Monday, 7 August 2017


Hello. Not much happening today. Crafty Club as usual, one new member. Lunch was a frozen portion of home made stew. The fridge is bare so I am eating whatever I can find. This afternoon was hedge trimming at the front and back. I found some cheese and there is bread in the freezer so it was a hot cheese sandwich, one tomato, and some beetroot for dinner. After that I did my walk. That's about it really. 
This is going to be an octopus. I think. 
Under the sea flowers.

Erm.....excuse me Heidi. I hope you haven't scratched my car getting up there. She is doing ever so well. I've reduced her tablets slightly and she is not showing any signs of illness. When I am in the garden she follows me everywhere. Her black fur is going a little bit rusty brown on her back, not sure if it is the sun doing that. She spends most of the day outside.

I will need to go shopping at some point this week, I've got a voucher for £6 off a £40 shop, so I'm running things down. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I am liking all this felting, especially like the little bobble flowers with the star stitching on them.
    I have notices that the fluffy lot of ours are going a bit brown in places, maybe this happens to fluffy black cats?

  2. I like your octopussy Ilona and are they it's babies hiding in the sea flowers? My top dog is now 13 and has always been jet black-recently he has got rich brown highlights too-gorgeous x

  3. I love this it's so creative. Octopuses are so cute.

  4. I'm glad Heidi is doing so well and yes, the darker fur turning lighter is from the sun. One of my cats, who has passed on several years ago at the great age of 18, always made a point of laying in the sun in our patio window or any sun puddle she could find. If it was exceptionally warm, she would still lay in sun and when getting too warm, would move to the tile to cool down and then back to the sunshine. Her name was Ebony, for her beautiful black fur, which started to show a lot of brown around her tummy. She would lay with her belly facing the sunshine. We always called her Beezer anyway. (you know, for Ebeneezer Weezeer Beezer - what? I know, we're odd) Heh. She was a sweet cat and preferred the company of men. She was a special little girl. Ranee (MN) USA

  5. One of my cats go abit ginger in the summer....even now with a bit of rain in between!,He just lays there,but when its too hot,he comes back in home.Cats are curious creatures.And prefer to lay on me when i am.trying to go to bed.On Friday night,when i have got 3....heavy Iget as though,i cant move ..this isnt just is every night,lol,Debi,Leic.x.

  6. Or maybe a pentopus? :-)
    J x

  7. Throughout my life I have had several black cats and some have gone "rusty" and others haven't. Two of my girls lived to 19 and 20 years and stayed jet black, whilst one of my boys looked that way at about 8 years. It tends to happen as they get older but not to all black cats. It also tends to be on their summer coat, and it does show up more in the sun, but I don't think it's anything to do with the sun, just genetics. My vet said that there is an illness which causes this to happen, but don't panic, it's quite unusual. Lots of healthy cats appear rusty black in summer. I don't know what is wrong with Heidi, but I imagine, like most other cats the colour change is just age and genetics. Jean.

  8. Love the octopus!
    Our dog, Roxy, is a sun worshiper. She does a dance for us to open the front door when it's sunny. When her tongue starts to hang out the side of her mouth, she collapses on the wood floor til she's able to start all over again!

  9. Love your octopus but give him three more legs! xx

    1. Yes, it does need more legs. I just stuck it there to get an idea if it would fit in. Lots more work to do on it yet.

  10. my black cat looks 'rusty' on her back when she lies in the sun - must be a pigment thing - she's only 4ish (i think - she was a rescue cat so not sure of age).
    .. love the idea of a 'pentapus' in your design, I wouldn't bother with the extra legs!!

  11. You had me worried for a moment, I slightly misread things ..... 'The fridge is bare so I am eating whatever I can find. This afternoon was hedge trimming(s)' ..... haha, the hot cheese sandwich sounds so much better ;-)

  12. You are getting really good at this needle felting lark!!!


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