Friday, 27 September 2013

What's up Doc

Good evening. My sore ankle/heel has been slowly improving over the last two weeks. On Tuesday morning as it was still a bit red and sore I made an appointment to see a doctor, just to get it checked out, and to find out what was causing it to hurt. The first available appointment they had was for this morning. By the time this morning arrived it had greatly improved, but I decided to keep the appointment rather than cancel it, so I could get the correct diagnosis, rather than guess what it might be. Mystery solved, it's Achilles Tendonitis.
I've just been reading up about it here, and apparently it takes a few weeks for it to get better. Anyway, mine isn't too serious, it should continue to improve with resting, and putting a cold compress on it. I can walk about as normal on the flat, wearing the soft pink trainer type bootees. Think I might need to wait a bit longer before I can put my proper walking boots on. Onwards and upwards. 
Lunch today was a mushroom omelette. Very nice, I put some garlic puree and a knob of Danish Blue cheese in it, made it very tasty.    
I fancied some pasta tonight. The topping is one large chopped onion cooked in sesame seed oil, frozen broad beans from Tesco, sultanas, linseeds, fruit juice and water added, and what ever spices I have. I chuck anything in. I have made extra so that's dinner sorted for tomorrow.

Sunflower update. There seems to be more flowers appearing each day. Some of the earlier ones are dying off now, the petals are falling and they are looking a bit sad. This was a bloomin good buy for £1, though I don't think I will be growing them again next year. They need gallons of water, every day twice a day, three times if it is hot. They are quite high maintenance, what with erecting a framework to fasten them to, and lashing them to the garage wall. Also if I go away it is down to someone else to look after them. They are quite a topic of conversation round here, as they can be seen from the road at the front of the house. People are amazed at the height of them.

Toodle pip


  1. Your omelette looks delish. I love your sunflowers too. They do look amazing.

  2. Your sunflowers look brilliant - well done for such a great display. Glad to read that your foot is feeling better - hope it continues to improve xxx

  3. I LOVE broad beans but can't get them here so pleeeeeeease have a mouthful of beans for me.I did mean mouthful,not a little fork.
    Jane x

  4. Do keep your sunflowers even if they're looking a bit sad, the seeds are excellent food for the birds. You'll get alsorts of birds coming for them.

  5. Glad your ankle is feeling better Ilona. Have the birds found your sunflowers yet? They love the centers when they go to seed. Don't throw them away!
    Joan from Michigan

  6. Yes, I have found it's always better to plant these mammoths in the ground. I remember a picture earlier of them and their tubs that looked so huge at first looked so TINY! There are smaller, dwarf varieties that grow only a few feet tall and still produce good sized seeds - but not huge heads.

  7. Hope you continue to heal quickly, I love your sunflowers, the height is probably from all the water & good care you have given them! Your meals look wonderful, hope your weekend goes just fabulous too!

  8. Hi Ilona
    Its not funny when the feet play up, its affects everything, still it looks as though you are on the mend.
    Your soil must be good for the sunflowers to have grown so well, have you got many seeds from them?

  9. Your sunflowers do look amazing. Bees like them too. Glad your heel is on the mend. Have a nice weekend Ilona x

  10. The food looks delicious Ilona and the birds are sure going to love you for all the sunflower seeds, my blackbirds keep nibbling at mine, and the sparrows are sneaking in when they can. I planted mine in tubs again and did the smaller variety. Hope that ankle gets better soon.


  11. Delicious meals again. I'm so glad that your heel is getting better. Take care.
    Love from Mum


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