Monday, 4 December 2017

Giving it a good bashing

Hello. We did something a bit different at Crafty Club this morning. Carol, the one in blue in the middle, is a teacher of crafts, and gave us instruction on wet felting. I took this picture when it was at the stage of getting the piece wet through and slamming it down hard on the table over and over again. A great stress buster, muttering 'take that you swine'. It was a laugh. 
This is what I ended up with. There was no plan, just made it up on the spur of the moment. It's 13 inches by 9 inches. Not sure what I'm going to do with it, probably stitch onto it, probably a wall hanging. Who knows, I don't, ha ha.

I'm going to be busy for a couple of days, got things to do. I won't be posting, it's time I had a bloggy break. At some point the option to comment anonymously will be switched off, I will be changing the settings, the spammers are going a bit crazy again. Sorry if it affects you, it won't last long then it will be changed back again.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. keep thinking about trying wet felting.maybe try it over the holidays unless the weather is good and I get out cycling, got another 29 miles in today as the weather was good.

  2. Hi

    Lovely piece of felting. It's good to do something different every so often. Enjoy your bloggy break - don't stay away too long. What a shame that the spammers have to spoil it for the rest of us.

    Looking forward to 'hearing' from you soon.


  3. I did some wet felting on a day course a while ago - it was great fun. I love your creation.
    Have a lovely break but please, come back, won't you. You will be missed.
    J x

  4. Sorry to hear you are switching me off so I'll get this one in quick. Your felting looks great as it is, love the colours, I'd just stick a frame round it. It's already a piece of Art, and they do say, "less is more". Strange phrase but we all know what it means. When I went to a Christmas market the other day, there was a stall selling beautiful felt work. I think it must have been wet felting, I got distracted and didn't ask. Anyway, there were lots of 3D things, animals, Christmas shapes and so on, but the most spectacular thing was a beautiful terrier dog about 8 inches high and ten inches long. She was asking over £60 for it, but the amount of work in it and the time taken would likely justify it. The detail was perfect, the coat colours excellent and it was really solid. Do you fancy trying something 3D ? Perhaps start small with a little mouse or something. Jean.

  5. Enjoy your break, forget about us and have fun. Karen

  6. I thinl< that you just may be busy with a very nice Santa Claus Ilona x x

  7. I am now sitting here like a mardy 3 year old whos had their sweets taken of them!!,What will i do now when i get up without Ilona and her bloggerettas?? Out of defience,Im going to switch the heating up full,have new furniture from Ikea,buy 4 new dresses,5 new coats,3 new hats,a large pizza from Dominos and a large bottle of gin....thats just tomorrow....Lol!!....Have a nice break Ilona and hope that your back soon!!,Will miss you!!,Debi,xx

    1. Hopefully not for long though-in the meantime,let's go wild Debi-I'll just have a swig,grab the wig& purse-da## the expense& where's those vets? perhaps that's where's Ilona is x

    2. It wouldnt surprize me would not surprize me...Infact Ilona is most likely to be winging her way,first class,next to the vet to a very hot n sunny place, of champagne,nibbling peanuts and the vets earlobe!!,Debi,xx

    3. Have I missed something here? what vet? x

    4. Noel Fitzpatricl<-Supervet is a possibility or his single,bearded colleagues we decided x

  8. Wet felting needs a surprising amount of physical effort doesn't it. Enjoy your breather.

  9. Will miss your blog posts, I give you a read first thing in the morning to start my day on the bright side. If you have the time or inclination you may like the movie Oddball, we just watched again last night, what a lovely story. You can read the story here: movie was delightful. Best to you!

  10. Enjoy your break and the holidays, Ilona!

  11. NO NO NO getting mean queen withdrawal symptoms already x Have a lovely break Ilona x

  12. Have a great break and return with fun stories! JanF

  13. Enjoy your break Ilona.
    Hazel c uk

  14. Enjoy your break Ilona. xx


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