Saturday, 9 December 2017

Bimbling around Buxton.

Hello. When I woke up on the last morning it was raining, in fact it had probably been raining all night. Not a good day for walking across fields, it's a good job I had a plan B. Breakfast was half the amount I had on the first day, at my request, and so I managed to eat it. I packed up my bag and cleared my room, and set off for Buxton. 
I found some free parking in a quiet street on the outskirts and walked into town. By this time the rain had thankfully stopped. This is the Town Hall, the back entrance. They have ruined the outside though by taking out two windows and putting in toilets in their place. 
I had a look in the Museum and Art Gallery, in the same building. I love old rooms like this. I can see myself relaxing in a chair and reading a book.

The art gallery is upstairs, there is an exhibition of students artworks. I have to say these pictures show some exceptional talent, I absolutely loved them. Difficult to choose my favourite. Nearly all of them were painted by female artists. Three cheers for the girls.

Brrrr, it was getting cold when I came out of the gallery, don't think I will be hanging about for much longer, best keep moving. The massive Palace Hotel, with some ugly advertising boards along the front.

This railing around the Pavilion Gardens had been decorated with colourful ribbons.

The Opera House looking very grand.

And the tropical gardens in the Pavilion Complex next door. I have been here before, there are more pictures on my blog, click on this link to see them.

Upstairs above the tea rooms is an exhibition of local artist paintings. There is a sale on and they have all been reduced. I like these two for the colours and the quirkiness. They both have £100 off.

And if I wanted to save even more money I could buy the picture below for £150 instead of £495. Maybe I'll pass on that. Excuse reflections in the glass.

In the adjoining marquee was a Farmers Market, not a very big one. Traders were standing around looking bored, not many customers. I got chatting to a man who was trying to sell his honey, and another one who was trying his hardest to sell me some of his fancy chocolates. I said no thanks to both.  A few ducks on the pond outside in the gardens. It was getting colder.

 I had a walk to the Poole Cavern to see what it was about. The exhibition was quite good, with a short film about how the cavern was formed millions of years ago. I decided not to pay £8.50 to go down there. Time to get back to the car and go home. Passing this book store on the way back.

There are more pictures of Buxton here, a post from March 2015.

I just managed to get back to the car when the heavens opened and a big hailstorm started lashing it down.

I arrived at my Tesco just as they were putting the second yellow sticker reductions on, and picked up a few items. Saved a bit of money, but I wasn't prepared to wait two hours, or go back later, for the final markdown, so I missed out on quite a lot more. There was tons of food left, the seven o clockers were going to get some bargains. I have enough food to keep me going anyway. I will go again before Christmas, bound to be lots on offer then. 

The snow hasn't reached here yet, I am hoping we might be lucky and miss it. It's cold though, but I am still doing my three miles. Lots of pretty lights to see now that people are decorating the fronts of their houses.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Oh great photos Ilona. I love Buxton. We stayed at the Palace hotel over New Year a couple of years ago. There is also a fantastic tapas bar in the town, too.

  2. The Pavilion lool<s a nice place for a winter stroll-& I love those colourful cottage paintings x

  3. I can see why you liked Buxton. Clearly, the place for artists/artwork. We haven’t missed the snow here in Northern Ireland and had about 5 or 6 inches. The trees are looking lovely but the roads are very icy with lots of minor accidents locally. P

  4. Beautiful artwork, I see why you like it! The colors are so clear! I don’t think i’d Have the self control to walk by a bookstore, my weakness.

  5. For quite awhile I’ve been unable to comment using my Google account. Not just this blog but others, too. So I’m Anonymous.

    Anyway, I’ve loved Buxton since you first posted about it, Ilona. If I ever get to the UK again that is on my list of places to visit. Just lovely. Barbara M.

  6. Thank you for taking us all on your bimble around Buxton, these trips are always lovely. Enjoy them all.

  7. Hi, Do you know what has happened to Frugal Queen- all her media has gone she ok? xx From V

    1. Hi. No one knows what happened to FQ, she has deleted all her social media. One of our readers made contact with her via email, she just confirmed this but gave no reasons why she decided to go. She will be ok, don't worry about it. She has had a few minor meltdowns before, maybe she just wants out.

  8. OK thanks. I tried to email her too. No reply. I have read her for so many years, that she is like a distant cousin! xx V

    1. I am sorry she has let you down, like lots of other dedicated followers I imagine. She could have left a short note on her blog, not fair to just dump everyone.

    2. Totally agree. I don't read FG regularly so don't care that she is gone. But it is so uncaring to leave readers with no indication why she quit blogging. I've seen this before and wondered whether the blogger had died and then six months later they're back.

      Oh, using my old iPad I'm able to post under Google. Interesting.

  9. There is no problem, I just hope she is ok.

  10. I did come across her blog but realised it was not for me-a bit ''samey''.She possibly ran out of content.Sometimes I have found that when people do this they are fine but just are wanting a bit of attention x

  11. Lovely paintings, but I feel so sorry for the artist who priced up at £450, then reduced to £150 and still not sold. My heart would sink. It is a tough life being an artist, I am sure they must have back up jobs for income just in case. Since learning how to knit I realise the time and effort projects take. Best just do it for fun and not an occupation. Buxton looks lovely, famous bottled water.xx

    1. I think it depends on where people try to sell their artwork, which would have a bearing the price they were asking. I would have thought Buxton is a good place, lots of wealthy landowners around. Perhaps it was priced too high in the first place.

  12. Not far from where I live! You could have come over to Macclesfield for a cup of tea:)

    1. Sorry I couldn't let you know. It's not a good idea to give advance warning about when I might go away. Security and all that. Any crook could pick up on it.


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