Thursday, 19 September 2013

Inspiration for us all.

I was a bit late back last night after visiting my sister, then my uncle. Sis and hubby have a new bungalow, well not new exactly, it needs a lot of work doing to it to make it habitable. They have downsized, and are now living in their caravan, on site while the work is being carried out. All the rooms are bare, it will be a new bathroom, kitchen, and a conservatory built on the side. A big task to undertake. It's a bit like those tele programmes where someone buys a wreck at a knockdown price at an auction, then proceeds to turn it into a little palace. They have got a lot of work on there.

Ninety year old uncle is still getting on with his life, still as sharp as ever. When I told him about my sore ankle, it's more the heal actually, he got his ancient medical books out so I was able to look up the symptoms, and read what treatment is needed. I think I have a sprain, still a bit sore, and need to elevate the foot and put a cold compress on it. Easier said than done, I hate being immobile. Still, needs must and I have been sitting here with my leg on the dining room table, with a bag of peas on my foot, sewing, and watching catchup tv.

I've been reading about a new Channel 4 programme called Fabulous Fashionistas, it was broadcast on Tuesday night. My sis was also raving about it saying how good it is, so this morning I sat and watched it while I got on with the patchwork.

I have to say, it was pretty darn good. It's about six older women, in their seventies and eighties, who refuse to give up and die. They are living life to the full and having a ball. People often say I inspire them, but who inspires me? Women like these on this programme do. They all don't give a damn what others think of them, they are all fashionable, they go to work, one has a husband 27 years younger than her, they are just amazing. I must say, I felt like I was a teenager, 64, phew, just a spring chicken. These women are busy, they exercise, they look after themselves, and they love life. They mad me laugh, and I shed a tear. Definitely women to aspire to.

If you have a spare 47 minutes, have a look at it. It's on 4oD and yootoob, so everyone should be able to see it. I guarantee you will love it.

Fabulous Fashionistas on Channel 4oD

Fabulous Fashionistas on youtube

Happy viewing. Toodle pip


  1. I loved it, too. Fabulously inspiring and strong women who don't let age, illness or tragedy inhibit them. Proper role models not these Botoxed celebrities with personal shoppers and stylists! x

    1. Hi Vix

      I have to say I love your blog and you are a true inspiration yourself!


    2. Judy Y - thank you so much! xxxx

  2. I can't see it here in the U.S. I know it will be available at some point. British TV is the best. I am really looking forward to seeing it. Thanks, Ilona. Get your foot well for the next big trek!

  3. My dad has just celebrated his 90th birthday, and is a real inspiration to me too. My mum is nearly 10 years younger and just seems to moan about everything (they do not live together). I feel very privedged to have spent the last few years with him and had some terrific days out, including a week in France to commemorate D-Day in 2004, memories that will live long into my future. I am 50 in a couple of weeks, and whilst I could easily get a bit down about that, his life and attitude never allows me to think in negative terms. Glad you had a lovely day, but we did miss you!

  4. Thank you for another interesting post Ilona. I always learn something from you.
    I loved your yacht and finding out all about it, oh, to be able take a holiday on it.
    I am in the US and will see if I can watch the Fabulous Fashionista, programme, I will report back.
    Pam in TX

  5. Sadly I could not watch the programme in the US, I will keep checking, maybe it will become available.
    Pam in TX

  6. Sometimes you just have to be immobile. So rest that foot while doing your patchwork!

    Speaking of sewing, what's happened with the "silver sewer"? the blog is gone from my feed.

    1. Hi. I don't know what has happened to Silver Sewer, it says blog has been deleted. I seem to remember she disappeared once before, then came back again.

    2. Have you seen the blog Advanced Style that features lots of gorgeous stylish older women. There's a link to it from my blog, shameless self-publicist that I am.

      For research purposes, how are your sister and her husband getting on living in that caravan? x

    3. I heard from another blogger that Silver Sewer had a problem with trolls again, so has suspended the account for now. She is currently on holiday and will decide what to with the blog when she gets back.

      Lovelygrey, I hope you have enjoyed lots of time in your motorhome during this lovely summer - we were working on a campsite, so have continued to live in ours (albeit in UK sadly) X

    4. Hiya lovelygrey. My sister and her hubby spend a lot of time on holiday in their caravan, they are usually very tidy, everything in it's place. With this extended period of time living in the van, things have got a little messy. It will be a few more weeks before they are able to move into the house. Sis is usually quite houseproud, but they have had to cram all their personal possessions into a small space.

      They are hooked up to the electricity in the bungalow, and are using the van toilet because the real one needs flushing with a bucket, and is not fit for purpose. It is an end bedroom so that is permanently made up. They fill the water tank with a hose from a tap. They have TV, computer, fridge, cooker, heating, etc, it's a modern van. They take their washing to son's house which is close by. I think they are getting on quite well, they have always enjoyed touring so I don't think they are too bothered by lack of space.

  7. HI Ilona

    You are truly inspirational yourself, living your wonderful life and showing us all how it's done, love your work!

    I won't be able to watch the video as it's too long (work pays for my internet as I work from home, I do have some personal use - read blogs! but dont' want to take advantage).

    I think Silver Sewer had some issues before she went away on holiday (according to Morgan, I think) so perhaps she will sort it out when she gets home.


  8. Have you seen this Ilona?
    It is available on BBC iplayer, the first episode is all about knitting in the 20th century, I haven't watched it yet but my friends say it is really interesting.

    Also on BBC2 last night was a new programme called the Wonder of Dogs, I think you would like that too :0)

    1. Hi Kate. I watched that on catchup while I was sewing. It was very interesting. Will look for the dog programme. Thanks.

  9. I watched that film on 4oD. Such spirited women with lots of zest for life! Ilona, you are one of them, too. And I agree with what the Baroness said. If you lose interest in life you might as well give up and die. I hope that I never lose interest in life. And I hope to keep going as long as possible. Having said that, I`m now off to visit Morocco to have another fabulous life experience.

  10. I watched both fashionistas and the fabric of Britain, loved both of them. The ladies on fashionista's were a true inspiration and I decided to brighten myself up a little because of them. i have lost 2 stones this last few weeks and feel much better now so will be combing the charity shops soon.

    Hope the resting helps Iilona- I know how much you hate sitting still but needs must.

    Am getting on with my charity crafting for Christmas so will be having a rest in a minute myself after running about all day.

    take care hugs Jayne

  11. Ilona, thank you for this interesting post. I was unable to view either of your links here in the states, but was able to locate a YouTube link of approximately 47 minutes. Fascinating ladies; I was most especially drawn to the colorful artist who formerly wrote cookbooks. Mind over matter ... a good lesson for us all.

    Sharon in Alabama


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.