Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Zipppeeeee is done.

Hello. Here are the final pictures of the Zipppeeee art work. The colours have come out almost exactly as they are. The size is 16 inches by 18 inches. I had enough of the dark green curtain fabric which I used for the background and the loops, to cover the back as well. The zips make it quite heavy.

The zip tags have all been fastened down with a couple of matching stitches.

Contrasting French knots on the flowers.

The green zips were a bit pale so I painted them with emulsion paint to bring out the colour.

A large knitting needle is just the right length to go through the loops. I shall look for something a bit better.

I'm mighty chuffed with this, the finished article is just how I imagined it when I first thought of the idea. I've still go lots of zips left, but they will be saved for another day when an idea next pops into my head. I fancy doing something else now.

Thank you all for your comments over the past few days. I'm pleased with the response to Marigolds Inspirations, and thank you to Marigold for allowing me to use her emails.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. You are so talented! I love the "zippy art" x

  2. WeLL !!!!! Who'd have thought it?! Zip-art. It looks fab Ilona. I love it.
    True repurposing/upcycling. BRAV-ISSIMO!!!!

  3. Lovely. What a brilliant way to use your found treasures. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Beautiful! You are so creative!

  5. This is brilliant. Surely should be on display at a gallery.

  6. Looks really beautiful Ilona.

  7. This is great! So clever and creative. I love it!

  8. Ilone ... Zip-abulous! I actually like the knitting needle as it's crafty/recycled. I do think a different color would be better :) Or, a long hook ... I've seen afghan crochet hooks that are long. It would give it the feel of hooking one of those zipper tabs. I love folk art and this is just perfect. It reminds me of Tramp Art, although you are certainly no tramp! Well, you do walk a lot :) Meanqueen art???? Have a wonderful week and Happy New Year. Chris M

  9. I do love your imaginative use of and creativity with stuff others just junk.

  10. It looks to me quite artisan Ilona-I luv it x

  11. It's brilliant Ilona, you are clever and you've created a wonderful piece of art work. I couldn't even imagine what you were going to do with lots of zips I love it. Maggie xx

  12. It's an amazing piece. Well done!

  13. And so you should be 'mighty chuffed'. I am amazed at what you have done by turning an everyday throw away item in to a beautiful, priceless piece of art work. Well done Ilona your very clever. Lisa J. Tasmania, Australia.

  14. Zipppeeeee is fabulous, you are so creative Ilona.

  15. You are a genius!

    1. Oooooh, I wouldn't say that, but thank you.

  16. When I look at the finished piece, I think of all that shining, zipping energy caught in a frame so we can see it, if just for a moment. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole creation exploded at some point, and each little bit went off to add itself to another work of art. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I felt like that too when I saw it...this is so vibrant and full of life and I love it is made with recycled objects. Looking forward to seeing your next one.

    2. Ooh-I luv that description also x

  17. Fantastic, that has to be one of the cleverest and most interesting pieces you've done. Love, love, love it!

  18. When I first read the heading I thought you were referring to 'zipee it's done' as Christmas is thankfully over. The picture is stunning. I am pleased Christmas has gone again even though we enjoyed it. My frugal present was a wild bird feeder with fat balls - I am delighted as I love watching the little birds in the garden and now we have the second snow shower here in the Midlands they will be grateful for it. Amanda

  19. Wonderful, lively, imaginative and full of energy. Very well done. June

  20. This is beautiful Ilona and a really inspirational thought provoking piece. I really hope you manage to get it shown somewhere as this deserves to be seen. Kristel

  21. I think there is a lot more to this piece of artwork than you have let on. I love your choice of colours and recycled items. Well done. Pauline

    1. I can't think what that might be. Art means different things to different people. I make things that I like to look at, there is no hidden message to them, except that I like to use recycled and second hand materials.

  22. I think that my favorite part is the leaves. So clever how you did them! The dark green backing is perfect and makes everything pop.

    Happy New Year, Ilona!


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