Saturday, 2 December 2017

Our village Christmas Fair.

Hello. It's been a busy Saturday here. I was at the Village Hall for 9.30am to set up the Chat and Craft stall, at the Christmas Fair. We were in our usual spot just inside the door. The curtain rail is handy for hanging our banner. Pat was there early so we set everything up together. 
Now we are ready for the crowds. I took some photo's before everyone arrived. The hall looks a bit empty but half an hour later it was choca full of visitors.

Everybody at their station, waiting for the rush.

I stood on the stage for a birds eye view. The man with the chain around his neck is Craig, our Parish Council Chairman.

These lovely ladies are four of our crafty club members. Carol, Avril, Hilary, and Ann. They were manning the Village Hall stand.

Craig over there is talking to Jackie who is promoting her Slimming World club. They meet here every Tuesday morning. I wonder if Craig is signing up, ha ha. The cat rescue stall is looking full as usual.

A close look at some of the stalls. All very Christmassy, a lot of hand made gifts to buy.

The very popular WI cake stall was looking scrumptious. Yes, I did buy a couple of items. An apple muffin, and a choc chip cookie. I know, naughty food, but it is for charity. That's my excuse.

This smiley lady was doing a tombola for her charity. Most of the stalls were run by volunteer charity people.

This was my absolute favourite. Felt cactus plants. Gill makes them for fun, some of the cash she takes goes to buy more materials, some she donates to the hospice. Aren't they just fab.

Entertainment was by the singing school children, a local dance troupe did some disco dancing, and the village choir serenaded us with well known songs.

So, how did our stall do? We sold quite a lot, but most of it was Janet's makes. Her embroidery is perfect, her colours and choice of fabrics is top class. She will have a nice surprise when she comes back from her holidays. Me, I sold only eight bags and a few bits and bobs. Bit disappointing, but a lot of people said they already have one of my bags, and it is still going strong. Suppose I should be pleased, my fault for making a good job of them, ha ha. Will have to think of a new idea for next year.

Now I'm chillin with a bottle of Irish cider, the last 'out of date' one that my friend gave me.  Two and a half years out of date ain't bad.

Thanks for all the walking updates, if you haven't yet checked in you can do so at any time. Just go back to the post on the 1st of December.

Thanks for popping in, enjoy your Sunday. The snow has gone here, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. That is the type of church bazaar I like to patronize. Well done!

  2. I love Village Christmas Fairs, everything looks so wonderful and I always enjoy chatting to people about the lovely things they make. I wish I could have been there with you. Maggie xx

  3. The bazaar stalls looked very attractive I do hope everyone done well. It's very hard to find new ideas that are quick and cheap to make. We have our bazaar tomorrow it's held in a big Georgian house where lots if groups have fun, i.e. Card making, gatdening club, ladies group, craft, painting and a few others. It's a beautiful building and always needs money to keep it going. Hazel c uk

  4. What a wonderful selection of stalls - everyone has worked so hard. WELL DONE.

  5. I love these sort of events,although i am surprized that you didnt sell all your bags.Ive got about 6 fabric ones,cause thats how many i need when i go shopping to load our food and the cats food in.Never mind,you can keep them until the next fete.I even keep 3 clean but old pillow cases in the car so that i can load my shopping from my trolly into them,then straight into the boot.We enjoyed our walk again this afternoon but only done 7 miles cause of the rain.Glad that the snow has gone where you are Ilona,we havent had any yet..but i think its on its way!!,Hope that your all enjoying your Saturday evening!,Debi,xx

  6. Your photos are lovely Ilona.Do you ever mal<e aprons-perhaps people don't wear them anymore though-I always do.I helped last Friday all day &Saturday at our village Christmas event.It was inside the Church & I just loved the atmosphere.I got my Xmas presents there-the prices are very reasonable.One gift I bought was a padded house wall hanging with hearts on for my cousin x

    1. Hi Flis,I agree,Ilonas photos are always lovely!,I too wear an apron most of the time,although it spends as much time in the washer,lol.I also think that aprons are a great idea...although maybe in the young ones worlds of disposable clothing,it doesnt matter to them?..You have given me a great idea though to try and make another one for myself!!.I have just scrapped an old quilt cover,that we have had for many years but ive washed the material and didnt know what to do with it apart from cleaning it is going to be about 4 new pinnies for me,lol...Thanks for the idea Flis!,Debi,xx

    2. No, I don't make aprons. I don't think they are in fashion.

    3. Oh no I'm past it -I never thought it would happen.I'm now my grandma in her pinnie x

    4. Lol,I am now a Nana in her pinnie,lol,I hate getting curry type spices on mine cause they always come out the wash with a yellow stain on them!...Ilona,.,I thought that you did practical and Not in Fashion??..,I love my aprons for practical reasons.,It saves my vintage clothing getting stains on it...Still,love your blog though Ilona!,Debi,xx

    5. I do do practical, it's just that I wear scruffy clothes in and around the house, and mucky fingers get wiped down the front of my fleecy or sweatshirt top.

    6. I think it depends on the fabric if aprons sell or not, I made some for my daughter in really attractive fabric and they sold quickly also children's aprons and little fabric bags sold well. Keep an eye out for Christmas fabric in the New Year. I made some small bags and put reading/colouring books in and they went very quickly. Books came from the £1 shop or charity shops. Have a good week. Hazel c uk

    7. I bought a few cotton draw string bags in the summer at a small dog show quite cheaply,just for doggie stuff .Also those dog bandanas are popular.I bought 2 at a dog show & one at our Christmas Festival.There is a column to thread their collar through.But I don't thinl< your l<ittes wear them x

  7. If I lived near you I would certainly have visited your fair, even better, I would have loved a stall for the animal charities I raise funds for. We recently went to a big Christmas market, it was a lovely day out, but many things were too expensive, or I already made them myself, or didn't need them. I did want a couple of things like I had last year, but they weren't available this year. Your bags are a real bargain, at that price I am amazed you didn't sell out. As for your cake purchases, we all deserve a treat now and then, and as you say, it is for a good cause. I hope you made lots of money for your charity. Jean.

    1. The bigger Christmas markets charge so much money for their pitches, the traders have to put their prices up to cover it. The traders at our fair were charged £10, charities had a table free.

  8. looks like a lovely time

  9. I love the cactus plants. I noticed them in the third photo and was going to ask you if they were felt or knitted ( I have seen both). I hope they sold well.
    What a great time you had, so much fun and all for a good cause. JanF

    1. They were made of felt that you buy in sheets. Back and front were machined together and detailed stitching added. Real terracotta plant pots, with a lump of polystyrene covered in fabric, inside. The tall plants were supported with a wooden skewer inside and stuffed with wadding.

  10. Lovely Xmas Fair and great to see that a range of charities are being represented. On another note - does anyone know what has happened to Frugal Queens blog? Not being a techie person I don't understand what the message about domains that comes up actually means.

    1. FQ has disappeared, no one knows why. The message you see means her blog is no longer there and the domain is available. Her Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, all gone. Mystery. Conversation about it here. Copy and paste into your address bar.

    2. Would it be ok for you to write and ask if she is ok, say we all been asking about her....

    3. I have no contact details for her, I severed links with her a long time ago. She has probably been snooping around the internet.

    4. I imagine she'll be just fine !

  11. Love it all there is something quite special when people get together as a community like that.

  12. What a lovely event. Natalie

  13. That looks like a fab day, Ilona. I too am a fan of the cactus, they look good. Hopefully everybody raised plenty. Ours was yesterday too and I bought quite a few things, all needed I’m saying! Xxxx

    1. They were very well made, and she was selling them at quite low prices. If bought in a shop they would be a lot more expensive, at a guess, ranging from £5 to £15. Her price £3 to £5.

  14. Such events are always fun and a good chance to catch up with folks. Glad you made some money for the rescue cats.

  15. Everything looks so festive. And, you look ravishing. Love that skirt, particularly.

    1. Yes, it's a nice skirt. Not so sure about the ravishing, I think I look a bit fat.

  16. Looks like a lovely event Ilona, and very sociable.

  17. Oh this looks fabulous - I absolutely love this kind of event.

  18. I love Christmas craft fairs too and always go to at least one in my area. I have purchased some lovely handmade ornies and other holiday decorations over the years that I cherish.


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