Friday, 9 September 2016

Another bimble in Yorkshire

Hello. Let's have another go then, gawd knows what happened there. Back on the big computer at home. Yesterday, what was I doing yesterday, oh I remember. After a hearty breakfast I took a few snaps in the town before I set off. There aren't many flowers left now, just a few tubs here and there. 
The market square was beginning to fill up with cars.

Not sure what this building is, I think it's a private residence. Doesn't it look lovely. 

This house is next to the church. 

There are lots of small independent retailers in the town, they all make an effort to decorate their shop fronts. If you want to see more pics of Helmsley you can see them on my previous post. It's six years since I was last there.

I set off on the Cleveland Way footpath, from the car park opposite the church. It's well signposted, I have done some of this path before. A few others had the same idea, there seems to be quite a few ramblers of middle age, they probably wait until the kids have gone back to school before they take their holiday. 
I got chatting to an elderly gentleman who had his dog with him, we walked together for a while. This is Rievaulx Bridge, crossing the River Rye.

A few minutes up the road is Rievaulx Abbey. I mentioned this before, it is English Heritage managed and it costs £8.80 to get in. We didn't bother. This is about the best angle to get a pic from the road.

We said our goodbyes and he set off back to Helmsley, and I carried on along the Cleveland Way. I found several fields with bulls in them, good job I didn't have to cross any of them. These chaps look kind of scary, I wouldn't want to upset any of them. 
Further along past Ashberry Farm and Hagg Hall there were four large ponds, I could hear the ducks chuckling away. At the end of the ponds I found some stepping stones across a boggy bit which would take me to the other side of the ponds to get a better view.

It was a fabulous sight, thousands of them, some sunning themselves on the banks, and some chattering away to each other in the water.

The path came out of the woods and across fields to Cold Kirby. It was time to start making my way back, so I took the road to Old Byland and eventually back into the woods again. I thought it was a bit strange to build this shelter in the middle of no where. It's quite a trek to carry picnic supplies out here if you are having a party. 
There is seating all around, with barbecue equipment in the centre. A gas bottle is needed to do the cooking.

From then on it was a matter of getting back on the Cleveland Way and head back. There is a castle in Helmsley, again a bit pricey to get in to see it. This is the best photo I could get, from outside the perimeter wall. Doesn't look like there is much left.

This walk was 14 miles, so that will do nicely.
I'm going to have to go now, bed is calling me. I'll post part 3 tomorrow.
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. You do have an eye for a nice picture, Ilona. Glad you have had a nice time. Total change of subject .........I have mentioned previously that our Tesco doesn't often have much in the way of yellow stickers but I got a really fab bargain: four packs of raspberries reduced from £2.00 each to just 20p each. I was so chuffed! X

  2. Wow. Amazing pics looks gorgeous. I have a weakness for Abbey ruins and castles. Glad you had a good time.

  3. You have wonderful rambles to share with us, I love the abbey, the old breed of cattle and those wine barrels of flowers which look like begonias.

  4. Lovely pictures. Thank you for sharing. Can't wait to see part 3. Ranee (MN) USA

  5. Oh my goodness, what a lot of ducks! There are 19 ducks right now in a pond near me and I thought that was a lot but it is nothing compared to the ducks in your photos.

    It looks like a really lovely town and surrounding countryside. I especially like your photo of the timbered house with pink-purple flowers and the shot of the town deli. The abbey looks amazing, too. You always have such nice pictures.

  6. maybe a strange place to build a shelter for picnic/bar b que,
    but, oh so lovely....It would be a wonderful place to nibble and spend time

    Lovely pics, and lovely long walk. Thank you for sharing the photos.

  7. great photos. Lad you had a smashing few days away

  8. Glad you had a good time, the photos are lovely especially the one of the steps. Have a good weekend. We have the hospice Summer fayre today, it's overcast at the moment but I am sure it will brighten up. My WI have a stall there selling plants and handicraft, all the members have decorated a calico shopping bag, the stall should look nice and colorful.
    Hazel c uk

  9. Again lovely photos. It looks like you are having some lovely walks.

  10. They are great photos. We absolutely love Helmsley and visit frequently. Yorkshire Lavender is over that way and is a really a lovely place for an hour or two amongst stunning scenery... and free to get in

  11. With you as my guide I feel as if I've been there myself. Natalie

  12. Great walk and snaps, thanks!

  13. Great photos, you are very intrepid just walking away on your own. I find it inspiring. Keep blogging!

  14. Oh I do so enjoy your photos and descriptions of your walks. I have always wanted to visit there, I may never get to, but I feel like I am there walking with you.

  15. Please post more pics of little Rocky. He was a trooper CV x

  16. Love Helmsley haven't been for years last time we went a long time ago (about 20 odd years), we had dinner in the Black Swan which was nice. However funniest bit was we went to look at castle and there was no one around to pay so just sneaked in any way during our visit the bloke collecting entrance fees on the gate reappeared and we were embarrassed about sneaking in. My hubby said oh we'll just climb over the wall and run off, which we did not realising it was a 6 foot drop on the other side. I just dangled there in my Summer frock squealing I can't let go ha ha, oh to be young enough to jump over castle walls xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.