Monday, 25 December 2017

A chuckle with Frank

Hello. I'm having the day off today, it's Christmas Day you know, I'm sure you must have noticed. The clue was in the shops being jam packed full of people flinging things into their trolleys like this is the last day before the world implodes, or should that be explodes. I have news for them, the world is not going to spin out of control, or break up into tiny particles, nor is it on a collision course heading for a major catastrophe with the sun. No, nothing is going to happen. The shops will be open tomorrow.

Have a little titter with Frank

Have a wonderful day folks, Merry Christmas, and we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Hope you have a nice quiet day Ilona. I am settle nicely in my new home and it is so christmasssy everywhere.
    Hazel c uk


  2. A Very Happy Christmas to you Ilona & all your friends here.You have made my year so much richer-thankyou.I have had the usual walk with the dogs & will then just happily do whatever I fancy.I have the choice but prefer this now.I loved the clip.Years ago an irritated teacher said to me''you're just like a female Frank Spencer''.I didn't mind as I liked him x

  3. Merry Christmas Ilona, No crazy buying here, just sensible stuff for the Christmas period with just a couple of treats. I think we all know a Frank in real life, I definitely do. Haha. Tx

  4. Have a very Merry Christmas Ilona. We are having a very unusual white Christmas. I live near Seattle and we don't get snow until January or February. But it is lovely and will be very quiet.

    1. We got all the snow this year...

    2. We got all the snow here in Chatham, Ont haha

  5. Hope you had a nice day . I went shopping yesterday and took a few tins for the food bank which was located in a large box inside Tesco. As I was nearing the entrance a man came out with so much in the trolley he could hardly push it and I rushed up in panic and said can you take these tins aswell for the food bank please thinking I’d missed the collection !! He just looked at me as if I was insane and I disappeared ASAP when I realised. I’m still wondering how he ate all that food 🤔from Jenette x

  6. Hope everybody had a good day, whatever you chose to do. A lovely family day in our home, thoroughly enjoyed. Wishing everybody lots of cheer,xxxx

  7. In Germany, there are some rules for the shop opening hours. The 25th and 26th of December, all shops are closed, and on the 24th this year, being a sunday, only bakeries could open for some hours in the morning. So we have three wonderfully quiet days.

  8. Merry Christmas. Much Blessings for the forthcoming days and year.
    Thank you for your work on this Blog. It has enriched my life.

  9. been out cycling today (26th) and as we rode back up near the town we could see people coming away loaded with shopping. We wont be shopping today at all. hope you are having a lovely day

  10. Merry Christmas everyone, had a nice one snowed in but no worries we have everything we need.


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