Sunday, 17 December 2017

Howz the Zipppeeee project going.

Hello. The weather has been a bit rotten today. Frosty and icy first thing, then heavy rainfall, so a day indoors. I did get out for my walk when the rain eventually stopped. I'm on 1159 miles, so I have to do three miles every day to reach my goal of 1200 on the 31st. I think next year I'm going to go back to the 1000 miles, there is so much I want to do so I need to work on my time management plan.

So, inspired by Scott's excellent art videos, I made one this morning about the Zipppeeeee project I am currently working on. Halfway through the first attempt I had a coughing fit, so I had to abort that. The second attempt was acceptable I thought. Setting the camera up at the right angle was a juggling act. The props were a small table, a piece of polystyrene, several elastic bands, and a rolled up piece of fabric, and I was ready to roll. All very technical, ha ha. Have a look and see what you think.

Ooooh, it's only been live for ten minutes and already someone has commented on it.

That's me done, dinner eaten, yes steamed vegetables again with a veggie sausage. Very nice. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Your art is coming along beautifully Ilona, it's amazing where your imagination can take you.
    I have my moving date for thus coming Thursday so I am surrounded by boxes and getting excited. 55 years in one house is a long time, I am moving about an hours car ride away to a little village with 1 shop, a village hall, church and am on a bus route and 4 miles away from my daughter SIL & Grandchildren, my son is also a bit nearer. I am really looking forward to turning 1 of the 2 bedrooms into a craft room and exploring the local villages, also doing more walking. My family have been very good and wanted to help me but I said no you can move me lock stock and barrel but like Ilona I am keeping my mind occupied by doing it all myself.
    Life is great.
    Have a good week.
    Hazel c uk

    1. You are VERY lucky to have your health Hazel as packing 2 boxes would do me in x Good luck with your move and new home x

    2. I really like your zippy art very vibrant and interesting x

    3. Thank you for your good wishes Maureen. I had open heart surgery at the beginning of the year to replace the aortic valve, I wanted to know what was going in the boxes etc. also I shall be 80 next yeat. Have a good week. Hazel c uk

  2. That looks amazing, another good job! Xxxx

  3. I do love that art piece Ilona-it's so original.I had a nice wall< with the dogs,most of snow gone,just ice left.The rest of the time got spent ''doing''Christmas-& I don't even do Christmas much now-it just seemed to happen.Not much achieved & I'm exhausted x

    1. I forgot to tell you-I heard a woodpecker tapping today x

  4. What fun!

    Food for thought...before you fold all the background under, look at leaving a small border of the background fabric beyond the pink zippers.

  5. It's nice to read what other people are experiencing around the world. In tropical Cairns, North Queensland where I am at present there is surprisingly just a few light showers at night, and warm and sunny 33 deg. days. I can relate to your weather though as we lived for 12 months in the Lakes District. Very short days were different for us. Your artwork looks great. Pauline

  6. Very nice! I love this! I like bright colors, too. I made a quilt with lots of paints, buttons and threads. When I went to wash it, it started to run the paint. Oops!! I salvaged it and it hasn’t been washed in 18 years. (I put it on the outside line to air.) Lovely, Lovely work!!

  7. I agree with you about limiting your mileage to 1000 miles next year.
    We were discussing the same thing a few days ago.
    Though it could feel a backward step it frees some time to do other things as you say.
    Often our walk will take more time than we can afford out of the day.
    It then becomes a tyranny rather than an enjoyable experience. Sue


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