Thursday, 14 December 2017

Lighting up the village

Hello. It's a good job I did my walk early today, it's raining now. I thought I might go shopping tonight, but I am not in need of anything so I'll leave it a few more days. Still got broccoli, potatoes and carrots in the fridge. Plenty in the freezer, enough to be going on with. 
This is the best Christmas lights display in my village, I pass it on my walk. Every year they put this out, and keep adding more. I like it because it's mainly characters on the lawn, no flashing strings of lights, lots of colourful prettiness and cuteness. 

The Zipppeeeee picture is coming along nicely. Here's a little bit more of it. It's going to be fandabidozi when it's done.

I've been keeping my eye on Scott's fire video, and see he is getting lots of people viewing, that's good. Thank you all for your comments here yesterday, if you go back to that page you will find Scott has replied to you all. I reckon he is a really nice guy. He makes his videos because he loves his art, he paints lovely pictures and makes fabulous frames. He has had an awful time but he will pull through. Thanks for your caring comments.

Thanks for popping in here, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Glad that Scott is getting our best wishes for him,it must be a terrible time for him.Love your pics of the Christmas lights,although i love looking at them and will give a donation,there is no way i could pay a leccy bill for all those lights!!..I even ration our Christmas tree lights!,Not just being Frugal.,I know what we can afford now,Debi,xx

  2. Lovely display- it looks so magical.It's great that Scott has been back in touch- he clearly is determined to continue his passion for art.Your new art piece is really trendy Ilona, I can imagine it made into a bag in boutique at a high price- rock on x

  3. Sorry Ilona, I loathe the over-the-top Christmas decorations; before anyone accuses me of being a killjoy, no I'm not, everyone to their own. I just hate that the true spirit of Christmas has now nearly been eroded. A person in my next village insists on putting up in the first week of December in his front garden - a blanket of fake snow, 2 life-size stuffed reindeer toys, a massive sign saying 'Father Christmas please stop here', an awful fake life-size Father Christmas suspended on the roof trying-to-get-to-the-chimney pose. It's ghastly. I know some people decorate their houses and gardens and give donations to charities etc, excellent, but I'm afraid the tackiness of a lot of it feels me with dread. Christmas is about sharing, healing and being kind to one another in my opinion. Rant over. I really don't want to have insulted anyone, apologies if I have. Amanda

    1. I agree with you, Amanda. The over-the-top decorating, particularly the blow-up figures, is tacky in my book.

      My idea of outdoor Christmas decorating is a lighted wreath on the door and candles in the window.

  4. I am happy that Scott has received so many good and encouraging comments.
    The zip art is fantastic. I notice that zips are back in style with many now used as focal points in clothing where one doesn't expect them. I don't follow fashion but we do walk around our Mall in inclement weather and I notice trends from store windows! JanF


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