Hello. I settled down to watch a few vids on yoootoooob last night and saw that Scott had posted a new one. You may remember I wrote about his woodworking and artwork skills recently. I found him while I was searching for driftwood frames, he has an amazing talent.
As the video started I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A large part of his ranch has been devastated by the fires which are raging there. It's heartbreaking to see what is left, and I'm sure Scott is heartbroken as well. He has lost a lot of his wood, and his tools. Thankfully his house is still standing, though the danger is not over yet, they desperately need rain.
I am asking my blog readers to do me a BIG favour, watch this latest video, or part of it, and please send him a message of hope and support, he needs it right now. He has a fighting streak in him and is determined not to let this setback drag him down. He has messaged to say his cat is ok, it had to relocate for a while because of all the smoke, but it's back now.
Thank you so much, let's give Scott a bloggy boost. Sometimes things happen which can destroy our confidence, but the spirit within is much stronger. Something new will rise from the ashes, I'm sure of it.
Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip
Not my PM
1 hour ago
Scott, you are the phoenix rising up from all of this. Take it hour by hour, breathe, and know that there are so many thinking of you and all your neighbours at this very difficult time. Rise, phoenix, rise ......
ReplyDeleteSuch a shame, but you will rise form the ashes and the smoke to get things back to normal. The most important thing is that you and yours are okay. Sending love and positive vibes from North Wales UK.
ReplyDeleteYou have survived this Scott & your cat.It is shocking what has happened and very upsetting-but you will rebuild your life and be happy .Sending you love from England.Hope you are very soon blessed with rain x
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes to you from The Midlands,UK,Debi,xx
ReplyDeleteso sorry to see this happening. Hope Scott can gain perspective on this and go on to better things. Wood grows again, so can Scott and his cat.
ReplyDeleteDon't be deterred by what's happened Scott you are stronger than you think. You will find new tools and wood to rebuild your future.
ReplyDeleteSending love and hope to you Scott x and so happy that your cat is ok? I worry every day for all the people and animals that have been caught up in these terrible fires, xxx
ReplyDeleteIf I could send you rain and snow from VT, I would. Courage, Scott, you will come through this stronger.
Scott - so sorry to hear about this; keep optimistic, sending you best wishes. Amanda
ReplyDeleteYou, and your neighbours, are going through a tough time but will get through it. Sending you good wishes from Bellingham WA. JanF
ReplyDeleteScott, so sorry to see this happening to you. I wish you the best in moving forward, lots of support heading your way. Hilogene in Arizona
ReplyDeleteWe watched the horrific fires on TV here in Shropshire England, sending you virtual hugs and positive thoughts for your future. Ali.
ReplyDeleteTerrible times for you. Hope your pioneering spirit can help you. Glad you survived this and can rebuild your life. Sharon
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you Scott xx
ReplyDeleteDoes Scott have a blog you wish us to post on, or do you wish us to post here? thks
ReplyDeleteScott doesn't have a web site. I was hoping that people would click on this to watch, then click on the youtube logo at the bottom right which takes you to watch it on his youtube channel, and leave a message for him there. But I guess that not many people know you can do that, so they have left messages her.
DeleteI will post a comment on his youtube channel with a link back to here so he can read them all.
Maybe I didn't explain that well enough, thank you for asking.
ah...I don't have an youtube account, and I think you may need to to post?
DeleteMaybe you can copy comments from here and post on that?
For myself, I will post a comment here for Scott...
Scott...my thoughts and hopes and prayers are with you. It is horrible for you what has been destroyed. I suspect that for you your "wood" and "tools" is as personal and intimate as most folks homes. Many heartfelt thoughts go out to you.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you/your cat/your home are safe, and hope it so continues.
As well as a wood artist, I see you have a knack with photos/film? The small video on Iona's site has wonderful images, and a great knack for drawing me in. I wonder if you would consider setting up a blog, to blog on your progress as you re establish your work? Would love to follow such.
Something I read about once, might be of interest to you? Someone had gathered up ash from a burn, and used the ash to stain some new works they did. Cannot recall the technique, but something about rubbing the ash into the wood, etc.. Also, they had scavenged charred pieces of wood and made them into artworks....
Now that Meanqueen has got us all interested in you/your work, I hope you keep us updated on how things are progressing? A note here now and then, please?
Take care.
Very fortunate to still have his house and some of his stuff. I live south of where he is in Simi Valley and we were lucky. Anyone who lives where there is dry brush is vulnerable. I can see the smoke on the mountains today from the fires that burned from our area to the north. Until we have rain all of us are in danger and have to be super aware and ready.
ReplyDeleteScott has been here to read your comments, and has posted this on his yoootoooob channel in reply.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for posting this on your blog. You have a great group of readers. I really appreciate all of their comments :) An experience like this really reminds me of how lucky I am to have a house and the stuff I have.
I wanted to say thank you for all of your comments. It really means a lot to me that so many of you took the time to watch part (or maybe all) of my video and are concerned for me and have sent your positive thoughts my way. This is the wonderful thing about the internet. I know many of you are in England (or close to England) and I'm half way across the globe. I wanted to thank all of you and Meanqueen for your positive and encouraging thoughts. I've very thankful to have all the things I have and I can tell all of you that I'm so thankful to be in my house right now and on my computer. A few weeks ago I would find myself complaining about my house and my computer (and other things) because they aren't perfect and there are things about them that I would like to change and improve. Not any more. No complaints about anything I have. I'm just happy to have everything I have. This experience has been a real eye opener. So on that note, I want you all to know that I'm really happy to be here today and am looking forward to doing many future woodworking and painting projects and sharing some of them with you all on youtube.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for that message Scott. Yes, I'm sure that being so close to disaster has put everything in perspective for you. Things happen that knock us back, and we must find the ability to bounce back. You certainly have that gift. I look forward to seeing your future projects.