Thursday, 23 March 2017

Out of respect......

..........for those people who lost their lives, for the families of the dead, for those who were horrifically mowed down in London yesterday and now face life threatening and life changing injuries, my heart goes out to you. The sun shines in North Lincolnshire this morning, but there is a black cloud hanging over the whole of humanity. Very sad day indeed.

Back later. xxx


  1. Yes a terrible day. How wonderful all the emergency services were - we must be very proud of them. SueM

  2. Dastardly, evil act - again. But we shall not be bowed by these cowardly excuses for human beings. Thoughts go to ALL involved in yesterday's horror.

  3. Shocked and saddened at yesterday's news coming out of the UK. My heart grieves for the victims and their families of such a senseless act. Hugs from Barbara (Canada)

  4. An awful day, but the British police, ambulance services and others are absolutely the sad for the policeman who lost his life as well as the others who were in the midst of a routine day....

  5. So sad what posesses these people to do such horrific things? Condolences to the families of those who lost their lives RIP x

  6. Thinking of all those families ,and the heart break they must be suffering,special thoughts for Keith the PC whose bravery is beyond words,where are these peoples humanity,that they can do this to others.

  7. When I heard it on the news it jolted me,shocked me.This I'm sure is what was intended.There seems to be some very ill guided people in the world .It's frightening.All I think we can do is send our love to the victims and trust in the professionals.Hospital staff,police ,government and security workers.You're little felt heart Ilona was very poignant x

  8. A dark day indeed; loss of innocent lives and needless injuries. Prayers and thoughts with the grieving families and for those in hospital. A very quick response by police and ambulance staff who are brilliant, dedicated people. Amanda

  9. I was terribly sad to hear the news in your country yesterday. I'll add my prayers to the millions of others for the victims. Such pointless violence. Sheri

  10. It was a sad day to all world. My heart goes to the cop who killed. Very sad incident.

  11. Absolutely terrible what happened yesterday. Innocent people hurt and killed. The world is a very scary place :(

  12. My heart goes out to the people of your country. I am praying for those whose lives have been changed by this horrific attack.

  13. I agree with your post. Maybe it is just as well that we do not know what the future holds - it is scary times. my love and prayers go to all affected by the dreadful events of yesterday.

  14. Thank you for your thoughtful words and the heart held in your hand. Let us all hold in our hearts everyone affected by this senseless act of terrorism.

  15. sad indeed. I didn't know anything about it til i got home. Sorry for the loss and tragedy. Prayers for all concerned. Your flowered heart is lovely. Hugs!

  16. The ripples of this horrific act travel far and wide....we all feel it in one way or another, even our local police station here in Mid Norfolk has received flowers & cards from the public supporting them and thanking them. I am British and so proud of how all our emergency services worked together, along with all those wonderful passers by that stopped cared for people. Thinking of you and praying for you all. Rae x

  17. I hated watching the news on tv after the terrorist attack in London. It just reminded me of all the sicko people who do these things. What do they get out of killing innocent people? I'll never know. We know what it's like here in the US and so our hearts go out to all of you. Arlene from NJ

  18. My sympathies for the loss of lives in the terrorist attack in London yesterday.


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