Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Shopping late for cheap food

Hello. I'm going to be eating well for the next couple of weeks, and I've saved a ton of money. Yes, it was yellow sticker night tonight. I haven't been for a few weeks. Sometimes I get a few things from Aldi to keep me going  because if I have to go to town, Aldi is close by. Tonight was Tesco night, and I needed petrol as well. I had two coupons for £6.50 off, so I ran down the food stocks in the fridge and cupboards to make sure I could find enough to make up the £40 spend which was required.
I have lots of juicy fruit. 
Plenty of salad, mushrooms, houmous, pasta salad, and veg.

Two loaves of wholemeal bread, pancakes, hot cross buns, and teacakes.

Twenty five items with 75% off. I'm chuffed.

There wasn't many people in the shop, no grabbing, there was plenty for those that wanted it. I always chat to them, and usually see the same faces. The young lad who does the pricing is great, very friendly. I chat to the ladies on the checkouts, they all know me. One lady tells me all about her cats, and shows me pictures on her phone. It's a good atmosphere.

That's all for tonight, it's getting late, time for bed. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. We don't have really late cheap food, sadly the most we ever get on reductions is about twenty cents...still better than nowt! Keep up the ace work.

  2. Congrats on the huge haul of groceries. I haven't found much at our stores lately but am now looking at different places for better deals. Thanks for posting, it got my enthusiasm back up to go looking.

  3. you are the Queen of Mean...never a doubt!I'm tickled when I get 30% off something...

  4. Not many people about because of the deluge of water falling from the sky. It's a long time since I've seen rain like this.

  5. That is how I like to buy food and do! I don't usually find it all at one place, though. That's quite a diverse haul.

  6. Now that's what I call a frugal shop - well done!
    J x

  7. You got a great selection there our yellow stickers at tesco are far and few between and always a battle to get anything I gave up after i was so annoyed once with a chap taking every punnet of strawberrys that were reduced to 20p when there were young families there looking aswell , really got my back up, I'm sure he didn't need twenty punnets xx

    1. He may have decided to make Jam out of it, one never knows unless you speak up.

  8. once again, WOW.

    Am constantly cheered (and impressed) when I read your grocery savings. I truly love getting a good deal/reading about others same.

  9. You certainly got a good haul!

  10. People must be a lot more calmer where you live cause at the local asda round here,you could come away needing hospital treatment!!,lol.I was there a few weeks ago,cause i had to drop my hubby off right near i thought i would pop in and see what they had got.And although i did manage to get a few bargains,some right down to 10 and 20p..when the young guy with the cakes came round,it was like a riot.People were pushing,grabbing,arguing,shouting ..i stood n watched and felt so sorry for the young lad.Why cant people just let the bargains be shared out.Someone told me that its the same people there every night.They were staggering away,piled high with cakes,donuts,Just how many cakes can a family eat?,lol.You got a good load of healthy stuff Ilona!And some really good bargains too!...Well,here in Leic,the rain has stopped and the sun is beaming down.Still,quite a chill in the air though.My scraps veg..have been growing really well.Ive had 3 baby letteuce,celery that grew to about 10 inches,only one stalk left on it now though cause its been used on sandwiches and in pasta.My garlic is sprouting up and leaves are coming through where i planted a couple of chunks of sprouting potato and and end of an onion.Tomatoes havent done so well though,ive got one average sized green one and the other one looks like a Birds Eye pea,lol.Still,im pleased overall and im still going to carry on doing the kitchen scraps.It all saves money!!.Im making some more spider plants today cause they are breeding like rabbits.Trouble is no one wants them,my mam has had a few and they are breeding like mad as well,lol.My daughter has had some aswell...but every one else says,no thanks,we would just forget to water them!!.Oh well,i will take some to the charity shop and see if they can earn a bit from them.Ive noticed my family are starting..slowly to get into recycling.My grandson puts his water bottles in the bag and even asks me what can go in if he isnt sure.They have all remarked on my upcycled furniture and even asked if i could show them what to do with some of theirs!.Well,just going to have a coffee before i start and crack on with things.Hope you all have a lovely day,Debi,Leic,x

  11. A brilliant haul, just when you needed it well done 😊

  12. Great buys I need to stock up this week so I shall be off on the hunt for those stickers on Sunday.

  13. Ooo Ilona that looks lovely and healthy food.Yummy yum yum.I have to have at least one avocado a week because of vitamin E ,but at my Lidl where I shop they are 90p each at the moment.I have frozen some when I have got them cheap when at the market but they went a bit mushy.Great stuff ! x

  14. well done.. it's usually a rammy here at my local asda or tesco with certain shoppers taking armfuls of stuff and leaving nothing for others - they 'park' a trolley next to the reductions shelf and grab the stuff as soon as the lad puts the cheap sticker on,shoving everyone else out the way. Selfish behaviour.

  15. I don't go specifically to yellow sticker shop, but if I come across any, I do take advantage. I hate grocery shopping, so like to leave it for as long as possible and then do one big shop to last. I go round town in the afternoon so it's tea time when I get round to food shopping. Sometimes there are no yellow stickers, or only a few on things I don't want. Other times I do get a few bargains. Every now and then I hit what I call the mother load! Don't worry, I am not selfish, often there are hardly any people in, I don't take everything and it is all civilized. The other day, apart from my full price shop, (and even some of that was on offer,) I returned with 26 reduced items. They came to £3.55 in total. The dearest I paid was 49p, others were 25p, 9p and 5p. This included 3 bottles of organic milk at 9p each, 2 coleslaw at 5p each, mushrooms at 9p, a bag of potatoes for 9p, fruit, watercress, basil, quiche, and a pizza for my husband. The pizza and mushrooms at full price would have come to over £3.80 alone and I paid £3.55 for the lot. There was still plenty left for others. As I've said before, I can't stand food being wasted and do love a good bargain. Jean.

  16. We don't have Yellow Stickers in New Zealand but I have learnt a lot from your frugal ways Ilima and read your blog every day for inspiration and refreshment:-)

  17. What time did you go to Tesco ?

    1. I got there at 7pm, that's when my store puts the third and final sticker on. Other stores will have their own methods, could be any time.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.