Thursday, 5 September 2013

A look around South Shields.

Hiya. I've been out on the town tonight with a new friend. Julie is a member of Down the Lane forum, and lives up here in Geordie Land. She took her lunch break a bit later today so she could meet me off the train at Newcastle. I must say it was lovely having someone to say hello to when I arrived. We had a coffee and a quick natter and found we got on like a house on fire. Cats and dogs being the main topic of conversation. I jumped on the Metro to South Shields and had a look round, found somewhere to stay, and Julie came to meet me at 7.15 and we went to a pub for some nosh. People had said to me that folks were friendly in these parts, and they were dead right. We had a great night, Julie is fab fun.   
I've got a few pics here of Shields as the locals seem to call it. Some interesting architecture. I don't think this started off as an eatery and pub, it looks sort of grand.  
 I had a look in the Museum and Art Gallery. Some interesting exhibits.
 This was a bit gruesome. I didn't know what a gibbet was, you learn something new every day.

 There is a lot of building work going on along the sea front. This area is being block paved.
A stroll through the park was very pleasant, on this gloriously sunny day. People were playing on the pedalo boats, and children were riding on the miniature steam train. A perfect spot to sit and eat my cheese sandwich. I love watching people enjoying themselves.
The funfair wasn't very busy but it put me in the seaside mood. It will probably be busier at the weekends, now that the children have gone back to school. 
I walked a little way along the pier, this is the view across the mouth of the River Tyne. 
This is the new swimming baths on the sea front, not quite ready for opening yet. 
I climbed some steps up a grassy bank for a better view across the river. 
As you can see there is extensive work going on down there. They are building a new sea wall and promenade, it will be fabulous when it's done. 
Another view across to the other side, from Greens Place at the end of Baring Street. 
There is an old Roman Fort here, but it closes at 5pm so I missed it. As you can see from the sign this is the official starting place for the Coast to Coast along Hadrians Wall. 
This is my room for tonight, it is lovely, a very posh en suite. It's hot in here, but I can't open the window as it overlooks a busy road. It's quietened down a bit now though, well it has gone midnight and I am still up tapping away on the computer. Don't tell anyone, but I've just scoffed five complimentary Ferrero Rocher chocolates 
Here is the Forest Guest House. Janet and Peter who run it are very nice, and I'm looking forward to a cracking breakfast, which will set me up for a day of walking.  
I will say Goodnight. Hope I can post tomorrow night. The signal went a bit wonky here, then came back again so it was a bit of a faff to post the pics, but I got there in the end. There is such a lot to see and do here, I will have to come back again.
Toodle pip.


  1. How lovely to have someone to meet you, and then have dinner with!

  2. I love to learn something about places I havnt visited Ilona That's why I enjoy your holidays so much.

  3. Thanks for the photos of South Shields, Ilona. I was born and raised in Co. Durham until the family moved to S. Wales when I was a teenager. Many summers we would take the train or church bus tour to South Shields. It looks like they are doing a lot of rebuilding there. Have a safe, fun walk. Looking forward to seeing your pix.
    Joan in Michigan.

  4. Ahhhhh.... It all looks so lovely! What a wonderful trip!

  5. Thanks for the nice tour, you did a good job with the photos, I like those chocolates and would have grabbed all five of them.

  6. Oh wow! great photos of Shields. my husband went back just yesterday, cos his mam's not well. all there except me! I can see you are staying in Ocean Rd. I did reply toyour comment about info on Shields, but somehow it went onto the end of someone else's comment. you may not have,seen it. but I mentioned all the places you talk about, so maybe you did. Thank you for thephotos. I can picture the scene of each one. have a lovely walk.

  7. You were in my birth place. Great to see the pics . My primary school was Baring Street junior school, built over some of those Roman remains

  8. Hi

    Julie looks lovely. Glad you had fun!

    Really interesting photos.

    A lovely B and B. Hope the breakfast is gorgeous and you have a great days walking today.

    Sft x

  9. How lovely to be met off the train what a good start to your adventure.

    I had never even hear of a Gibbet, how gruesome!!

    Your room looks lovely, and you were dead right to scoff the Ferrero Rocher, you need all the energy you can get for the walking ahead :-)

  10. That`s nice that you already had a friend to meet you at the station. Lovely pics!

  11. great posy, how lovely to meet fellow bloggers, are you going for the full set (all 655) LOL

  12. NIce post Illona except for the gibbet. lol

  13. Hi Ilona. This is Susan from Perth, Western Australia. I have followed your blog for a while and find it sensible and entertaining :) I moved to Australia at the age of 7 (I'm now 40). My mum hails from Whitley Bay and we lived there, then Scotland for a couple of years before moving to Australia. I spent a couple of years back in Whitley bay in my 20's, staying with family, working and taking side trips. It was great. I have never commented before but just wanted to say hi. Say hello to Geordie-land for me.. I miss it! Enjoy your trip and I look forward to seeing more pics :)

  14. Pleased you are enjoying yourself. maybe I will bump into you around Teesside. Pm on wf.

  15. My Grandma lived in a cottage on Gibbet Hill..a gruesome way to go isn't it?!
    Hope your breakfast set you up for the day.
    Jane x

  16. Thank you so much for taking us along on your lovely walks. It means a lot to me to start out my day reading your blog and seeing the pictures of your beautiful country.

  17. What a good start to your walk and 5 chocs sounds good to me!

  18. Glad you enjoyed your flying visit to Tyneside Ilona. I had a lovely day meeting you. Your photo's do (South)Shields proud. It actually makes you look at your surroundings in a fresh light when you are showing someone around and appreciate how lucky you are. Good luck on the rest of your journey! Julie

  19. Danneke here having a peep I stayed in South Sheilds last week for a night in the Sea Hotel,opposte the beach and right next to where the new swimming pool is being built. I visit my 2 foster brothers regularly , they live there. So pleased you are having a good time, hope the weather keeps fine for you Ilona,


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