Saturday, 7 April 2012

Mayze is a star

I've had a right lazy day today. My friend Julie came to visit, with Jessie blind dog, and I borrowed Henry choc lab and Rocky dog, and we all went a walk on the hills, through the wood, and down the hill to the bottom pub. It was great fun with them all romping about.
We had a pint of cider, that's me and Julie not the dogs, and had a good old natter. It's the last time we shall see each other for some time as they are off to Spain soon. 
Here is my pretty little Mayze. I have a plastic table outside the back window, and she likes to jump up on it and peer through the glass.  
That's me teasing her waving a piece of frayed rope about, she tries to catch it.
What a cutie.
Another courgette plant coming through. I must plant up some runner beans tomorrow.
Here is my little helper again. This time I was trying to do a slight alteration on my rucksack. Not much chance of that while she insisted on lying on it.
It's a bit quiet round here, everyone seems to have gone off somewhere for the holidays. Hope you are having a good time.


  1. ah - she's lovely ! arent' they entertaining ?
    sounds like you had a nice day, the weather has been too bad to go out here, rain all day so couldn't go to the bootsale, I hope it's dry tomorrow so I can catch the Sunday morning one down the road.
    I'm late this year with my seed sowing, must get my finger out soon.

  2. Mayze has the most beautiful markings.
    I got some raking done today...just took it easy but, boy, it was good to be outside in the sun watching everything bursting back into life!
    Jane x

  3. I envy your walks...envy in a good way.

    1. Lovely photo's,and Mayze is so sweet!thank you for sharing your day with me!

  4. Mayze has such a cute face!

  5. Haha, my cat Tabby (RIP) used to be very brave behind glass. We witnessed many feline scraps from the absolute safety of double glazing! Your courgettes are doing well - a couple of inches on mine. Have a lovely Easter! Debs x

  6. Mayze is such a sweet cat! Speaking of walks, we went for a drive and ended up at Dover. The White Cliff was stunning and we had fun watching the ferries coming in or leaving for France - did you come to Dover much during your lorry driving days?

  7. Cats are the best company, and so entertaining too.

  8. Mayze has such pretty markings and so white, she keeps herself beautifully clean.

    If you're like me everything you sew has cat hairs sewn into the seams. lol

  9. Mayze is such a pretty cat, I love to see pictures of her.


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