Sunday, 8 April 2012

Warning. Troll at large.

There is a comment supposedly from Wean on my previous post, which she informs me she did not put there. This makes me think there is a troll at large who can hack into Blogger accounts. Check your comments. You know who regularly posts a comment on your blog, and if any of them appear out of character, the person who's name is at the bottom may not have put it there.


  1. Thanks for the warning. Shall be extra careful.

  2. Thanks for that MQ - I don't want people to think I would say unkind things like that.

  3. I'll make sure I check well.
    Jane x

  4. Wean, check out Johns Blog, I think someone left a comment there in your name too.

  5. Thank you Kath, MQ pointed this out to me also, I've been over there and left a message for him.
    I don't see the point in what's going on here, I just hope that the idiot that is doing it gets fed up soon.

  6. FrugalFishFinger10018 April 2012 at 17:13

    Thanks Ilona - trolls are bad aren't they. As much as what the saddo did was bad - in some ways I agree what she said - it's not the nicest to call someone blind. PS went to Tesco today (7p bread!!!)

  7. Thank you for the warning.

  8. What sort of satisfaction do these people get?

  9. Trolls used to bother me so much but now I realize there just sad little people who don't know how to deal with there issues so they feel the need to try and drag others down to make themselves feel better, it's very sad makes my heart hurt for them in a way.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.