Hello. It didn't snow overnight but there is still lots of the white stuff on the ground. Although virgin snow is pretty to look at it stops me from what I want to do, and it will turn to ugly slush in a few hours when everyone sets off to go to work.
It's that time again, when we all declare how far we have walked so far. I've just been going through the names of those who checked in last month and I'm chuffed that so many are still doing the challenge. 25 names, that's more than half of the total at the start in January. Well done everyone.
Let's take a look at who is still walking. In no particular order.
Vicki. Hilogene. Kath K. AT. Amanda in Atlanta. Beachcomber. Jules61. Jeanneke. Kate on the Coast. Sheryl S. Flis. Hilde. Nick. Helen D. Helen Graham. Margaret in Maryland. Yorkshire Lass. Alicesav. Louise. Christine Neumann. Hazel D. Odette. Natalie. Ray Nicholson. Shelly Williams.
Today's post is aimed at the walkers among us, but it does not exclude others who want to comment. Hop on board and let's give these hardy people our full support as we face the final month of the year. It all ends on December the 31st, but of course, in reality it should never end, because keeping fit and healthy should be a life long aim for everyone, whether walking or any other exercise you may be doing. So come on, this is the last push for 2017, and without a break, we start this all over again on the first day of 2018.
Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip
A present.
4 hours ago
Well Done Everyone!! Although I couldnt commit to doing a set a amount each day due to Family situation and commitments,me and my Grandaughter go on at least a 10 mile hike every Saturday afternoon.Using you as our inspiration Ilona!.We really look forward to it and as my old trainers dropped to bits after the first week,I managed to get myself a pair of Wrangler walking boots for £1 from the charity shop which are so much better.We always take a packed lunch and taking a flask of soup with us tomorrow aswell.Just wish i could do more each week day but even then i must do a couple of miles daily with now walking to my Mams house instead of jumping in the car.Although I dont do anywhere near what the others on here do...and Well Done to you all..I do feel so much better for it!!,Debi,xx
ReplyDeleteCongrats Debi & your Grandaughter-you wall< more than me.Hope the weathers good for you tomorrow x
DeleteThanks Flis,Ive not looked at the weather for tomorrow yet...we will just see how it is tomorrow because sometimes it has said its going to be really bad...then the sun has been shining down through the cold and clouds.And I am prepared...I hope,lol...for rain,wind...errrrm,not to sure about snow,lol.But Ive always got my mobile fully charged and cash in my inside pocket for any emergency.Hope you have a great weekend,Debi,xx
DeleteWhat a good example you're setting for your granddaughter, and how lucky you are to have that time with her! As my granddaughter is just 5 and I'm 73, I don't picture too many 10 mile hikes in our future, but maybe I should think about preparing for that. I've recently come smack up against physical limitations I never expected (balance problems, fall resulting in slightly fractured pelvis--yes, it will heal itself but not a lot of fun and so frustrating). Ilona's blog and her followers remind me that I don't want to just give up. So maybe I aim for short walks with Lily? Thank you all for sharing your experiences and cheering on the rest of us.
DeleteHi Up to 1100 miles now. Did 92 this month. Have never felt so well and my feet and hands are much warmer than they used to be. Even though it's super chilly now. Wrap up warm everyone and get your boots on. xx
ReplyDeleteI did 129 miles in November. As I was late to join the walking group as I only started walking on June 24th, my year to date total is only 590.50 miles this year. Have lost 29 lbs though since then, so that is a good thing. Well done to everyone.
ReplyDeleteFantastic effort, well done. xx
DeleteWell done!!,Debi,xx
DeleteHello Ilona and all the other happy walkers! This month was 98 miles, bringing year to date to 1063. Almost twice what I did last year 🎉. Hilogene in Az
ReplyDeleteI did 112 kilometres in November, making a total of 948 kilometres, so only 52 to go. One whole month to accomplish that. Peace of cake. I love it and will walk on in 2018, Ilona, with you. Thanks so much for your initiative and inspiration.
Made a big effort this month 113 making my total 914 I am going to do it now but its been flipping cold this week no snow though thank goodness .Thank you for inspiring me and well done everyone Kath. K
ReplyDeleteWell done. That's an amazing amount in a month!
DeleteWill be watching to see your triumph at the end of December.
Hello Ilona,
ReplyDeleteOur mileage for this year so far is 1033.
Well done everyone no matter how far you've walked compared with anyone else you've gone further than you would have done yourself without taking up Ilona's challenge.
Sometimes things go wrong and you have to settle for less than you'd like. We are having to do that this year. We'd set our hearts on 1200 miles but it's not going to happen. However we will make 1100 if nothing else goes wrong and are delighted to reach that.
I'm really grateful to see that you are willing to keep going next year Ilona. Thank you.
May be we'll reach 1200 in 2018. Sue
Still walking everyday. It's now dark when I go out@ 5;45 am but starry!! November totals 108 so...... it looks like I made it 1061 total. I'm pleased!!
ReplyDeleteLife got in the way in October so only 90 miles but it got me over the watershed to 1014 miles so I'll call it good. I wasn't confident I'd get there at all after my poor start to the year. Odette
ReplyDeleteFantastic Odette
Delete43 & a half miles for me this month.I do march quite fast and I do double bacl< a lot & run up and down the slopes.I get quite out of breathe deliberately.But I soon get wobbly silly legs.I have checl<ed the route-it is about 1& a half miles it a straight line.I have to dash all over though with the 3 wild ones x
ReplyDeleteHi again Flis!,Ive just read your post.You are doing great but dont try doing it too fast..i just do it at normal walking pace...It takes us about 4 hours to do about 10 miles,with a break for lunch.If i done it fast,I would last about half hour,lol.Where I live,which ever way you go there,it is up hill.The last bit is hard but I couldnt do it if I started off going fast,Hope you have a great weekend,Debi,xx
DeleteHi Ilona
ReplyDelete99 miles for me this Month bringing my total to 990, and well done to everybody whatever your miles.
So pleased you are doing this next year Ilona and thank you for being such an inspiration to all of us.xx
Hello Ilona, I´m checking in for husband Wences with 194 miles this month, bringing his total to 2306. He is slowing down a bit due to our very wet and windy days. Congrats to everyone who can manage even a few miles every day. Great bunch of walkers.
ReplyDeleteWell done Wences, you're a star.
DeleteWell done all! And thank you Ilona fir starting the challenge. I hope to join in 2018, maybe not 3 miles every day (severe bilateral hip arthritis) but I will do my best. Will have to have a replacement sooner or later but while I can I want to keep mobile.Looking forward to join you all.
ReplyDeleteThe main thing is to join in.
DeleteSomehow making it "official" is an encouragement. I have a book where I note daily mileage. Putting 1/2 mile down a day feels good, much better than a blank. In your case a little every day would be great before and after treatment. Looking forward to "seeing"you next year. Sue
Hi Caterina, I found I couldn't keep up 3 miles every day as I was getting a lot of hip pain. Also I couldn't fit it around current commitments, I got a bit frustrated with myself - however I've now set my own mileage target and I'm actually achieving more miles! I think it's because I took the pressure off myself and did't feel so daunted by it any more. Have a go and see how you get on.
Deletecycling for me 3103 miles so far this year. hating this snow though but should get out tomorrow as the snow is nearly gone now.
ReplyDeleteGo Brenda. We still have remnants of snow here, I wish it would go away. I don't want to slip and break a leg.
DeleteWell done fellow walkers (and cyclists)! I'm sorry to say another poor month for me with only 48 and a half miles walked this month making a total of about 770 for the year so far. Vicki in the East Riding
ReplyDeleteNo apologies needed. Well done! 770 is a huge amount. Ilona always says it's about you challenging yourself not keeping up with others.
DeleteNext year is a brand new chance for everyone to equal or pass this year's total..
Look forward to walking with you in December and next year. Sue
Hi Ilona, my total is now 1042 miles. Well done to all taking part.
ReplyDeleteHazel Dxb
Well done to all of you, I am dead impressed. And particularly thanks to Ilona for organizing it. I would like to join in next year (although I hope to start already on Monday). 1,000 miles is 1,600 km (I'm in France) so looking at 4 km a day minimum. Again, well done to you all. Anna
ReplyDeleteTreaders where have you been, I've missed you.
Delete80 miles for November for me. Natalie
ReplyDeleteI walked 39 miles in November. My year to date total is 699.8. I won't make 1000 but I am happy that I stuck with it. Thanks for the encouragement!
ReplyDeleteWell done!
DeleteA 1000 miles is a target. 699 is an excellent result.
See you next year to start all over again!
Well done first of all to you Ilona for inspiring and motivating us and then well done to everyone who keeps up the challenge.
ReplyDeleteMy total to the end of November is 1033 km.
I've done 59 - am very pleased with this as November was a very busy month. Am especially pleased as I did an 11 mile walk to the next town!! A great step up for me and would not have achieved it without all your encouragement and tips Ilona - thanks loads for this walking group idea and am excited that it's on again for next year. I find checking in gives me motivation and now I have an app on my phone I can check my miles. I have enjoyed November's walking very much and have seen some wonderful sunrises and sunsets. Am happier with it all since I decided how much time I felt I wanted to allocate to it and setting my own target of 50 miles per month, as long as I reach that I feel I am on track for me and obviously if I can achieve more then that's great! Am in London next week and I will add miles walked there to my next total - I explore different areas on foot and also will be up and down stairs on the underground etc so it's definitely not strolling! Congratulations everyone on your great totals and I look forward to another great year's walking ahead.
ReplyDeleteLook forward to "walking" with you next year!
DeleteYou've done really good Kate.You improve each month.I only do more when I'm on my holidays.Hope you enjoy your time in London -it seems you will be very active x
ReplyDeleteHow do you all measure how far you have walked? I would love to join in.
ReplyDeleteI use a web site.
Others use fitbit or a pedometer.
Hi-i use map my run-very easy to use.
A happy holiday season to all from New Hampshire! Only 29.7 miles this month. Total since March 5 is 320.07. I will try to finish strong in December. I am so happy I started this, because yesterday I went to the doctor and found out that I am developing osteoporosis. The test was done almost a year ago, but since I hadn't heard, I assumed the results were okay. Bad surprise! Was I ever glad that I had been doing all this walking! Hope it will stave off further deterioration.
ReplyDeletePS: Sue M, I use a cheap pedometer which I carry in my pocket where it picks up the motion of each stride. I have my stride length programmed into it, so it calculates the distance to two decimal places. My spouse uses a free app on his smartphone to calculate his distance. I hope you will join us, as the monthly check-in and reports from others are very motivating.
ReplyDelete76 miles this month.
119 for me this month-thanks for doing this Ilona!
ReplyDeleteJules (Jules61-Live Journal have deleted my account!
111 miles this month (total 1324). It's getting harder to motivate myself to get out these dark wet nights but still plodding on.
ReplyDeleteMonthly total for November is 95 bringing my yearly total so far to 966.5 miles. I use the bike hike website to calculate my mileage. The cold weather affects my arthritis and dark nights have put me off a bit but I am grateful to Ilona for giving me some motivation to get up and move. It's good to have a target to aim for and I think it's do-able.
ReplyDeleteEvery month I am so impressed with the miles that Ilona and the rest of you do. I do not think I am ready for the 1000 mile challenge so have decided to challenge myself to 50 miles walking every month and use that as my goal. It will be easy to do when I am traveling and exploring new places but it will get me off the couch more at home. Thanks for the inspiration and I am writing it up here to keep me accountable.
ReplyDeleteHello Ilona and walkers, I'm ever later checking in this month, I've still been walking but having technical difficulties with syncing my Garmin. I suspect that this total is wrong, but it's something anyway. I (might) have walked 103.96km in November, putting me at 518.29 out of my 4 month adjusted target of 535.9km. Hopefully the tally keeping this month will be better, either way I will achieve my goal- actually I will have already in December (it is halfway through already...)