Sunday, 14 February 2021

100 miles an hour

Blimey, and I thought Terry Miles was fast. Marius Labsch plays Swanee River at 100 miles an hour. Recorded in Hamburg in 2019. Look at that man go. No matter how down I get, BoogieWoogie lifts my spirits. It's a great pick me up.  

Happy Valentines Day. Love and kisses.  Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. What a great pick me up on this dull n damp Sunday morning!.Call me mad,lol,but I have just been dancing to this in the kitchen while I made a cup of tea....Im still in love with Terry though!I had forgot that it was Valentines day so I better get ready for the van loads of flowers that might turn up at my door...or then again might not,lol.Thank you for the greeting and Happy Valentines Day to you too.xx

  2. My aunt used to play boogie boogie on piano to liven up family gatherings when I was growing up. She played for years till arthritis stopped her. Shy and quiet till she played sat at the piano. Happy Valentines Day.

  3. Ilona, I wanted to send you a private message but can't see how to now. Have you stopped accepting them? x

    1. My email address is on the sidebar, under the heading, Contact me here.


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