Saturday, 14 February 2015

A nice day out.

Hello. Me and the little fella have been to the beach today. It was a bit cold and damp, and we went though some fog on the way there, but no matter, we still had a nice day. It's 62 miles to Mablethorpe and it takes an hour and a half to get there. The last few miles are on twisty roads. I followed the Beach sign and it took me straight into a car park overlooking the sea. There were a few people walking about with their dogs.
We had a bimble on the beach, then set off down a path which goes along the edge of the sandhills and along the promenade, towards the town. 
The seagulls kept landing and taking off, trying to balance on the railing in the wind.

All the outdoor amusements are closed for the winter. No one playing crazy golf.

Nothing happening at the fairground except a bit of maintenance work.

All the beach chalets are locked up. 
Another empty golf course.

And more chalets, boarded up. There are a lot of these.

These chalets have their own garden with lawns and plants and seating, and they are not crammed together like the others. 

We walked round a very large pond with a bridge across the middle.

The boats are stored away in the compound until the spring. 
Then someone came to feed the ducks and they all came rushing across the pond to get some. 
Sorry Rocky, I am not going to give them my sandwiches.

We walked back through the town. There were some shops open, and pavement cafe's were serving food. A big slot machine arcade was open but most were closed. I found a sheltered spot with a bench to sit on near the Co op, and we had our late lunch. It was getting a bit cold as we walked back along the prom, we were glad to get back into the car. Just got to put the seat belt through his harness and we can go. That was a nice day out wasn't it, Rocky.  Yes, are we off now. 
Toodle pip.


  1. Is Rocky yours, one very lucky dog, I love your blog, on the bleakest of days, you always find something to be cheerful about. Thank you.

    1. Hi. He is staying with me for the time being.

  2. Sounds like you had a great day! I love to walk on the beach at any time of year. There's something about being by the water that's so relaxing.

  3. I've been to Mablethorpe a few times as a child..I remember the sand dunes were great for playing. Rocky is such a good boy..he looks tired out after his day at the beach...must be the sea air.
    Jane x

  4. Great photos!
    He seems to be doing well.

  5. It looks like you and Rocky had a lovely day out.

    What is a beach chalet? Is it used for an overnight stay at the beach or just rented for the day? They look cute.

    1. Hello Barbara. Different authorities have different rules. Most are owner occupied, they can be sold, like a house can be sold. Some can be rented for the season. They are not usually rented for the day. They can't be used for overnight stays.

  6. What a great day!
    Rocky loves you, you can tell.
    For me, a day at the beach, sunshine or not, is the best kind of day!

  7. Looks like Rocky certainly enjoyed his day at the beach!

  8. Hello! The aerial mapping of your hike the other day worked and I did watch your progress.Thanks.I dilute things mostly,and really like your idea of mixing the no name brand items with the brand name stuff. I often mix ends of cereal into one bag and have a homemade "Just Right" cereal, same with the gluten free pastas, and oats,oils etc.One handy thing is to save all the small bar soap slivers and put them in a small bag of clean panty hose or mesh and tie off with string, ribbon or elastic.It's amazing you get your lotions, shampoos etc. to last so long.We have really hard water and seem to use more because of that.I make homeade cleaners with whatever I have and depending on the job.Vinegar and tee tree concentrate,dish soap, baking soda and bleach(for the absolute nastiest jobs with mildew) various mixes with water.Oh Ilona really enjoyed the photos and commentary of your "bimble" to Mablethorpe with that dear doggie Rocky.I'm seeing a lot of your country through your eyes.Another helpful thing for me is( if you live with others) send the person who sticks to the list and doesn't impulse buy when shopping to do the groceries and shop only when it's a necessity, and evaluate and consider every purchase.Well,that was long-winded,tee-hee.Bye for now, thank you so much for sharing,D.

    1. And thank you so much for your interesting comment :o)

  9. Nice pics, bet those chalets are expensive! I love Rocky in his buggy, so glad you get to take him out again. We walk a dog who is only 5 but grossly, hugely overweight because his owner won't take him out and just sits there feeding him. People stop us all the time to tell us off and I have to launch into the same chat every time. I have tried to talk to her, be kind, be firm but to no avail she drives and she could drive right onto the common and just let him out but she won't. What shall I Do? Needing Nelly!

    1. Hi F i B a tricky situation. Not wanting to go into a long conversation on here about it, could you email me please. ilona dot meanqueen at gmail dot com close the gaps and use . and @ Thanks

  10. I love Mablethorpe! Even in summer it feels more like the 1950s than 2015.

  11. Rocky is lovely does he live with you love your blog

  12. It is very kind of you to take the little doggy out in a pushchair. Well done you! Natalie

  13. Looks like you both had a lovely day. I do love the British seasisdebut I must confess I rarely brave it in winter and cold weather! I've never been to mablethorpe either, looks nice- I risk it in summer! Xxxxx

  14. He looks like such a sweet little dog I just want to pick him up and give him a big cuddle :-)

  15. looks like a great day out, I love the beach out of season..

  16. Interesting Ilona. I have an old memory of Mablethorpe around 1964/65!! A week in a rather dilapidated self-catering, one-room apartment - with 2 small children and torn lino for the flooring!!! The good old days!!! Unfortunately the weather was grim the whole week, but the children loved it!!! Running on the beach and trying to change out of wet and sandy bathers in a gale of wind! We lived in Newark at the time, so it was our nearest beach rather than Skegness. Glad Rocky had such a good time. It is certainly a brilliant place for your walks. Thanks for your interesting posts. Ann x

  17. Mablethorpe looks much nicer out of season I think - it is a nightmare in the summer! How are you getting on with your Hudl?

    1. Hi. Not very well at all. I should use it more often, but I go for the easy option of a regular keyboard, and down loading pics from the camera. I thought it might have been a better, lighter alternative to the net book to carry around with me, but I find I have to take pictures with it and can't upload them from the camera onto it.

  18. How nice to see little Rocky enjoying himself. We also like the beach when the weather keeps most people away and we get it to ourselves. Can't beat cold and sunshine together. We have mist here today, very pretty as you can imagine.

  19. Thankyou for this lovely blog. It warmed my heart.


  20. I was on the beach today too with my mini Schnauzer Lucy. She's just four weeks old but loves our local beaches. I live in the near Tynemouth where we have lovely beaches. It was very cold as it has been most days lately, but it does blow away the cobwebs! Love the post Ilona. Tricia x

    1. 4 weeks? Typo I'm sure as she would surely still be with her mum? Anyway I'm sure she's gorgeous. X

  21. Oh I do love to be beside the seaside:) I will have to google Mablethorpe as I've never heard of it:( Awww gosh that Rocky steals your heart, he is such a darling♥

  22. That looks to have been a wonderful time and Rocky certainly looks content. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  23. I'm curious as to whether your public beaches have board walks or paved areas to the water for people who use wheelchairs?

    1. Hello e. No they don't. There is a promenade which is concrete and runs alongside the beach, but there are no flat surfaces heading out towards the water.

  24. What a lovely trip out to get some sea air for you both. I visited Mablethorpe as a child. I'm sure it did you both good to see the sea.

  25. another lovely walk...made better by seeing Rocky so spoiled and adored...thanks


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.