Saturday, 6 February 2021

A bonus post for my friends.

Good Morning. It's Sunday. I have edited this post. For those who missed it, if you want to join in with the gossip, here is a link to Treaders Blog. 

She has some lovely friends. There's Sam, Marksgran, and Cheapchick, and recent participants include Karen Smith and Traveller. And another one has joined in the hunt, the lovely Jen. She told a big whopping lie. 

I have some wonderful friends in Blogland. They love a good gossip. On a wet Saturday afternoon there is nothing I like better than to mooch around the blogs. Very entertaining. Why don't you get yourself over there and join in. 

Best wishes, lots of love, to my real blogger friends.   ilona


  1. Which just goes to show just how dumbed-down some people are. I think it's very sad that critical thinking is now seen as something to be mocked, by those who are incapable of understanding it. It's more than sad, actually, it's shocking. I thank God that I am able to think for myself. It's ironic that the ones who talk about 'the tin hat brigade' are the ones walking around with a bit of cloth over their faces in the hope that it will stop something the size of a virus.

    1. I am amazed how people go along with whatever they are told to do, without question.

  2. Sigh...I am very very tired of the philosophy that we all have to agree on everything or else. Perhaps the next logical step is for Google to stop allowing blogs where they don’t like the content. Sigh. 1984 is here, sad to say. Wish the critics would read the book and ponder their actions a bit.

    1. It could very well happen. Yoootooob are pulling videos of those which don't fit their narrative. Twitter are deleting thousands of users, and a lot of them are having their followers numbers cut. Parler, a social media platform has been closed down. Posts are disappearing off face book. Freedom of speech is under attack.

  3. What a nasty bunch, eh! Bloggers hunt in packs. No point in calling them out. As I have said before, best walk away from it. They are nothing to me, just a group of bitchy women.

    Thank you to those who have sent positive comments, and emails.

  4. Reading it reminded me of a school playground in particular one corner of my school yard where a group of not very nice very bitchy group of girls used to meet to slander and slag of anyone who did not fit into their ideas. It really saddens me knowing that those bitchy school girls never grow up, in fact they tend to get worse as the years role by. Sad Sad very very Sad!

    1. Yes, it is a bit like that. We had a little clique in our year at school. The ring leader had her devoted followers to back her up. Clamouring around her, sucking up to her. It is so embarrassing when grown women do the same thing.

    2. I despise the sycophants even more than the ringleader of such groups. Without them, the bully would be powerless. They are extremely weak individuals and are to be pitied.

  5. Well Ilona, just think while they're talking about you, they're leaving some other poor bugger alone! There will always be opposing views on the pandemic, it's human nature.

    1. It's true that not everybody thinks the same way, so why look at the blog of someone who has a different opinion, then proceed to post derogatory remarks about them. I don't go onto the blogs of others and have a go at them.

    2. Its insecurity. Its likely to be that they are worried their views may in fact be wrong, so the best form of defence in to attack. Totally agree with the idea that it reminds one of that group of insecure girls in the playground buoying each other up for a feeling of righteousness and strength but unfortunately it means they may miss the chance to become more informed by giving time to considering alternative points of view.

    3. I agree Ilona, it's fine to differ in opinions, but some of those comments went off on a tangent into your personal life and that's not a acceptable! A bit like Mean Girls - but definitely old enough to know better manners, plus they're definitely not girls any more!!

  6. Replies
    1. Afraid so. The fear has been manufactured to such an extent that people are fighting with each other.

  7. Jen over on the other blog is a liar. She said I came into some money when a relative died. Untrue, I did not. She said I am dangerous because I tell people not to wear a mask. I am not, and I don't tell people not to wear a mask. Everyone can make up their own mind what they want to do. She says I am a weirdo. If that means I am quite capable of making my own mind up about the best course of action to take, then so be it. She says my face is weird and I would benefit from wearing a mask. She criticizes my voice and says I cannot speak properly.

    Anyone who writes like that is a troll in my book.

    1. Oh my gosh....I LOVE your voice and so look forward to your videos. Hello from America!

  8. The page views are going up on this one, 1250, because the nasties can't help themselves coming back for another look.

  9. I for one like you blog and definitely the coffee chats.
    What do some people gain for being unkind we all have are own views.

    1. Its a form of bullying in my opinion. To decide you don't agree with a bloggers point of view on the virus but then continuing to come back is weird. To then go off and lament about it elsewhere without adding any scientific facts or facts at all to bolster their arguments and to make personal comments, is just dumb. I also don't think these comments bother Ilona. I think it's just interesting to her, and to some of us to read, as it illustrates some interesting issues in society just now.

  10. I sent a post but I'm not sure why it was deleted. The gist was the topics of vaccines and masks are getting tedious now. I do enjoy your posts and have been an avid fan of your blog for a long time now and also a member of the walking group. I do apologise if I have offended you Ilona. I do hope my posts will be allowed in the future. Linda

    1. I am not sure, either. It was a bit chaotic sorting it all out.

    2. Thanks Ilona, both me and my hubby enjoy your blog, especially your videos!

  11. In relation to wearing facemasks, I have yet to see references to definitive studies of any creditability that show any marked degree of prevention of transmission between people. I have, however, seen reference to a Danish controlled trial showing essentially no benefit at all to the wearing of facemasks. On this basis, to call anyone who declined to wear a facemask a "tin foil hat wearer" is, I think, showing a distinct lack of judgement and respect for the evidence.

    1. Someone said I don't follow the science. On the contrary, I do follow the hundreds of scientists and doctors, who are coming forward and speaking out. I don't follow the Sage scientists.

    2. When I was completing my DPhil research in the early 1970's in Organic Chemistry, any model or theory that was as divergent from reality (i.e. experimental results or observations) as the SAGE models would have been thrown out, or at the very least had the underlying assumptions drastically reviewed.

  12. I didn't see this post before it was edited so it is difficult to comment. People are entitled to their own point of view but it is unacceptable to be personal. I'll pass in joining in on the gossip - I have much more important and interesting things to do with my time. :)

  13. My post was also deleted. Not sure why.

    1. In the beginning I decided that I wasn't going to publish any comments at all. Then I changed my mind. Sorry, yours got left out.

  14. Carry on being your wonderful beautiful self Ilona they aren't worth your time xx

  15. Hello are worth far more than this nasty tittle tattle small group.i think there will always be backstabbers out there.the thing that makes you so likeable is you are willing to speak your mind sometimes not just follow the crowd blindly.they may not agree with your views but there is no need for them to be so rude.your real friends wouldn't treat you that way.i notice there are some very genuine people too on your blog following.thank goodness for that.keep up your pics and story's I always look forward to themx

  16. I thought of you last night Ilona. Listen to Dr Rangan Chattergee and Vicki Pattison talking about Me Time on Radio 2 last night. You can listen to it on Sounds App today. Vicki talks a lot of sense about Social Media and how todeal with this sort of thing.

    1. I like Dr Chattergee, he is a good man. Don't know much about Vicki. I will have a look.

  17. I saw your post before you edited it. It does not surprise me in the least, as you are aware the trouble I had last year, cliquey, little gossips if your face doesn't fit. Society has always been the same, you have to conform...anyway I will still be reading your common sense blog, Jo

    1. It was a copy and paste job from Treaders blog to mine. It made sense to edit it and just insert a link so people could look if they wanted to.

  18. Has everyone finished with this post now, shall we move on. At over 2000 views I think it has served it's purpose. It has highlighted that there are unsavoury people out there who delight in pulling others to pieces if they dare to have a different opinion to themselves.

    I now have a list of ten names of those who are not welcome here. Stay in your little groups happy in the knowledge that you are among friends. I don't blame you for what you are, it's the main stream media and the government that has turned people against each other. One day it will all make sense to you.

  19. Oh gosh I have just caught up with all this!!

    Me and you don't agree with everything each other says but we have commonalities that keep us firmly as blogging buddies. We both know to keep schtum when necessary or simply to put it out there that we agree to disagree, like proper grown ups!!

    This just seems like playground action alive and well and bubbling away in lockdown boredom and lunacy. Good for you to rise above it all.

    1. Too right Sue. There are things which you write about and I am not interested in. You may not like everything I have to say. So we just move on. It's that easy.

  20. I have only just seen this!.As I have said before,I have worn a mask every time I go out,since last March.And I also know that you have said that you dont.But you are making every effort to stay away from people,shopping rarely and late at night.So to me it seems that you have no chance of giving the virus or catching it.It is all down to keeping safe and you seem to be doing that!.Yes,we all dont agree on things all the time...but one thing I cant stand is Bullying!!!.Stay doing what your doing making the best of things,staying safe and making those lovely coffee morning chats.That link sounded like something from the playground!!,lol,xx

  21. Keep up the good work Love your blog!/ Marianne Sweden

    1. Thank you Marianne. Nice to hear from you.

  22. oh dear, god wasent that a load of nonsense, i just read thru it while my dog was chewing on a bone lol and ive just remembered i want to catch up and watch ur coffee chat you did recently will do that tonight,oh yes i really liked ur meals you showed last few posts ago some good ideas in there,you know i read ur blog every day missed the last 3 i think lol :)Louise


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.