Saturday, 10 September 2016

Yet another bimble in Yorkshire

Hello. Here we go with day three, the last day at Helmsley. I checked out of my room, after another gut busting breakfast. I left my car there and set off out of the town past the cemetery,. through a couple of fields, and up into Ash Dale. This is part of the 48 mile long Tabular Hills Walk which links Helmsley with Scarborough. It was a wide track along the bottom of a valley with tall trees either side. A lovely start to the walk. 
 Two miles further on is a junction where I turned right onto Keld Lane, a wide track.

This came out on a road near the village of Carlton. It amused me to see the notice warning of free range children.

I thought I would check out the church while I was there, it looks pretty. I was about to walk up to the door and see if it was unlocked, then I noticed the sign outside. There was a car parked outside, I thought it might be a caretaker or gardener.

Oh, it is no longer a church, it's a holiday let. There must be someone staying there then. 
Around the other side was a great ugly box thing stuck to the wall. It looks like a shipping container, or a portacabin. What a monstrous carbuncle that is. I caught a glimpse of kitchen units through the window. It completely ruins the look of the place, and the garden around it looks like a building site. All this is visible from the road. If you are interested in finding out more, look at the web site.  
After a chat to a couple of walkers who had stopped for a drink, I set off again up the road and turned right up a track to Riccal Dale Wood. The views of the rolling hills and fields was lovely.

Just after Cowhouse Bank Farm I took a path on the left, there was a bridge over a ford.

On the map this place is called Old Fold. It's a cute little cottage which looks like it has been abandoned, probably not all that long ago, it looks repairable. Such a shame.

Now some giant ferns to wade through.

It was at this point that I turned round and started to go back. Time was getting on and I wanted to be back at the car for between three and four. According to the map this is Cowhouse Bank Wood, lots of trees have been cut down. It was starting to get a bit windy, good job I had some extra clothes with me. I put a skirt on over my shorts to keep my knees warm, and a fleece body warmer.

I got back on the road after Cowhouse Bank and stayed on the road, through Carlton, back to Helmsley arriving at 3.30pm. Just right.

Here is a not very good photo of my map. It's an OS Explorer map number OL26,  1:25 scale. I did the pink walk on Wednesday, the orange one on Thursday, and the green one on Friday. Two days of 11 miles each, and one of 14 miles. I'm happy with 36 miles to add to my walking total challenge. The yellow line is from a previous visit, that one was 17 miles.
I think I need to explore some new areas now, my Yorkshire and Lincolnshire maps are full of coloured lines.

Not much done today, a quick trip to town, wasn't in the mood for shopping. Getting dark already, I'll get the cats in, and read the Times newspapers that my friend passes on to me. Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your weekend. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Oh Miss I...I wish I was there with you. You might have to carry me part way but I believe you could do it. haha! Thanks for letting us tag along. I love seeing your walk a-bouts. :)

  2. "great ugly box thing stuck to the wall"

    such a shame...agree with you that it spoils the look...

    hard to imagine, in such a big building there would not be room for a kitchen, but then, maybe it was difficult to put in wiring/safety stuff for cooking, without ruining some of the original work..If that is the case, I forgive them...(sigh)

  3. Now I wish I hadn't stopped blogging for so long. I would have loved to join your 1000 mile challenge. The walks you have done up in the NY Moors, look really nice.

  4. I love reading about your walks. I find them so interesting, some of the places I know well and others are completely new. You have a knack for this. Someone should snap you up to do other places. Your love of the countryside is so obvious. xx

  5. You have certainly found some lovely places on your walk, the scenery has been breath taking. Loved the sign.
    What next?
    Enjoy the day.
    Hazel c uk

  6. Lovely pictures, thank you. I totally agree about the portacabin structure, it's a wonder it was ever allowed!!! SueM

  7. Oh, I wish I were rich and could buy Old Fold, it's beautiful ! I enjoyed all those posts though they made me want to be in England !...

  8. When I visited England many years ago, the farthest north I got was Stratford On Avon, which wasn't very far north at all. If I ever get to return to England, I have so many places in the north that I want to visit thanks to your wonderful walks and photos. Thank you for taking us with you on your walks.

  9. Lovely piccies Ilona.

  10. Hi Ilona, Everywhere you walk is so picturesque. It's like all of England is beautiful. Love seeing all the sites. Thanks for taking such lovely pictures. Arlene from NJ (USA)

  11. I enjoyed your walk in pictures. Nice home that was recently gone to nothingness. Hopefully someone with buy it soon. Good weekend with girlfriends lunch, visiting son and family, shopping for fabric and food. This afternoon putting pictures back up on walls. Took them down for new roof work...lots of bumping, scraping, banging. Have a good week. :-}

  12. Great pics, love sharing your walks Ilona x


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