Friday, 24 March 2017

Going to meet Jordon

Hello. It's been a glorious day here, I've been working in the studio, aka my award winning summer house/beach hut/posh shed. I fancied doing some painting, this is the start of another picture. Another cheat picture, take a piece of fabric and paint over it. It wouldn't be that difficult to draw a design like this, but I'm lazy. 

The leg is on the mend, feels a lot better today. Going to have a couple more days of rest, then I'll be ready to start walking again. I am well ahead with the miles anyway so I'm not too worried about getting behind.

Has anyone heard about the Coupon Kid? Jordan Cox was in the press a while back for getting a load of shopping dead cheap by using lots of coupons. He also found some great deals on travel. He tweeted the other day that he is booked to do a talk at a WI meeting near Lincoln on the 20th of  April, and it's not too far away for me to travel, so I will be going along.

Here is Jordan's Facebook page. Have a look at some of his videos, he has a great speaking voice and is very confident for a 20 year old. This lad will go far, he is ideally suited for TV and radio work.

Is anyone else within travelling distance of Reepham near Lincoln? Come along if you can.

It's the weekend. I hope you have a good one. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I hope your leg is better. I have seen Jordan on MSE. I hope you learn lots. He sounds v clever. Wish I lived closer by. kitx

  2. I'd love to go if I lived closer. He's a lovely kid. I saw him in the newspaper years ago with the coupons helping his mum out. I think he wrote for as well and I saw a trip he did via Berlin which was cheaper than a train home from somewhere he'd been. He will definitely go far in life. (Ruth, Wales)

  3. I don't think he will be able to teach you much!

    1. Hi Sandra. There are lots of different aspects to money saving, people approach it in different ways. We all have our own ideas and can learn from each other. One example, when some people renew their car insurance they search the comparison sites, I don't I get my broker to do that for me. The reason being that I spend enough time on this computer, and lots of numbers confuse me. I pay the broker to do the leg work which gives me time to do other things.

  4. When I read your heading I thought you were off to meet Katie Price, she of the over inflated chesticles! Sounds interesting. I never know if the extreme coupon people eat healthily though. I am sure you can teach him a thing or two!

    1. hahaha not just me thinking it was the other jordan then lol

  5. He looks a nice fella.I bet his mum could do with one of your sheds/summerhouse /art studios to store some of Jordan's bargains.I bet you'll have a lovely fun evening.His mum must be very proud of him x(just thought Ilona are you squeezing your toes in and out it may help)


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