Thursday, 18 February 2021

Yesterday's walk

Not a lot happening at the moment. I had a nice walk yesterday. 

Found some charity bags dumped in the wood. Obviously someone couldn't be bothered to deliver them.  

Saw a woman riding her horse. Stopped to chat.
Found some plastic garbage dumped in a pond. Please stop buying cheap crappy Chinese rubbish.
Found another fly tip. Rescued a cute bucket. The label on the bottom says it is an ice bucket. Would make a very nice wool bucket. 

It's raining. I will go to the Post Office to pay my utilities bill. It came in the post, and it has a bar code. Hip hip hooray, they got it right. This afternoon I am playing at painting. 
Thanks for popping in. Have a jolly nice day. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. So sad to see all that plastic rubbish in the midst of those drifts of beautiful snowdrops.

  2. My word you do find some rubbish in your lovely area. Its probably nearly all stuff you could put in your black bin. Well its sunny here in Derby so will pop out for a little walk around the park. I showed your "New World " to my sister( via phone). She thought it really good. I think its one of your best. I still have the pic I bought from you (Burton Exhibition) Its been admired a lot.

  3. Like the wool bucket, that will soon be filled up, lol. Enjoy your day Ilona.

  4. Unfortunately pretty much every label be it clothes, toys or home/kitchen ware has a 'made in China' label. It makes me so angry to think we can't produce anything in this country and have to ship other people's crappily made stuff thousands of miles to sell in our shops.

  5. Sadly most council recycling centres seem to be shut or only open for very restricted hours now. If they want to encourage people to dispose of their waste then they need to be open. Also refreshing bins supermarket car parks all seem to be overflowing. Aren't they ever emptied?? No wonder people dump stuff.

  6. You were the inspiration behind me deciding to become a litter picker for my street a few years ago. Arilx

  7. I've made a serious effort to stop buying "made in China" have done so for the last decade at least. Ever since the tainted baby milk scandal over there.

    What I have noticed is there is less plastic junk in the $stores over here. Many food items are from EU countries or Turkey. The housewares aisles are pretty bare but the glassware is from the US and South America.

    Me thinks, China was hit harder by the virus than they are letting out.

  8. All that fly tipping is appalling - there's no excuse for it. If recycling centres are shut or not fully operating then people should keep their rubbish at home until they open again.
    I like your latest artwork, very striking. I must get my art supplies out of the cupboard - I have loads of stuff but it's been ages since I used any of it. My son and I went to the cemetery today to visit the family graves and tidy them up a bit. It's been very windy here and there were flowers blown all over the place. We spent some time wandering around reading some of the very old headstones. It might sound strange but I love it there, I used to go there with my grandmother when I was little, when she went to put flowers on her parent's graves. She used to make some sandwiches and we would sit on the bench and eat them, and little birds would come and we'd feed them bits of bread. She's buried there now and I often sit on the bench and remember the old days. It's a nice memory, the little birds are still singing and it's calm and peaceful there. An oasis to escape to in this crazy world. ❤️ Xxx

    1. Hello Liz,you are a woman after my own heart.I love going to the cemetery as well.As you say, it is so peaceful there,I go and stand and talk to my relatives and friends there.I am making little bird tables to put on their graves,so that the birds and squirrels can go and feed there.I know that they would have loved that.xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.