Friday, 27 April 2012

I love freebies

I wasn't happy with the bin yesterday, notice anything different? It didn't look right, only half finished, so I put a lining in it. That's 100% better.

I used a piece of black cotton fabric, a black sheet I bought from a charity shop to use for bag linings and such like. Now it's finished. I always say if I can't do a job properly then I don't want to do it at all.

I don't mind telling people about my frugal and simple lifestyle, and don't mind admitting that I like free stuff. People who know me know they can offer me things that they no longer want, and I am happy to take them if it's something that will be usefull to me.

Today a recieved a small packet from my friend down south. In it she sent me sixteen cups of coffee. That was very kind of her. I don't know where she got them from but I will find them very usefull.

So, don't be shy, and don't be embarrassed, let people know what a responsible person you are by recycling, reusing, and repurposing as much as you can. Then people will start offering you things they dont want.

Be proud, shout it from the rooftops that you wear second hand clothes, buy stuff from car boot sales, and put extra layers on instead of turning the heating up. We all have to do our bit for this planet. Toodle pip.


  1. It looks better now Ilona, more complete.

  2. You must not be going to ever put anything in it to soil it. I collect little freebies like that and add them to packages I send to my daughter and her children on Christmas and birthdays. They fit right into small spaces as I pack the boxes. I take free things. Some people think it makes hem look poor to take things and prefer to buy. Not me!

  3. Love the bin- I am happy to tell people I am like free things- I get given a lot of material this way :-)

  4. You can't put any rubbish in your bin now - it's too posh. You could store your wool or material in it. I bet the cats will like it as a hiding place. Or, you could store your free coffee in it - there looks an awful lot there!
    Love from Mum

  5. Hi Ilona What a great job you've done ! My son and his wife get really embarassed when I tell them about the things I buy at carboots and charity shops and I am the butt of their jokes which really hurt my feeling sometimes. I just can't seem to get through to them that I only buy good quality items and pay far less than I would in a shop. I have been a scrimper all my life and really enjoy the challenge of getting my weekly shop down and saving loads of money!!! This really makes me happy and feel it's all worth that extra time and effort. I'm not too proud to except anything for free bring it on !!! that's what I say Kind regards Jean

  6. People who say nothing is free in this world make me giggle, they just aren't looking hard enough.
    If I'm offered something I can't use I try and point the giver in the direction of someone else who might.
    x x x

  7. I`m like you, Ilona. I am proud to use second hand items and clothing. I always tell people about my bargains I found in charity shops or on boot sales. I always look for quality and pay less than I would for new stuff. Some laugh about it and think that I`m crazy. Let them, I say. They don`t know what fun they ar missing out on or the satisfaction it gives when you have paid only pennies for something that is extra useful to you. Never say no to a gift. Freebies are great, too.

  8. Love your fabric bin cover- great design and beautifully made. I'm on the lookout for black sheets for lining now!

  9. Lucky you. I love my freebies too. Got some good ones at the weekend. A rocking footstool that my little one loves rocking on and a rucksack. The rucksack was brand new and was originally a freebie from my cousins gym - but he didn't like the colour! My favourite ever freebie was an old church bench I got from freecycle, I varnished it up and it now looks very striking in my garden. I frequently ask fellow gardeners for any seeds, seedlings or cuttings. My entire veg plot this will be from free scrounged seeds ;). Debs x

  10. When my children were growing up I made it known that all donations of clothing would be gratefully accepted. I got bags and bags of beautiful stuff and what I could nt use I passed on. People were so generous and told me they were so happy to have found someone who could use it. Same with my veggie garden - if you dont ask you dont get.
    While visiting L.A. last month I visited Goodwill in Beverly Hills and got some lovely pants and tops for $2 each - probably belonged to Britney Spears :D
    My favorite find was a trav I found in the garbage behind the Barley Mow - washed it, dried it, hand carried back across the Atlantic and use it everyday - it is very attractive with pictures of wild flowers and herbs on it.....................

  11. How did you put the lining in the bin Ilona? did you do it by hand? I have to make a lining for a basket I bought, from a charity shop of course, which I want to put knitting wool in and want to line it so it doesn't snag the wool. It will be a bit fiddly as it has a handle either side the basket, it is a tallish, oval basket.

    I always tell people of my charity shop finds. My mum always asks me "what charity shop did you get that from" when I arrive in something she's not seen before.

  12. I'm afraid I'm one of those who are too embarassed to admit my frugal lifestyle ! Although I love being thrifty and my life of 'non spends' etc. etc., my children look down on me for doing it ! I know it's not right and I should do what I want blah blah blah, but when it's your family it hurts ! I don't give a toss what anyone else thinks !

  13. I live to bargain hunt! My Hubby is disabled and goes to a fishing lake that has good disabled access. The chap that runs the butty wagon needed some new signs so Hubby offered to make them to keep himself busy and now gets free bacon butties for a while. then the owner of the lake saw them and wanted some signs for the lakes - result = free fishing for a year!! Much better than money and Hubby is so chuffed and me too, peace and quiet for free!

  14. Hi Campfire. I used the templates to cut pieces for the lining, and stitched it together in the same way as the outer cover, making it slightly smaller. Then placed it inside, pinning around the top to keep it together. I then hand sewn it with very small stitches.

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  17. I have really enjoyed reading your blog entries since I discovered you quite by accident. I do have questions once in a while, however, so I thought I'd just leave you a post. What in the world is a "car boot" sale? I am from Tennessee in the USA and I am familiar with garage sales, yard sales, estate sales, etc. but that terminology is foreign to me. Have a beautiful day! Marnie


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