Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Hockney loves trees

I have just come across a series of 80 short films about David Hockney to celebrate his 80th birthday. He was born on the 9th of July 1937, his 84th birthday this year. 
In this one he is in a country lane in East Yorkshire painting a tree. It reminded me of the tree picture I took last week. I can just see him standing there with his easel and paints Pity I can't copy and paste him into there, ha ha. 

Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. Hello Ilona,

    Hockney is a favourite artist for us. Over the decades his work has changed to encompass a wide variety of styles and subjects. But, it is always fresh and with a contemporary feel. It is as if he still has something to say through his pictures that is relevant and of the moment.

    1. I don't think he will ever stop. Painting is his life's blood, it's his oxygen. We are so lucky that his work will live on forever long after he has gone.

  2. I love David Hockney, they had one of his painting in our Museum years ago and I loved to stand a gaze at it. thanks for the tip on the videos Ilona will be taking a look at them. Hope you are standing up to things okay.

    1. Hi Bri. His work has that kind of effect on me. The more I study it, the more I see something different. I find it very magical. Yes, I am standing tall and straight, never wavering in my resolve, never crumbling. Thank you for asking. Best wishes to you and Tom.

  3. How lovely to be able to stand in a beautiful spot and just paint it.I dont know much about David Hockney,but I have heard of him,I will google him and find out more.Its always good to learn something new each day!.I used to love art at school but havent done much over the years.But this has inspired me to go to our local park,which is beautiful and well kept and maybe sit and draw what I see.....although I dont know if I am allowed to do that at the moment!!xx

    1. Have a little doodle, Debi. You might like it.

  4. That's a beautiful tree photo.

  5. I know next to nothing about Art, but I would describe your arrestingly beautiful photo as "painterly".


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