Thursday, 28 December 2017

A sunny day in the park.

Hello. It was such a lovely afternoon I decided to go to the park. So did quite a few other people as well. Lots of families with children were making the most of the sunshine, everyone was well wrapped up because it was a bit chilly as well. Gloves, scarves, and woolly hats were the order of the day. The main gate is only open when there is an event on, the small gate to the side gives access to pedestrians. 
The walled garden was looking very empty as you would expect at this time of year. Come spring and they will be planting up and sowing seeds for their usual show of vegetables and fruit.

Lots of greenery in the tropical hothouse, with a few flowers.

I had to take this photo, no one wants to play in the splash pool today, I wonder why.

Inside the stables are two life size sculptures, one wood and one steel.

Old Joey is still there, not surprised, he has no legs. Apparently he was killed in a fight with another stag.

They sell bird seed in the shop and when the children scatter it on the ground the ducks all come running.

 Lots more ducks on the pond. There seems a lot more now wonder where they all come from.

The hall is closed for the winter. Christmas trees with lights outside the front door.

I have been reading about a new attraction which is planned for the spring. Not sure I approve of it as it means chopping trees down to build it. They are building a treetop activity course, a zip wire and walkways high up in the trees.

The platform for taking off on the zip wire. The longer platform is where they land. It looks very ugly, and there is still more construction to be carried out. I am not liking this idea at all. I think these things work best in a forest, but this is only a wood, and not a very big wood. Just another money making scheme, which looks ugly in my opinion.

Time to go home, the sun is going down. A nice walk in the park, makes a change, even though I felt a bit sad. Rocky used to love coming here and chasing the squirrels.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Old Joey is such a handsome stag.He looks alive still to me.I feel that all my dogs are with me even though I can't see them with my eyes.I'm sure your Rocky is there with you too xx

  2. Glad you had a nice walk in the sunshine. It's a shame they have to cut down trees for the new activity.
    I have enjoyed reading about you and Marigold.
    Hazel c uk

  3. I love the pic. from your last post of the sun shining on the church. Just beautiful. And a lovely capture of the sun setting too in this one. You made the rest of Rocky's life wonderful. :)

  4. Can’t belive you took a photo of the no photo sign 😂😂😂

  5. Thank you for all your interesting blog posts this year- yours was the first blog I discovered it has got me through some difficult times. Love to see what tasty combinations you can make with your yellow label buys today I went on a "yellow label foray" and came back happily clutching organic carrots, fresh rosemary and naan breads! I bought a bag of cat biscuits for the cat charity box in the supermarket with the money I saved so a win win all round.

  6. That looks like a lovely place to visit. I don’t like the idea of trees being cut down. Squirrels are fun to watch. They always look so full of energy.

  7. Great pictures as always Ilona, your area looks so interesting. I was out walking today but I came back after achieving a few miles as everywhere was packed out with families and I can't cope with it at this time of year. I have nothing to complain about in life, but I do find being without family at this time of year very difficult. Cheered myself up with a DVD this evening.
    Thank you so much for all your posts throughout the year, I love reading your blog and you have such a positive can do attitude, it is very inspiring. Happy new year to you and all the readers who drop by.

    1. I'm pleased Christmas is over Kate-I don't get involved with it much now.Walking with my dogs really is a wonderful way to meet people.Hope you enjoyed your recent visit to London x

  8. Lovely photos and nice that you had some sun. It is cool here tonight, verging on nippy. The northern parts of the state will get a hard freeze.Thanks for sharing Marigold.

  9. I'm sorry that memories of Rocky chasing squirrels made you sad but instead remember how much fun he had at the time.
    He was lucky to have someone to take him for such exciting "hunting" expeditions!

  10. Lovely pictures Ilona, and I'm sure Rocky was trotting beside you in spirit.
    Unfortunately all these houses that are dependent on the public for monetary support, have to move with the times and give the public reason to keep visiting. The new structure will soon blend in, but I agree that it's a shame trees have to be cut down.

  11. I really appreciate the good weather this time of year. If you can get out in it then it makes the darker days easier to manage I find. Those bright coloured flowers are very exotic aren't they!

  12. I know how it feels to miss a beloved dog and I feel for you. Thank goodness you were there to rescue Rocky - he looked like a darling from your photos. I know you are busy with the cats and dog walking for others but might you consider having another dog sometime? Rocky cannot be replaced but dogs bring us such joy. Hope you have a good day today.

  13. good that you were out. sorry to hear you are still sad about Rocky.

  14. It’s always nice to walk along with you!
    Occasionally, I call our dog by the name of one we had previously. It must mean she’s been on my mind. We still miss them, don’t we?

  15. Hi Ilona, love your pictures and blog. A few weeks ago you recommended a book by Chris Ryan which was very interesting and informative. I now have a book recommendation for you. It is written and published in the uk and as I live in Australia I borrowed it from the library as I'm sure you will be able to do. As soon as I read it I thought of you, as it embodies all your thoughts and values regarding re cycling and art. It is called Stitch Stories by. Cas Holmes. Many people have contributed their stories and ideas, it is textile art with a difference and I think you are already headed in their direction. I think and hope you will find it fascinating and it will give you great inspiration and encouragement to continue your artistic pursuits. Warmest regards from Carol in hot, hot Qld. Australia,

  16. beautiful pics, i love seeing the places you go to. too much snow & ice here to get out at the moment - and it's freeezing cold - bit of a surprise to us townies!


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