Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Crafty ladies visit Hull Scrapstore

Hello. Four of us went to Hull Scrapstore today. The other three ladies hadn't been before so were curious to see what it is like. Scrapstore is a charity and relies on donations from businesses. Tracey is the van driver there and she goes round and collects anything that can be used for crafting purposes. There is lots of fabric, cardboard, paper, haberdashery, paint, plastics, wood, anything that businesses have no further use for and need to dispose of it. Here is the Facebook page for the Hull store. Other towns have them, gooooglie to check if there is one near you.
Shopping at a Scrapstore is not like shopping in an ordinary shop. You never know what you will find there. They rely on people visiting and buying materials for their craft work. Teachers pick up supplies for their classes. It's best to go with an open mind, draw inspiration from what you see. If you go looking for something specific you might not find it. Best to take a good selection and think up ideas for what you can use it for. If I find I have fabric which I haven't used and no longer need, I will take it with me and donate it back to them. Our shopping is loaded in the car, mine is the biggest bag, and the tins of paint are mine. 
A good selection of colours. Some great fabric to make sturdy shopping bags. I donated some of my bags back to them today, they can sell them in the shop.

I did a yellow sticker shop last night, and found some bargains. I also gave two shopping bags away to two very surprised people. It makes me chuckle. I have made a video showing what I bought, but I've got to load it on yooootoooob, which will take a while. Be patient, I'll post it here tomorrow. 
It's been raining a lot here today. I won't be going out walking in it. I've also got a sore left leg, it's quite painful, so I'll rest it awhile. I had a massive cramp early Monday morning in bed, jeez, didn't half make me leap about. The calf muscle twisted badly, I massaged it, but it's still not quite right.

It's time for dinner, so I'll say toodle pip until tomorrow.


  1. My husband gets bad cramp at night, apparently Tonic Water helps.
    Looking forward to the video.

  2. Ouch, I suffer from leg cramps and also in my toes. My sympathies! X

  3. My grandad used to swear by placing his socks on the floor crossed over each other like an "X" just before he got into bed to stop cramp. He said it worked!

  4. The fabric looks great, I recognize some of the designs they are nice quality, wish we had a store down here like it. Apparently if you put a bar of soap under the bottom sheet it stops cramp, look it up on the net. Haven't tried it but it says it works. There is nothing so awful as cramp, the worst thing is half expecting it to come back. Good luck with the remedies.

  5. If you get regular night time leg cramps, a little extra calcium and/or magnesium might help. It's been very beneficial for me in that regard!

  6. Fab fabric haul. My dad swears by tonic water for cramps.

  7. There are all kinds of leg cramps. In my case,to be on the safe side and to eliminate the danger of clots, I'll take an Omega 3 capsule which is a blood thinner (some will take aspirin), and wear elastic socks. I use a chinese light brand of elastc socks (enolla) which cost about 2 dollars a pair. Very effective.

  8. Thankyou Mean Queen. I have just recently discovered your blog and have enjoyed reading your posts and watching your videos. You have inspired me to be more thrifty and creative. I found out that there is a scrapstore near me in Sheffield so I am going to visit it soon. Thankyou.

  9. I used to get cramp when I was in bed quite regularly which would wake me in the early hours-It scared me .Next day I would sometimes limp a bit for a few hours .Since I began drinking lots of water throughout the day and taking half a pint of water to bed with me it seems to have stopped.I think I heard it can be due to dehydration.You are such a kind lady Ilona a Ray of Sunshine in so many of our lives x

  10. My husband put a bar of soap under the sheets, and it helped. No known reason, other than there is magnesium in soap which could be helpful in a deficiency. Lavender soap is very relaxing, maybe you could get double benefits with one bar!!

  11. I have just finished making 5 cushion covers for the cat beds in the conservatory and house, and also two shopping bags. I still have plenty of material, a nice quality , brightly patterned cotton for use in future projects. My source? We have a £1 charity shop in our nearest town, and it was from there that I purchased the pair of cotton curtains that gave me all this fabric. Now that's what I call a bargain. Jean

  12. My brother runs a scrapstore in Jedburgh. I wish we had one near here: it sounds brilliant.
    J x

  13. looks like some nice fabric there Ilona.

  14. Just looked at the Hull Scrapstore Facebook page. Natalie

  15. Lack of minerals, and being dehydrated will both give you leg cramps. Have you had any food craving here lately? That will give you a clue to what mineral you may be lacking.

    Never heard of the bar of soap trick or the crossed socks. Tonic water makes sense because it has quinine which relieves muscle cramps plus some minerals.

  16. Loved the video lol you do cheer me up lots of great fabrics there I do wish we had places like that down south lol, love to you and the cats for making my day so much brighter x

  17. A lovely picture of you.... Paul H

  18. I have had a bar of soap in my bed for a couple of years.
    Don't know if it helps.
    But I rarely have them.
    Water will help, and also dill pickle juice.
    Easy leg lunges are what the doctor recommended.
    Looks like lots of great projects ahead with the fabric.
    You have a good heart, donating your bags.

  19. Judy is right about dehydration contributing to leg cramps. The type you described is what we commonly call a "charley horse" in the US. (don't know, don't ask). I only get them when I am lying down. I find if I get up and put weight on the affected leg, it goes away immediately. Massage doesn't do me that much good--I need to put weight on it. A glass of water at that time doesn't hurt, either.

    1. I agree with Mikemax--standing up almost always stops the cramp. However, I hate to get out of bed in the middle of the night, and that's a last resort for me. Sometimes, I lie on my back and pull my knees up (making a triangle, if you can picture that),which helps. I've experimented with all the reasonable suggestions above, none of which helps consistently, and I have a vague notion that simple emotional stress has a lot to do with cramps. Oddly enough, I live in the US, and emotional stress has become a constant. That said, I think all the above suggestions are useful, and if we can manage to be consistent with challenging rules like "stay hydrated," and try to find a safe place in our minds to relax when life seems too stressful, we'll be pretty much okay. By the way, Ilona's blog is definitely a safe place for me, and I value the return to sanity and lack of judgement of others that I find here. Thank you, Ilona

  20. We have "Reverse Garbage" in Sydney. No fabric, unfortunately - but heaps of other crafty supplies. It's always fun to see what new things are available.

  21. Thanks for telling us about the scrap store. I did a search and found one reasonably near me - not to buy from but maybe to contribute to. I will be downsizing soon and desperate to find somewhere to give the bulk of my stash of wool and crafty things too. I can't take it all and somewhere like this will making parting with it slightly less painful!

  22. Really miss the Scunnie scrapstore , ive never managed to find anything of the kind in Lincoln or Boston . Make do with the infamous cat jumble sales , kicking myself on not picking up a pile of 30p shower curtains from the last one , they would have made great weed suppression

  23. You got some lovely fabric!
    Sorry about the leg cramp. Hope it goes away and stays away.
    I have to skip videos because my internet connection is so slow. I'll just keep reading and looking at the pictures :)


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