Sunday, 29 September 2013

Adding to my collection of brochures

I had another trip to Barton today, to visit the artists that I missed yesterday. This time I only spent ten minutes talking to Michael, he was dead chuffed when I told him there were some nice comments about him. Jane, a killer smile indeed, in the flesh he is drop dead gorgeous, ha ha, he will blush if he reads this. Yes, Mum, the front view is amazing. He is such a nice guy as well, no airs and graces, down to earth with a cheeky sense of fun and lots of  humour. He doesn't put on a front, doesn't dress to impress, what you see is what you get. His wife is nice as well, she has long hair but not dreads.
Anyway, I moved along and stuck my head into a few of the other studios. Everyone had their work for sale. Although they were happy to talk, I always feel awkward as I know they would like to sell something. Michael doesn't sell anything bye the way, so I felt no pressure there. There was a lady demonstrating felting, she was friendly and didn't mind how many questions I asked her. Another lady had made a quilt so I got some tips from her. I got chatting to a couple of artists who paint on canvas, and to be honest I couldn't understand their pictures at all. But that's the nature of art I suppose.  
After I had finished at The Ropewalk I moved on to The Waters Edge Visitors Centre. There I found more artists showing their work. It's ages since I was last there, and I noticed that they had turned part of it into a Tourist Information office. I found a large selection of brochures covering all parts of the UK. Oooh lovely, I had a rummage through them and came away with a good pile.
Although it's great to be able to access information through web sites, I still enjoy going through the paper brochures. So I'm going to have a study of these, and see where I might like to visit next.
Toodle pip.


  1. I like the look of the Yorkshire Sculpture Triangle. Now I didn't know that that existed. x

  2. Your friend is very easy on the eye and it sounds like he's got a disposition to match. I would love to see more of his work. Have fun researching new destinations!

  3. Gosh you're right. Michael certainly is a bit of a looker. I certainly wouldn't mind having a chat with him in his studio about his artowork wink wink.
    I would say that you should visit North Yorkshire, but then I am biased and reading your blog, you appear to be a frequent visitor to God's Own County.
    Isle of Man is also a lovely, scenic place to bimble around, although that would involve having to take the ferry, which might set you back a few months worth of broadbeans.

  4. Michael has a worldwide fan club!
    I spy a brochure for the Isle of Man...would you??
    Jane x


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.