from my neighbour last summer...she was moving house, didn't want to take them with her and was going to take them to the dump!!!! Would have cost me in excess of £100 even on ebay. Whilst I'm not suggesting people throw out nearly new saucepans all the time I'm confident you'll find some as you're brilliant at it :-)

  7. LOVE those tiles, would like them myself. One suggestion is covering the top of a table with them. I have some Le Creusot pans which I've had for years, and some I've inherited. However, I don't use all of them as they're a bit heavy. I like stainless steel which I have bought at places like TK Maxx and also in charity shops. A friend of mine used to be a school catering manager and I asked her what pans she had at home (posh, former converted schoolhouse), and she told me those glass pans (I think Corning). I managed to find some in a charity shop and they're great. Don't put them down on a cool surface though when they're hot. I also dropped the frying pan and am afraid it shattered! I'm not brill with finding places to put pans down when my kitchen is in a muddle.

  8. Ilona, in my experience, I wouldn't buy non stick saucepans again. Some years ago, the Co-op had a special offer on Swan saucepans and I got some, quite cheaply - non stick. They are dead easy to clean, any messy cooking (and oh, my word, am I good at messy cooking) comes away after a good overnight soak. It really bothered me when I realised that those black bits that came away from non stick pans were actually being ingested.... yuk! Still look as good today as they did when I bought them 10 years ago.

    Might save you a bob or two, you never know.

  9. I think you should paint a car Ilona,

  10. I just LOVE those tiles...you do know I love blue and white porcelain, so you tiles would look great as trivets or a tiled table top design for a small side table.
    I know you will come up with some great project to use them.
    Sorry about your damaged attachment, but you've done a great job saving it.

  11. I love the tiles, they would make a great table top.
    Sainsburys and Wilkinsons often have nice pan sets and individual pans. Would a steamer be good for you as you can cook three different things on one ring.

  12. Have you tried free cycle I got a set of pans off there hardly used and think they will last for years :-)

  13. I bought new pans about 10 years ago. I had been using the same Revereware pans for 35 years, and they were pretty badly warped. I bought stainless steel pots and pans that have a layer of aluminum in the bottom, since stainless steel--by itself--does not conduct heat evenly or well. I would recommend similar pots to you, without nonstick coating. They cook evenly and wash up easily.

    Now, here is a great tip: if you ever badly scorch a pan, fill it with water and drop in about 1 tablespoon (or one tablet) dishwasher detergent. Let it sit overnight. The next morning, all of the black nasty stuff will just rinse away.

    1. or boil white vinegar in it or biological washing powder.

  14. Great finds! I had to snicker when you mentioned your water bill! We live on the Trent Severn water system in Ontario, Canada,

  15. The tiles are beautiful. I look forward to seeing what you make with them.

  16. Ruth here.
    The tiles are lovely-cant wait to see what you do with them.
    You are right about changing your pans if the non-stick coating is chipping off as that might be bad for you.
    Good luck with getting some new pans-maybe there are some good second hand ones on ebay?

  17. Gorgeous tiles, I would have asked for them too. We took the tiles off our kitchen walls cleaned them up and put them on my sons kitchen walls. They take a bit of cleaning, you need to soak them for a couple of days then scrape with a wallpaper scrapper, once the adhesive is soft they will be easy to clean, dry them out properly before storing them and they will be as good as new. They would look lovely as a splashback dotted about with white ones.

  18. Got a set of cast iron pans off ebay, 3 sizes and a frying pan, best thing I ever bought. A bit heavy, but non-stick and never need heavy washing or scrubbing, just a rinse, even the frying pan. I think they're 20-odd years old, but just as good as new, probably better for being well used.

  19. I got 5 Le Creuset saucepans and lids off ebay for £50 including carriage - they will outlast me lol :~)


  20. I would get some backing for the tiles and have them as coasters. They look lovely and then you could have them dotted around the house to enjoy.

  21. Hi Ilona Debbie here. Not sure how much you want to spend but Tescos have some copper bottom pans in their clearance.


  22. I bought AllClad twenty years ago; very expensive but as good as the day I bought them. Look on freecycle or ebay - dont buy new.
    Dont buy enamel only stainless steel. I bet you could get a whole bunch for not much.
    Nice tiles, lots of uses for those. Try using a hammer and chisel gently to get the stuff off.

  23. Years ago (maybe 20 years) one of the large department stores here in the US (Macy's) had a sale on their cookware and I bought a set of Circulon Commercial grade pots/pans. I have never been sorry I purchased those since they are still as good as they were when I bought them and we do a lot of cooking (like every day). But, I also have bought pots and small frying pans from TJMaxx (TKMaxx in UK I think) and I've gotten really nice pans in there at great prices. Also, do you have a Marshall's there? That's another store like TJMaxx and they have great buys on pots and pans. Of course, they are not a "set" but you can pick up some individual pieces that you would use the most and they have a great variety. Sometimes the sets give you some pieces that you might not use enough to make buying the set worthwhile. Since we cook all the time, we needed pots that really hold up. I bought a small frying pan at TJMaxx for $8 (US) and it's a brand name and so far, it's great. My husband uses it on a daily basis for eggs and there's been no change or damage to it so far. Good luck with your hunt for new pots/pans.

  24. I saw some Judge brand saucepans in a cookshop for £40 each for the larger size.
    Stainless steel with glass lids. I layer found the same ones on Am*z*n for £68, I think it was, set of 3 saucepans, a stock pot, same size as large pan but with two handles, large lidded frying pan and lidless milk pan. Can't remember if that was incl delivery or not. very happy with that brand; had a Judge enamel fry pan for years that came in a £5 box of stuff from the auction; not even after the pan but it was great. Although the guarantee is good it doesn't cover accidental damage.

  25. Well done on the tiles! I would have taken a few also. Good thing about ceramic tiles is you can use them outdoors as well, and they last forever! Those are very pretty ones.
    I have found lovely pots and pans at thrift shops and tag sales, and have never paid more than a few dollars, and that was for a great soup pot. I never use the non-stick type though, as I have never trusted the safety of them. Maybe they are perfectly safe and my view is outdated; it probably dates back to the arrival of Teflon when I was a teenager. I noticed the coating was gradually thinning on the bottom of my skillet, and thought, "Where could that stuff be going?" There was just no good answer.

  26. I don't know whether you have a T K Maxx near you but they have some very good offers on good pans - definitely worth a look.

  27. Hi Ilona
    Just looked back to the comments on your previous post to see how the debate was going. You've deleted the ones that don't agree with you! Certainly the right thing to do if you don't want people to comment, what would be the point of us wasting our time!
    A healthy debate is one which includes all points of view, perhaps you just like your opinions and the people who agree, the Yes people.
    I hadn't commented but was interested to read how it was going. No point wasting anymore of my time here then!

    1. Hi 1. My blog is not a place for debate, healthy or otherwise, so if you are looking for one you would be better off not wasting your time here, and going elsewhere. This blog is about me, my thoughts, what I do, my outlook on life. I don't expect everyone to agree with what I say, but I don't expect people to be so rude and have a go at me. There are lots of things I don't agree with on other people's blogs, I would not post comments having a go at them. If you want a debate you should be going on a forum.

      People are welcome to comment here, but there will be no verbal punch up's, no debates. I don't do falling out, arguements, or bickering. Any negative comments looking for trouble will be deleted.

  28. Those tiles are beautiful. I love the colour.

    Good for you picking them up.

    Good luck with your saucepan search!

    Sft x

  29. I have just last week given away a saucepan set (not non stick)I had never used. So frustrating when you know that someone needs some. However, as someone above said too expensive to post to you or for you to drive to.

    Worcestershire Anne

  30. Soak the tiles for twenty four hours in warm water with a good squirt of Fairy liquid addad. The cement should come off with a dish brush. I have used this method several times
    Helen in France

    1. Thank you Helen. I don't buy Fairy, but I will try it with the cheaper version.

    2. I don't use Fairy either. I just used it as a general term cos everyone knows what it is.

  31. Those tiles are lovely. They would look really nice in a fire surround. or you could put felt pads on the back and use them as coasters or trivets for hot pans.

    my le crueset pans are stainless steel, as I am not very strong and could not carry the cast iron ones. I think I read somewhere that non stick is actually bad for you. Cast iron ones last the longest but I am weak, no matter how they would look lovely to other people who came around I have to use them every day.

    http://www.ecookshop.co.uk/ecookshop/product.asp?pid=962090001 I got mine with a free steaming basket, in the sale and with a coupon. If you could hold on and keep looking I bet you could get these or something similar.

    I really like these as they seem to cook on a lot less electric and I want to save on that as well. So I think the little bit more I spent will even out really quickly as they are efficient. Ive never had pans like them and even my 70+ mum said she found them light and would like some herself. unfortunately she has pans that are 30+ years old that wont die. They are another french make, but not triple plated. I think that is their secret.

    I cant wait to see what you buy.

    1. Thanks Sol. £175 for three pans, cough, splutter. A bit beyond my budget I think. Must be good pans though, as two others have recomended them.

  32. When I needed new pans a few years ago I realised that the sets of pans weren't suitable as I mainly seemed to use the medium sized pans, and hardly ever the small one, so instead I bought 2 medium ones and 1 large (for pasta, stews, etc). Anything that I would use a small pan for tends to get done in the microwave.
    Love the tiles - I am looking out for some green/cream ones for my kitchen.

    1. Hi aileen, I think I will have to buy them seperately. I want four of varying sizes.

  33. Can't believe I forgot to give you a link to this site earlier:
    It's great for ideas and instructions for when you are feeling crafty or want to fix something.
    This one helps you choose glues:

    1. Thank you Roberto. I like the instructables site, some good ideas on there.

  34. Robert Dyas shops are usually a very good place to find good quality pots and pans!

  35. Ilona, Danneke here, when I bought new pans about a year ago I got some very good ones in Matalan and the odd one in Sainsbury,s Maybe Tesco will have similar kind , and you will get your points, I bought separate sizes etc so I got what I needed . If you can find OPTICO pans I can recommend them, I got some a few years ago,non coated variety with loyalty tokens from Co-op and they are superb pans.

  36. I bought them for £98 with my coupons and was given the steamer. The lady tried to argue with me that I couldn't use the coupon when the sale was on. But the coupon didn't say not in conjunction with any other promotion and neither did their sign. I stood my ground and as there were a lot of people behind me in the queue, who all agreed that there was no sign they let me have them. A risk I know, they could have refused, if they did I wouldn't have bought them.

    I am sure you will find some.

    Good luck

  37. What about making a planter with your tiles. 16 of them = 4 to each side. Plant some lovely yellow flowers in them (tulips?) and put it by your front door. Designer planter - you'll be the envy of your road!!!!!

  38. Check the garage (car boot) sales if you have time. Several years ago I found two old cast iron skillets for $1.00 each. They were a little rusty and needed cleaning up and seasoning which I did. They are in great shape now and I use them for nearly all of my cooking. I should look to see if I can find cast iron sauce pans. Beverley from Calif.


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