Monday, 2 April 2012

My little helper

Yes, thank you Mayze, it's very kind of you to offer to help with the planning, but you're lying on the bit I need to study.
But mum, it says here that the red dotted lines are a cycle route, and you will be walking. Are you sure you can use them?
Yes, Mayze, I will just have to leap out of the way when the cyclists come bombing towards me :o)


  1. Pretty Mayze, good to know that she is concerned about your safety.

  2. Aren't they just too cute???...and so helpful...LOL. Our 2 cats love the newspaper. My husband tries to read it every morning as he's sitting at the kitchen table with his coffee, but the cats come along and lay on top of the paper :)

  3. ha ha that's so funny. My dogs always want to lay on anything I spread out.

  4. I think Mayze wants to join you...doing some warm up stretches in readiness!
    Jane x

  5. I think she doesn't want you to leave. She misses you when you go on your walk abouts.

  6. That cat needs to learn how to relax - she's totally stressed out - anyone can see that !

  7. What is it about paper that cat's love. Every time I lay a sewing pattern on the floor to cut out my little monster has to come and roll around on it and get it all wrinkled, or worse he'll rip it if I don't keep an eye o him. He could be sound asleep in the bedroom but as soon as he hears the sound of that paper there he comes stretching and yawning his way over to park himself right in the middle of the crinkly stuff. I've learned that if I lay out a piece of tissue paper just for him it will usually satiate him but I do occasionally have to remind him to stay on his piece.

  8. I don`t know what it is with cats and papers. Mine also sits on it at any given opportunity.
    Salem also loves the russle of Tesco`s carrier bags. He tends to climb into them and plays with them. But paper seems to be even more iresistable to him.

  9. What a gorgeous cat!

  10. Eek! I'd better get planning too! Mum and I are walking round the Cornish coast for a week (about 1/3 of it anyway) starting the end of the month!

    Obviously don't really need to plan the route too much, but need to plan places to camp each night!

  11. Why do cats behave like that?

  12. Oh brilliant photo of Maisie, I thought it was just my daft spaniel that laid on his back :0)


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