Sunday, 28 October 2018

Plastic fantastic

I finished these flowers yesterday. Blinged them up with mini gems, nail varnish and glitter. For indoor use or outdoors. Aint they pretty. 

Four miles walked today, every little helps. Three days left of this month, don't forget it's check in day on Thursday the 1st of November. Cold today, I've got the big thick hooded anorak out, like to keep my head warm. I'm also wearing a skirt over my trousers. Stay warm.  ilona


  1. Are they the ones for the cat stall?.Im sure you will make lots of money selling them!Well,its been a cold day here in Leicester again today.But well wrapped up with t shirt,sweat shirt and an old fleece on top of that.Plus my jeans n cosy socks!,Im loving it that the 5 cats are all asleep,on their fleece blankets that I have made them.I dont think they like the cold weather either!.I want to crack on a bit tomorrow cause today has been a lazy day and that makes me feel more tired.I much rather be doing stuff!xx

    1. Don't let anyone lecture you!! I've seen your work first hand and it is amazing. Pity they havent got better things to do than criticise. Keep up your good work. X

  2. I love your flowers Ilona they should sell very good.
    Hazel c uk

  3. I watched a very short video last night showing how to make bottle bricks.Although you can recycle plastic bottles,alot of stuff like crisp and sweet packets still go into landfill.The idea is to fill these bottles,with the clean stuff that you cant recycle.The bottles must all be the same size.I only buy cordial,in the square bottles from Aldi,which makes them ideal for fitting together.It will take a few weeks to fill as you keep pressing the stuff down with a long stick,to make it solid inside,no gaps.Then when you have quite a few of these,they can be stuck or tied together,to make plant pots for outside ect.Someone had even made a shower wall out of them!.It reuses your plastic bottle plus keeps the plastic you cant recycle out of landfill.Im going to try it and see if I can make something out of them,although it will take a while,but Ive got all Winter to do it!xx

  4. Love youre happy flowers, i would buy a few, only i live in holland thats to far, ilona have a nice day :)

  5. I have deleted some comments because I can. I don't need lectures.

  6. Fair enough, but I'm sure many of those who read the comments before you deleted them agreed with the comments. Noted is the fact that you only have very few comments on your plastics post. Enjoy your little life, it's a shame that someone who professes to teach others how to live doesn't do so in a more earth friendly way.

    1. Ilona lives in a very kind and thoughtful way towards humans, animals and the her using plastic as artwork she is recycling it, not making plastic!!

  7. Once plastic is made, it's made . Ilona can't unmake it! She is just using it to make something pretty out of it. I would rather plastic that has already been made is reused. Then I try and not use plastic in other areas of my life.


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