Thursday, 11 February 2021

A very wise seagull

 Filling my time, keeping busy. This part is done. Now to start on the next stage of this amazing masterpiece. The colours are more vibrant in real life than they are on the photo's. 

No birds have appeared yet. The sun is shining, I hope it melts enough of the snow to be able to go a walk this afternoon. In the meantime I need to wash my hair, strip the bed and wash the sheets, and run the dyson round. 

Debi mentioned seagulls on the previous post, it reminded me of a book I have read many times. Johnathan Livingston Seagull made a big impression on me when I was younger. His messages were as clear as a sparkling spring glistening in the sunlight. It was like a light switch going on in my head, it was my bible for a long time. 

Here is a passage from this web site.

 All you need to do is believe in yourself. People have limited capabilities, but if called upon, human beings have a lot of hidden abilities. Reading this book will help change your mindset and inspire you to live your life beyond the chains of fear and reach for the next level.

  1. “Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reasons that a gull’s life is so short, and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.”

And there you have it. Jonathan knows the secret to a good life. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Firstly, the needlework is gorgeous but then you knew I would love it because of the beautiful colours. I practice 'Jin Shin Jyutsu' finger holding, we both do. It works. Each finger represents something different, like as in J Seagull, one for anger, one for fear etc, holding each finger and thinking positive thoughts is a great help in this life.
    I did blog about it once but got a lot of negative comments. People are afraid of trying anything new.

    1. I vaguely remember that . Do you have a search facility on your blog so old posts can be brought up and linked to a new post?

  2. Have you listened to Neil Diamonds Jonathon Livingstone Seagull. It's beautiful

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. The background will finish it off.

  4. Was that fabric printed like that or did you sew together odd shaped coloured bits?

    1. It is a piece of cotton bedsheet. First splattered with some fabric ink which I wanted to use up. The colours weren't dense enough so I painted over them with acrylics. Then colouring in with fibre marker pens, then more acrylics.

      I went around the outlines with a fine tip black pen, and stitched over that with thick black cotton. Then put it to one side because because some of the colours had bled into each other. I didn't want to paint it again so I disguised the imperfections with filling in all the shapes with back stitch. Still not 100% happy with it, but hopefully the background will take away some of the focus on it.

  5. I think the colours bleeding into each other adds to it.

  6. Jonathan Livingston seagull is one of my favourite books. After reading it many years ago I decided to get divorced.
    Stay safe Ilona . I love your blog and have followed you for many years. Eve


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